I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 609

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:10:02 AM

Chapter 609: reach the goal

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Originally, in the calculations of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance and the Kashgar Clan, the monks below a million of the gods have basically met the final requirements, and these monks of the gods are just guarantees and leaders. But at the end, Kagan found that their calculations had a little deviation, which led to the possibility that if they did not sacrifice the monks of the transformation stage, they might not reach the standard of the final use of the spirit power fountain, so Only then will there be the final battle between the monks of the Deity Transformation Stage, just to make the action plan more complete this time. In the heart of Kagan, these monks in the Deity Transition Stage, including their own tribe, Karong, are all OK. The existence of sacrifice at any time does not care much about their lives. In his heart, as long as he can ensure the completion of the final plan and allow him to enter a higher level, he is most concerned about it, so he said In order to ensure the perfect implementation of the plan, he doesn't care how much damage these monks in the transformation stage will have, but fortunately this time the number of deaths in the transformation stage monks is quite large, so it can be regarded as perfect and exceeding the requirements. Just wait for the final thing to take shape.

In this way, the change lasted for ten minutes, and after the last drop of the spirit power fountain disappeared under the action of the formation, Kagan also stopped his mental power investment behavior, and it has been a town suspended above his head. The treasure of the clan "Strengthening Soul Disk" also slowly reduced its light, and flew back to Carlo's hands. And at this critical moment, because the fountain of spirit power is the carrier of the formation, after all the fountain of spirit power is consumed, the formation that Kagan has worked so hard to arrange is also directly dissipated, but Kagan is also I didn't care about this, but stared at the pond with a look of expectation in his eyes.

After Kahlo outside the field collected the "Strong Soul Disk", he did not stop maintaining the spiritual power mask above his head. Feeling the changes in the pond, Kahlo asked Kagan in mid-air. "Uncle Clan, how is the situation now? All the prepared spirit power fountains have been consumed, and I felt an unfamiliar coercive aura, but it didn't seem to have formed meaning, it won't be the spirit power fountain this time. The quantity is not enough to make the final shape, right?"

After all, Kahlo has not studied the three major formations, so all the information is in the hands of Kagan. At this time, the scene has not changed much, which made Kahlo wonder if this action was taken. Failed.

Kagan in the air shook his head, and then said, "Carlo, there is no failure. Now there is a transformation in the field, but it has not yet formed. After all, the thing we want to obtain is not unusual. This thing must take time to form. The current scene changes are very consistent with what I know, so I conclude that we have not made any mistakes. Now what we can do is wait for the final shape of this thing. Don't worry. We have been planning for so long, and we have waited for so long. Now it’s time to finally reap the fruits. Don’t be eager at this last moment, but wait patiently!"

With Kagan’s guarantee, Ka Luo can be considered relieved. He is actually only worried that this time the ethnic group and the Ten Thousand Races Alliance has invested such a large amount of energy and resources. If it fails in the end, it will really be. Some are unacceptable. Fortunately, with Kagan’s strong guarantee, Kalo is no longer impatient, waiting patiently for the final change to take shape.

In this way, more than ten minutes passed, and the huge pressure in the field suddenly skyrocketed for a moment, followed by an emergency contraction. After repeating this several times, it finally formed directly in the center of the pond. A mass of translucent gelatinous substance, and after the gelatinous substance was formed, the original powerful pressure disappeared instantly, as if it had never appeared before, only such a very inconspicuous one remained. The translucent jelly hovered quietly in front of everyone.

And while Kahlo was still in doubt and uncertainty, he was about to open his mouth to ask Kagan whether the plan this time was a success, and whether this humble translucent jelly was the result of their painstaking efforts. The final thing. But at this time, Kagan in the midair showed a look of surprise, and then didn't say anything to Ka Luo, but directly sat down in the midair, and the spiritual power and spiritual power all over his body surged rapidly. , As if out of control, seeing such a scene, the experienced Karo and others still don’t understand that Kagan is making a breakthrough in the fairyland at this time!

Kagan also understood Kagan’s thoughts in an instant. At this time, through the action of the formation, they achieved their final plan for "Kashgar" this time, and it can be regarded as completing their own promotion plan determined in Kagan's heart, so there is no point. Delay, immediately decided to make a breakthrough at this moment. Originally, every breakthrough in the fairyland was a major event for the ethnic group, and each time he had to prepare well before proceeding, but the situation in Kagan was different this time, he just reached the goal, and felt in his heart. Under the circumstance of the situation, the breakthrough occurs naturally. This situation is not suitable for suppression. On-site breakthrough is the best choice, and the most important thing is that the situation on the spot is not bad at the moment, including all the entries in "Kashgar". Including the cultivators of the fairyland, there are ten cultivators who can become the guardians of his breakthrough, so at this point, Kagan also understands in his heart that there is no better opportunity to break through, so there is no better chance to break through. To discuss it, he went directly to the choice of breakthrough. He believed that Carlo could see his thoughts and would protect his choice.

And the most important thing is that Kagan’s perception and goals at this time reached the standard. In fact, it also reflected a problem from the side. That is, the translucent gelatinous substance in the middle of the pond at this time should be what they requested. That piece of treasure is correct. Otherwise, Kagan should not be able to achieve his goal. After knowing this, Karo also let go of his heart. The current situation shows that this time the Ten Thousand Race Alliance came to Earth Star. The plan has been completed, not only achieved the goal and successfully obtained the thing that he wanted, but also the formation of the clan, Kagan, also took advantage of this opportunity to break through to the Dengxianland. The mood is really good.

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