I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 604

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:10:09 AM

Chapter 604: "Strengthening Soul Plate"

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Kagan nodded, and then it was true that as Carlo said, he let go of all his guards, and handed over his safety and follow-up security work to Carlo and others, and he slowly flew towards The position above the forehead of the pond containing the spring of spirit power, and after the action of Kagan, Khaluo and the others did not froze. They all surrounded the pond one by one, with full spiritual power and guarding the formation. As long as the ten of them don’t fall, there will be no problems in Kagan above the pond. Under such protection, Kagan will finally take the final step.

Lin Hang and others guessed that there is no problem. Although this artificial soul power spring spawned by two large formations is not the final plan of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance this time, they saw the action of Kagan in front of them, and Carlos and others. People are rigorously waiting to maintain the scene around the spring of spirit power. Lin Hang already knows that the final plan this time is still based on this huge spring of spirit power, although this one hundred-meter pond on the side seems to others. It does not appear huge, but this is something that can only be said without understanding the characteristics of the spring of the spirit power. It is not easy to know that the birth of each spring of the spirit power is very difficult, and the spring water of the spring of the spirit power can have no side effects. Increase the user’s spirit power intensity. This alone is destined to be a treasure that is difficult to use indiscriminately. Every race will treat it with caution after obtaining it. They dare not use it at will, and many The spring water of the naturally born soul power is only a little bit, and now it is unique in such a scale.

Moreover, a pond of this size containing the fountain of spirit power, based on the analysis by Lin Hang and the chief priest, the elder, and others, if the plan of the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races this time is just such a fountain of spirit power, they actually I can barely accept it. At best, I think the Ten Thousand Race Alliance has made a big fuss, because if such a large pond of soul power, if used properly, can provide them for a large force like the Ten Thousand Race Alliance for a long time. Among the large-scale spirit power springs, the soul power treasures born must be extremely cherished, and even no less than the level of the strange soul power lotus that Lin Hang hit the Universiade before, so the Ten Thousand Race Alliance has won such a big deal. The Fountain of Soul Power is already a shocking thing, but looking at the appearances of Kagan, Kaluo and others, this time the Ten Thousand Races Alliance obviously has a bigger plan. At this time, Lin Hang and the three were also closely staring at the light curtain brought by "Visualization Technique", carefully watching Kagan's movements, for fear that they might miss some important scenes.

Kagan was floating just above the middle of the square pond, and then closed his eyes. Lin Hang and others were not there, so I could not feel the mental power erupting from the body at this time in Kagan, and there was nothing at this time. People’s obstruction and the care of Kagan and others, so Kagan did not have any scruples, and no longer cared about his own situation, and devoted himself to the actions in front of him. Seeing this situation, I knew Kagan was ready to do his best. When I went there, Kahro, who was on guard around him, recognized a small disc-shaped thing in the direction of Kagan. When this thing came to Kagan, it hovered directly above Kagan's head. , And with the addition of this disc, Kagan's mental power has become more expansive and vast, and it seems that it is close to the level of the monk of the fairyland! You must know that this is almost impossible. There is an absolute limit to the realm. No matter how much practice the monk at the peak of the Tribulation Period can not exceed the limit of his realm, it is impossible to reach the level of Dengxian Realm. It is just the current situation. , Kagan had obviously barely broken such a restriction, and all of this was on the disc thrown out by Kagan.

For such a situation, Carlo and others had long expected it, but Lin Hang and Wang Lao did not know that such a change occurred because they were not present. They only saw Carlo throw out such a circle. Just when they were puzzled, the three of them also heard Carlo’s voice, and found that it was Carlo who was talking to himself with a smile on his face, "This time the ethnic group is really willing. I have never used "Strengthening Soul Disk". This time I saw that under the blessing of the "Strong Soul Disk", the spiritual power of the Kagan tribe has faintly reached the level standard of ascending to the fairyland. We all have the gap It's very clear, I have to say, this "Strengthening Soul Disk" is indeed the treasure of our "Kashgar"!"

Hearing what Carlo said, Lin Hang and Wang Lao also understood the meaning of the scene at this time. It seems that this thing called "Strengthening Soul Disk" actually has the effect of strengthening mental power. What? Many spirit treasures can achieve this effect, but the magic is that this "Strengthening Soul Disk" can actually strengthen the spiritual strength of the monks during the Tribulation Period to the level of climbing the fairyland! This situation is no longer an ordinary spirit treasure, it is definitely the supreme treasure in terms of the spirit of the soul, and it is indeed worthy of the name of the town's treasure in the mouth of Kara.

And here, after thinking about it carefully, Lin Hang understood why he would use the treasure of "Kashgar" here. You must know that this time the action of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance, the leader and the main force of action have always been " "Kashgar" is obviously the most urgent and tense mood for "Kashgar" to achieve this plan. Now the preliminary preparations are all going well, only the last step is left. Naturally, "Kashgar" does not want to be here. One step failed, and the success fell short, so not only did the ten great ascending fairyland monks such as Carlo be sent to escort, but also the "Strengthening Soul Disk" that the clan had not used for many years was taken out, in order to strengthen Kagan. The spiritual power of Kashi gives him more confidence and experience in arranging the formation. If he loses in this step in the final plan, it is absolutely unacceptable to "Kashgar", and here it also makes Lin Hang feel By the time "Kashgar" and even the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races are sure to win this action plan, they are secretly thankful that they and Wang Lao decided to withdraw from this competition early on, if there are unrealistic illusions at this time. If they do, then they are really overwhelmed and will drag China into the abyss!

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