I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 601

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:10:13 AM

Chapter 601: Followup

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In fact, according to the plan of the Union of Ten Thousand Races, this time, we must ensure that nothing is wrong. In addition to Caro and others, we also want to send some other Ten Thousand Races as a guarantee, but it is the limit to select ten people like Caro. Suddenly there is no news from more cultivators in the fairyland. If they leave Ziwei Emperor Star, they will inevitably arouse the awareness of the other two powers. This conflicts with their quiet development strategy, which is likely to cause the other two in advance. The big forces intervened, and their unpredictable troubles occurred. Therefore, in order not to achieve such a result, the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races sent ten monks who climbed to the fairyland, even though ten monks who climbed to the fairyland lost contact, it would also cause the human race. The forces and the vigilance and awareness of "Purple Palace", but after all, there are only ten monks who have climbed into the fairyland. Compared with all the monks who have climbed into the fairyland in their Ten Thousand Clan Alliance, it is still a relatively small number, which will not cause too much Big reactions and investigations. After all, the three major forces have had such previous convictions for such things, so it is basically equivalent to taking blame. Such vigilance against them is also a good way to deal with them. Let the other two forces get more information about their actions.

After Kagan expressed his position, Kahlo and others heard the mysterious humanized god-level monks in Kagan, and they made the same judgment as Kagan in the first time. They also believed that this mysterious humanized god-level monk was very Some also came from the Ziwei Emperor Star, or it might have been inherited from the Earth Star. Although the monks of this human race came to the earth star, whether it was a coincidence or knew their plan, Carlo and others were also very confused and curious, but this time they came to ten cultivators of the fairyland. Absolute strength is enough to ensure the perfect completion of this action. So at this time, the goals of Carlo and the others are very clear. For the time being, the incident of the human monk who appeared suddenly is left behind. Now the most important thing is their plan and goal. Wait until they get the one. Only after the baby can you really feel at ease. Otherwise, if you take the time and energy to deal with this unknown enemy, it is very likely that you will be at a loss and get nothing, and they have invested so much in such a goal, if If you can't achieve your goal, it's really unacceptable.

Carlo nodded, and then said, "Uncle Clan, according to your statement, the preliminary preparations for this time, although the mysterious human monk appeared in the middle of the way and interrupted it, the final spring of spirit power is also completely Has the savings been completed? In that case, we will still be able to implement the next step according to our plan."

With that said, Kahlo turned his attention to Kah Rong and others behind Kagan. When he was communicating with Kagan just now, these Ka Rong and others in the transformation stage maintained the same attitude as before. Low, he didn't raise his head at this time, but he could still feel Carlo's gaze.

Kahlo thought for a while, only to remember that the leader of these monks in the transformation stage seemed to be one of the monks in their "Kashgar", but he couldn't figure out his name for a long time, but this pair For Kahlo, it was also irrelevant. He said softly, "You did a good job this time! At the critical moment when the Kagan clan uncle set up the formation and control the formation, there was no chaos, and in the end it was a perfect completion of the general meeting. The task entrusted to you, you have not lived up to the expectations of your respective ethnic groups and the association! Don’t worry, after returning to Ziwei Emperor Star, we will reward you. You don’t have to worry about the magnitude of the award, you can take it this time. The action shows that you still have a very good sense of ethnic mission in your hearts. Although there are many talented generations in our Ten Thousand Races Alliance, we will spare no effort to cultivate responsible younger generations like you. In the future Maybe it’s also changed directly because of this choice?"

Ka Luo's simple words made Ka Rong and the others excited. Even the monks who have a great deal of "Kashgar" like Mengshi are also very excited. The look is not only because of the possible benefits that Carlo said, but also because these words were personally said by an ancestor who climbed into the fairyland like Carlo, which also shows what Carlo said. The terms and benefits are basically when they return to the ethnic group, they will not be surprised at all. After all, it was said by the great power who climbed the fairyland himself, even if their original ethnic group did not have such a big investment idea, but at this time With Karrow’s approval, they knew that they had come to Earth to complete this dangerous mission this time. After luckily survived, the result was very much in line with their expectations, and everyone’s eyes were filled with excitement. Look, they may have seized an opportunity to break through the limits of their own potential talents and continue to move forward!

There is no surprise in Carol’s heart that it only takes a few words to appease and motivate these monks who have just experienced life and death. Caron wants to improve his status at his level. Be careful, and Mengshi and other people's opinions on "Kashgar" cannot escape Kahlo's investigation. He just doesn't care, but it doesn't mean that he doesn't know anything, but even if he understands them all, But Karo didn’t take it to heart at all. At the point where he is now, these younger generations who only have the stage of transforming the gods can’t attract any attention from him, especially those who have basically exhausted their potential. As far as the level of strength in the fairyland is considered to be intermediate, only a few people who have not yet climbed to the fairyland can get his attention, and among these people, Kagan in front of them is one of them. But even if he doesn’t pay much attention to Karong and others, for the efforts made by Karon and others, they can be considered as a perfect completion of their plan. So Karon is in a good mood, so I don’t mind giving these local stars. There are some rewards and compensations for the monks who were born and died. Anyway, the rare reward for the monks in the transformation stage is actually not in Kahlo’s heart, and Kahlo’s actions can also make their future action plans. More people from the tribes participate and provide greater cohesion for the entire organization, which is a multiplier effect, so Carlo is also happy to see such a development.

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