I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 60

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:27:19 AM

Chapter 60: Have a good year

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At this moment, Ye Guangyuan, who was on the other chair on the side, also withdrew from training, took off "The Simulator", and said to Lin Hang, "Too torture! Every time I was killed by himself, Lin Hang Don't you feel awkward? "

Lin Hang looked at Ye Guangyuan with a bitter face, and said with a smile, "Brother Guangyuan, don't you think it's very cool to slowly discover your undiscovered strength? I feel that now I can beat the previous ones. Two me join hands, do you feel that way?"

Ye Guangyuan shook his head and said, "Every time I play against my own illusion, it is very boring. We are all capable of the water element, so the offense and defense are not very effective, and there is no way to form a big impact on the opponent. Hurt, each of my illusions and me is a bit long."

Mr. Ye said at this moment, "Lin Hang, this is what makes you different from others. In fact, the use method and development level of the single-line abilities like ours have basically been passed down, so the understanding of the illusion is not It's much more than us, so we use "Simulator" to deepen the use of abilities, just as a practice field. But now I find that you are different from others, because of your diversity of abilities, the illusion has been huge Because of its top-notch understanding of each ability, coupled with its familiar ability coordination, defeating you is quite simple, after all, you have only been exposed to the ability for such a short time."

Lin Hang nodded. He understands what Ye Lao said. After all, he personally experienced the battle with the phantom, knowing that this kind of training is very helpful to him at this stage, and it can not only help him sort out what he has copied. The relationship between the various abilities, deepen the understanding of the abilities, and more importantly, help him find a path suitable for him to improve.

Lin Hang's spirit was a bit tired today, so he didn't continue to fight the illusion. Ye Lao's suggestion to Lin Hang is to conduct a "War Simulator" battle twice a week. At other times, he mainly digests and absorbs the insights gained through the battle illusion, which is also the most scientific way to improve.

In this way, more than a month was spent in this relaxed training, and in a few days, it will be the Chinese New Year.

Lin Hang originally wanted to celebrate the Spring Festival at Ye's house, but at this time, he received a call from his master.

"Your master wants you to go to the military to celebrate the New Year?" Ye Lao asked with some doubts when he heard the news of Lin Hang.

Ye Guangyuan also looked puzzled, "Lin Hang, what is your master asking you to go to the military area for the Chinese New Year? I won't even train you during the Chinese New Year!"

Lin Hang also didn't quite understand, Ye Lao just notified him briefly on the phone, and then hung up. Obviously, he had made a decision and didn't mean to discuss with him.

Lin Hang smiled and said, "How dare I question the teacher's meaning! Of course it is the teacher's request, I just follow along, but I have to trouble you to send me there."

Ye Lao waved his hand and said, "These are all trivial things. I originally wanted you to have a good year. Look at the current situation. Your year is definitely not a comfortable year!"

Lao Wang didn't let Lin Hang go to another place, but let Lin Hang go back to the place where the military had run the training camp before. It seems that Lao Wang lived there when he had no mission.

Taking the Ye family's plane again, after a two-hour journey, Lin Hang returned to the familiar military base. It was not someone else who greeted him, but an old acquaintance Tian Dayong.

Lin Hang looked at Tian Dayong with a smile on his face and smiled, "Brother Tian, ​​so happy? Are you guys who don't go home during the Chinese New Year? Are you free to wait for me here?"

Tian Dayong greeted Lin Hang off the plane and said as he walked, "Lin Hang, what you said, I am a lonely man in old Tian, ​​where is the soldier in the barracks? It's you, don't you come here to accompany me now!"

When Lin Hang heard this, thinking of the training that might come during the Chinese New Year, he couldn't help but say, "Brother Tian, ​​have you seen my master? Does his old man have any training plans?"

Tian Dayong shook his head, "Lin Hang, how can I dare to ask Mr. Wang this time! But I heard that Mr. Wang came back from a mission this time, and he seemed to be in a very good mood. You have nothing to worry about!"

While the two were still discussing the old age, the figure of Wang Lao appeared beside them. Lin Hang saw Wang Lao, bowed quickly, and said respectfully, "Hello teacher!"

Lao Wang nodded and said flatly, "Since we are all here, why don't you just go to me and what are you doing here?" After speaking, Lao Wang flashed away and disappeared in front of the two.

Lin Hang smiled bitterly at Tian Dayong, and disappeared in place. When Lin Hang finally returned to the waterfall where he trained before, Wang had already sat down and waited for him.

At the sign of Mr. Wang, Lin Hang sat on the stool opposite Mr. Wang, waiting for Mr. Wang's question.

"Hang'er, have you broken through to the Houtian realm?" Although Wang Lao was a question, it was in a positive tone.

Lin Hang said, "Yes, teacher. After the hegemony competition, my training was completed and I was able to successfully break through to the day after tomorrow with the military's reward for the first place: "Gathering Pill"."

Lao Wang nodded in satisfaction. Lin Hang's performance fully met his expectations. Although Wang Lao paved the way for Lin Hang, it depends on Lin Hang's own efforts to complete it step by step. This competition did not allow Lin Hang to use his full strength. In fact, there are still some risks in winning the championship, but Lin Hang has completed the task brilliantly, which has proved his excellence.

Old Wang nodded and said, "Don't be proud. If you continue to work hard, I won't say much, I believe you understand. What I want to ask you is, how are you doing to explore your own powers in the acquired realm? Up?"

Lao Wang deserves to be a top figure in the world of supernatural powers. This time when I saw Lin Hang, he immediately pointed out the biggest problem he is facing now. Lao Wang was also worried that Lin Hang had no one to point the way forward after his breakthrough to the day after tomorrow. Lin Hang was called to him as soon as he returned to China.

Lin Hang also knew that Wang Lao cared about him, and said with a smile, "Teacher, don't worry about this. I have always paid great attention to the aspect of my cultivation level. Although this breakthrough is the day after tomorrow, I have "With the help of ", I still found the Ye family and asked Mr. Ye to protect the law for me. Later, Mr. Ye also gave me a lot of suggestions. Now I have a clearer path for myself."

"Ye Botao? Well, although he is not very strong, the Ye family has a profound family heritage and is very gentle in the cultivation of younger generations. It is more than enough to point you to you now." Old Wang nodded and said.

Lin Hang did not dare to call Ye Lao like Wang Lao, and continued, "Furthermore, Ye Lao asked me to borrow their Ye family’s "Warcraft" for training. After more than a month of use, I have The ability to understand is also more thorough."

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