I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 599

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:10:15 AM

Chapter 599: Kagan

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Regarding the attitude of this elder of the ten thousand races during the Tribulation Period, the monks who climbed into the fairyland such as Carlo did not have the slightest accident and annoyance. Obviously, they have become accustomed to the behavior of the old man. This is not the first time I have dealt with this old man of ten thousand races.

Kalo's usually very serious face also showed a smile at this time, and said to the elders of the ten thousand tribes who passed through the catastrophe, "Uncle Kagan, Kalo is so polite! Above the stars, it can be considered exhausting, and the current progress is inseparable from the full care of the uncle. Carlo represents the entire ethnic group and the Union of Ten Thousand Races here to express our respect to you!"

After Carol’s voice fell, he half bowed his head to express his respect, and the nine immortal monks behind him also followed Carol’s movements and performed the same performance, and they looked like In my heart, I have real respect for the old man called Kagan.

At this time, the three people of Lin Hang, who were on the Sky Island, watched and listened to the scenes happening in the depths of the earth and the stars from the receiving device of "Visualization" released by Lin Hang and the set of "Monitor", just like Lin Hang As expected, because of his investment in the concealment of the "Monitor", coupled with the scene at this time, the "Monitor" that Lin Hang secretly cast was not discovered by Carlos and others, and remained unchanged. With the effect of the voice coming, after all, so many cultivators of the ten thousand races present were suppressed by ten cultivators who climbed to the fairyland like Carlo. They would certainly not have thought that anyone would be so bold to leave a monitoring method here, so Nor did he scan the entire field in all directions, which left Lin Hang a chance to listen.

Even in the face of ten cultivators who climbed into the fairyland, Kagan, the skinny old man, still had a plain expression. After Karo and the others expressed their views, Kagan gave a soft'um', and then said lightly, "Kagan. Luo, you have come at the right time. The power of the soul of our plan has reached the standard, and the follow-up plan can already be carried out. However, before proceeding with the follow-up plan, there is one thing that I still need to tell you. a bit."

Karo nodded, indicating that Kagan could speak directly, Kagan said directly, "Carro, this time you have sent a total of ten of you to climb the fairyland. The worry in my heart can also dissipate a lot. Yes! Do you know that on the place we chose, I found the figure of the human monk of the Transcendental Stage, and the most important thing is that he broke into our formation and forcibly stole a trace The spring water of the Spring of Soul Power! I was shocked by such a discovery at that time, because the conditions of the earth star were no longer able to produce high-level monks. After all, the inheritance severance is definitely not so easy to reconnect, but However, there has been a human monk who has reached the stage of transformation. The relationship behind this must be not simple! The most important thing is that this human monk obviously has a great inheritance behind it, and it is not like a wild way to explore freely. , I originally suspected that he was sent by the human race above the Ziwei Emperor star, but found that the fighting methods he used were completely different from those human races, so I denied this idea. This is also a hidden danger in my heart. But now you are very cautious. A total of ten cultivators who have climbed into the fairyland have come. With top combat power, they can be regarded as dealing with all situations. I no longer worry about it and will not stop your follow-up plans and Goal!"

For Kagan, it is obvious that Kahlo and others come from their inner respect. Therefore, Kahlo and others listened very seriously to the abnormal performance that Kagan said, and kept a trace of the appearance of the human race in their hearts. At the critical moment of their plan, the human race suddenly appeared, which greatly affected their mood, but as Kagan said, this time they directly came to ten monks who climbed into the fairyland. These ten people are here. The entire Ten Thousand Race Alliance's high-level combat power can also be regarded as a large proportion. This time, it is just for such a plan to directly use ten cultivators who climbed into the fairyland, which is enough to reflect the importance of the Ten Thousand Race Alliance to this plan.

And the reason why the monks who climbed to the fairyland like Carlos would respect an old man who was just crossing the catastrophe period, the reason also goes back to a long time ago. I just heard Kagan’s name for Kagan, it is obvious that Kagan’s seniority is higher than Kagan, and the reason why Kagan has reached the Dengxian land, still maintains respect for Kagan, because Kagan He is a character full of legends. He has reached the point of crossing the catastrophe before Kahlo was born, just because Kagan himself has a very peculiar ascension path, unlike the ordinary "Kashgar" tribe. It is the direction of spiritual power-based cultivation. Because of the talent of the ethnic group, Kagan's spiritual talent is not weak, but compared with his formation talent, it seems very insignificant, yes. , Kagan, like Li Yuluo, is a genius of formation that is rare in thousands of years!

Kagan's cultivation talent is very strong, coupled with the extremely high talent above the spiritual power and formation, so he quickly reached the peak of the Tribulation Period, and the next step is to open his own Immortal Ascension. The door, wanting to step into the realm of Dengxian, but what everyone in Kagan did not expect is that the way Kagan opens its own unique door to the fairyland is very demanding, and it is not so simple and can be done. Therefore, Kagan was stuck in this realm for countless hours, until the younger generations of Karo surpassed him one by one, but because of his own formation skills, Kagan did not enter the realm of Dengxian, but in the entire Ten Thousand Race Alliance Among them, it is still at the peak position, no one can reach the point of Kagan, so Kagan's position in the Ten Thousand Races Alliance is not inferior to the monks in the fairyland such as Kaluo, and even higher. Kagan was originally decadent because he could not break through for a long time, but after such a long time, Kagan has already looked away. Although he did not break through to the fairyland in a short period of time, he has not given up, so he is now Time is finally waiting for the opportunity.

This time, the action plan of the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races, the reason why Kagan came to Earth Star is because of the two formations in the depths of the Earth Star, both inside and outside. For the dust-covered formations found in the inner classics, only Kagan's research on these two formations reached an in-depth level.

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