I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 6

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:29:22 AM

Chapter 6: Break through the physical realm!

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After returning to the community, Liu Ruyan asked Lin Hang to come to her room first. Lin Hang happened to have doubts, so he did not object.

The two sat on the sofa, and Lin Hang asked. "Sister Yan, why do you want to change this jade pendant?"

Liu Ruyan looked at Lin Hang and said without rush, "Is the value of this jade pendant falling because it has changed from a spirit weapon that can be used all the time to a disposable consumable? But Its effectiveness has not been diminished?"

Lin Hang nodded, "You are right. If this jade pendant can be used all the time, the value will definitely be much higher. Are you sure you can fix it?"

Liu Ruyan gave Lin Hang a blank look, "Even if it can be repaired, I should spend so much effort to refine one. If you think about it, this jade pendant is tasteless to others, but what about you? "

Lin Hang also thought at this time, although Yu Pei is a one-time spiritual soldier, but he can't stand it, he will copy it! In the future, I will fight with people and throw lingers out one by one, and I feel refreshed to think about it.

Lin Hang took the jade pendant Liu Ruyan handed over, his consciousness sank into his head, and copied! Soon, the progress bar of the jade pendant was completely presented in Lin Hang's consciousness space. Then Lin Hang mobilized the psychic energy of his dantian and began to manifest. Just when the psychic energy of the dantian was about to be exhausted, another piece of jade that was exactly the same finally Appeared.

Gasping for breath, but can't hide the excitement in the heart. This is the first time that Lin Hang has realized such a complicated thing. Although it is difficult, it succeeded. Lin Hang knows that this represents his progress over the past few days, and he believes that it won't be long before that flying sword can be realized!

Liu Ruyan also looked at the magical scene before him. Although many strange things have been experienced during the years of becoming a superpower, he still feels that Lin Hang's copying ability has great potential. When I was young, I watched the elders in my family refining spiritual weapons. The process was very cumbersome and complicated. Although the jade pendant copied by Lin Hang today is also very difficult, it is really difficult compared to refining it by myself.

Liu Ruyan was thinking about it, but saw that Lin Hang had given both jade pendants to herself, "What are you doing?"

Lin Hang showed a simple face and said with a smile, "Sister Yan, since I made this jade pendant, then I still lack it, but you, the girl’s family, can be used to defend themselves."

Liu Ruyan looked at Lin Hang with no artificial expression, and his heart warmed. Although Lin Hang was a child, his parents were not around and lived alone, but he still maintained a passion for life and a kindness to everything. It is really precious.

Although I had the mid-level bodyguards from my father, I took the two jade pendants with a smile, and looked at Lin Hang's slowly disappearing back, and felt a touch of relief. "Sister, Xiaohang also grew up slowly. Yes, have you seen it..."

Lin Hang returned to his room, practiced his mental strength for a while, and fell asleep.

The next day, Lin Hang breathed and vomited on the sofa as usual. His dantian was densely covered with psionic filaments. If counted down, there were more than 100. He knew that he was in the early stage of bodybuilding breakthrough.

Soon, Lin Hang adjusted his mood, his mind was immersed in his dantian, his consciousness seemed to be transformed into two big hands, he kneaded the psionic silk into a ball, squeezed it fiercely, and kept compressing it again and again. Lin Hang could feel that all the psionic filaments were tightly tangled together. When there were no gaps between the psionic filaments, Lin Hang seemed to hear a "pop" and the psionic filaments were crushed, but Lin Hang's consciousness did not relax at all, still compressing it forcefully. Finally, all the fragments came together and turned into a crystal clear ball.

"It's finished!" Lin Hang was sweating profusely, but his tired eyes flashed with excitement.

Lin Hang noticed that not only was there sweat on his body, there were also some black impurities flowing out of his pores and clumping on his skin. Immediately went to take a shower.

After taking a shower, Lin Hang found that his physical fitness had improved a lot. He estimated that now he was going to participate in the World Fighting Competition, and he could easily win the championship with his physical fitness.

In fact, Lin Hang was also prepared for a failure in this breakthrough. After all, he didn't have much experience. Afterwards, Lin Hang felt that the breakthrough didn't seem to be that difficult, even a little simpler.

This is Lin Hangsheng’s ignorance of the blessing in the blessings. When the average supernatural person tries to break through the bottleneck for the first time, because he is still in the early stage, he did not cultivate his mental power at the same time, so he can only rely on his will to force it to condense. Psionic ball, this is naturally very difficult.

As soon as he broke through, Lin Hang couldn't wait to tell Liu Ruyan the news. Although Liu Ruyan knew that this day would come soon and was prepared in his heart, he was still hit by Lin Hang's speed.

However, this incident also reminded Liu Ruyan that Lin Hang's strength has improved too fast, so it is impossible to live in Huicheng in a low-key manner. People in the capital will notice him sooner or later.

Liu Ruyan thought of this and said to Lin Hang, "Xiao Hang, you have broken through, and my sister is also very happy, but you must not just look in front of you, and look farther. This world is not like Huicheng. So harmonious!"

Seeing Liu Ruyan's serious expression, Lin Hang also gradually calmed down. He knew Liu Ruyan was caring about himself, and said immediately. "Sister Yan, don't worry, I know how to measure it."

Liu Ruyan nodded and said, "There is one more thing I forgot to remind you. Since you copied my ability, you will treat yourself as a "Element-Wood" ability in front of others. Do you know?"

Lin Hang was puzzled, "Why?"

"Your abilities are very powerful. I am worried that if you expose your abilities, many people will be disadvantaged to you. But if others know that you are a capable person of "Elements-Wood", they will most likely think that you are implicated in the Liu family. I'll be a little jealous of you."

"Well, now you are also a supernatural power in the body-building realm. You must have stronger control of the wood element. Your understanding is very good. If you concentrate on practicing, no one knows that your power is a copy. Coming."

Lin Hang's mood is a bit complicated now, because he didn't know what Liu Ruyan was worried about, but he still agreed to Liu Ruyan.

At night, Lin Hang was walking alone in the park downstairs, sorting out what happened in the past few days.

When Lin Hang walked to a deep path, suddenly, a figure sprang out of his shadow, with a sharp blade in his hand piercing Lin Hang's heart, only to hear the sound of "ding", the jade pendant on Lin Hang's chest Shattered. At this moment, Lin Hang also reacted, turned to face the figure, stepped back a few steps, and looked at the opposite side alertly.

"Who are you?!" Lin Hang asked loudly.

But the person on the opposite side didn't mean to answer at all. Seeing the first blow missed, he immediately used his calf backwards and rushed towards Lin Hang. Lin Hang was a little flustered facing this person. After all, it wasn't the one at Liu Ruyan's house. This was his first fight.

Lin Hang yelled, emboldened himself, raised his hand, and a thick vine rolled towards the black shadow, but he did not expect the black shadow to dodge from left to right, and instead of being tied up, he approached Lin Hang step by step.

Lin Hang forced himself to calm down, because he knew that the other party really wanted his life, and if he was not careful, he would be ruined here. He analyzed the opponent's ability. The opponent was hiding in his shadow before, and then attacked by taking advantage of his carelessness. In other words, if the opponent wants to kill him, he must be close, and this is the only thing he can touch the opponent. Opportunity.

Just as Lin Hang had expected, when the opponent was only three meters away from him, he suddenly disappeared. Then he pierced out of the shadow behind Lin Hang and stabbed Lin Hang with a sword. The corner of Lin Hang's mouth was slightly tilted upwards, and there was no more panic at the beginning. He let the long sword pierce his chest, his left hand turned into a vine and entangled the black shadow, and his right hand turned into a hard wooden spear, stab forward. Black Shadow's eyes widened and fell straight down.

Lin Hang couldn't help but fell to the ground, blood oozing from his chest.

"It's dangerous!" Lin Hang panted heavily, mobilizing the few psychic energy in his body, and began to repair his own injuries. Only Lin Hang knew how dangerous it was just now. Because of breaking through the body forging realm, Lin Hang has mastered the ability of elementalization, that is, he can turn his body parts into wood elements, and the moment his sword pierces his chest, Lin Hang elementalized his chest, and when the shadow slackened, his hand turned into a wooden spear and stabbed him to death.

Elementalization is not invincible. It takes psionic energy to block other people's attacks. If Sombra's strength is stronger, Lin Hang's elementalization will be ineffective and will be directly pierced by the long sword.

After carefully reviewing the battle just now, Lin Hang still felt a little bit unsatisfied while rejoicing. He found that he liked the feeling of fighting like this, as if the genes in his body had a kind of warlike factor. It was like this was his first murder, but there was no discomfort in his heart.

When he first came into contact with Sombra, Lin Hang copied Sombra’s ability before he died, and a progress bar for "Shadow Escape" appeared in the consciousness space. He analyzed this ability and slowly gained a little To understanding.

Looking at the corpse in front of him, he didn't know what to do for a while, just as Lin Hang was struggling, the killer's body slowly disappeared.

"It seems that the people who want to kill me are afraid that others will discover their identity..." Lin Hang had a care in his heart.

Lin Hang cautiously returned to the apartment all the way, and recovered his psychic energy for a while. Thinking of the newly copied "Shadow Escape", he felt a little itchy, ready to experiment.

He mobilized his psychic energy and activated his superpowers. He found that he had blended into the shadow of the sofa, his psychic energy was also rapidly consumed, and he could exchange positions between the shadows. Lin Hang was a bit strange, why didn't the man in black change positions with other shadows at the time. Just when he couldn't figure it out, Lin Hang found that changing positions required mental energy. He thought of a possibility, that is, when the black shadow ability was awakened, he did not awaken his mental power, which caused him to be unable to fully utilize the ability of "Shadow Escape".

"In other words, if I copy other people's abilities, I might be stronger than others?" Lin Hang thought secretly.

Lin Hang decided to find some strange abilities to try in the future, maybe it could bring out a different effect.

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