I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 613

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:09:57 AM

Chapter 613: Unexpected visitor

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The breakthrough in the fairyland is definitely not a simple matter. In addition to the strong talent and perseverance of the breakthrough person, a little luck is also needed. Moreover, the whole life level transformation and sublimation process is not accomplished overnight, the same is true. It takes time to accumulate, but this kind of time is still very insignificant compared to the fact that there is an extra monk in the clan who can climb into the fairyland. Therefore, Carlos and others are waiting patiently without any impatient meaning.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or a plan. At the critical moment of Kagan’s breakthrough here, a group of powerful monks were quickly approaching the Earth Star, and they soon came to the Earth’s surface. They did not hide their behavior and The meaning of body shape and breath, so when they first arrived at Earth Star, they were all discovered by Carlo and others in the depths of Earth Star and Lin Hang who were observing the news on the Sky Island, and everyone’s perception Among them, the aura of these cultivators who suddenly appeared was very powerful. With their strength, they could find that the cultivators who suddenly came to Earth Star this time had reached the standard of climbing the fairyland! The most important thing is that the breath of these monks is not only one, but almost five breaths. After they come to the surface of the earth star, they don't mean to stay, they directly feel it, and directly face the earth star. In the depths, Carlo and the others rushed, and this kind of performance did not need to be explained by themselves. Obviously, they had a goal, which was directed at the Carlo and others.

And such a scene shocked Lin Hang and Wang Lao, because they thought they were hiding in the dark without being known to exist by the people of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance. It was already not easy. Maybe they thought of it at this last moment. After the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races reached a plan, it was about to collect the fruits of victory, but a group of unfamiliar cultivators in the fairyland came here, and looking at their appearance, it was obviously not meant to pass by accidentally. They definitely had a definite goal. Judging from the performance of traveling to the depths of the Earth and the stars, Kahlo and other people from the Ten Thousand Race Alliance are their target.

Seeing this group of newly-appearing cultivators in the Fairyland, they found them directly in the depths of the Earth Star without much twists and turns. There was also a trace of regret in Kahlo's heart, because this time their Ten Thousand Race Alliance took action this time. Sent a full ten cultivators of ascending to the fairyland, and there is no force on the entire planet that can threaten them, so although they are cautious enough, they still lack the most critical step, which is to hide themselves in a low profile. Body shape and aura, it is precisely because of this that they will be directly ascended to the immortal monk by these latecomers in the depths of the planet. In such a short period of time, they have directly discovered their position on this side, yet they have not considered the most complete and perfect place. , The same is to give others an opportunity.

Sensing that the unfamiliar monk who climbed into the fairyland was approaching their position, Kahlo looked at Kagan, who was still breaking through, and the group of translucent jelly in front of him, knowing that his side was being affected by this. Two things were holding back, and he couldn't exit this area directly. He could only wait for the arrival of the monk in Wonderland, but Kahlo was quite calm at this time, because in his perception, this time The number of cultivators who came to the strange land in the fairyland could not be compared with them. They only looked like five people. Looking at the many cultivators who climbed to the fairyland around him, Carlo was still calm in his heart. He had enough strength to give him. Positive and patiently waiting for the confidence of the coming person.

It didn't take too long. These strange monks who had just arrived in the fairyland also rushed to the place where Carlo and the others were. After arriving, a figure who seemed to be a leader came forward among these monks. , Took off the cloak on his head, revealing a familiar face of Lin Hang, smiled at Carlo with a gloomy complexion, revealed a big white tooth, and said, "Carlo, such a grand scene, why are you Don't tell me brother?"

As he said, this person looked around, looked at Kagan in the sky and nodded and said, "Yes, it seems that your Ten Thousand Races Alliance is about to add a new monk who will climb into the fairyland, and I am not mistaken. It should be the respected Kagan in your "Kashgar", right? Tsk, the name of Kagan, I also understand better, this time if he can successfully break into the fairyland, your "Kashgar" and even the whole The Alliance of Ten Thousand Races is more than just harvesting a monk who climbed into the fairyland. The most important thing is that after Kagan was promoted to the fairyland, it is also the most helpful to the war. The formation masters who climbed into the fairyland sounded like one. A powerful weapon with a large range of warfare, Carlo, this time you really have a lot of pictures!"

When the stranger who climbed the fairyland took off his cloak and spoke, the four other monks who climbed behind him also took off their cloaks one after another. Carlo looked at the familiar faces in front of him, and kept calm before. His expression also began to become solemn. Obviously, after seeing these people appear, it has exceeded Carlo's expectations and is no longer an existence he can easily face.

However, even though he was a little worried, Carlo did not show it. Although the five monks who climbed into the fairyland suddenly appeared this time brought him a lot of pressure, it was not easy to solve it, but it was not The place he worries the most, because after all there are only five people coming, they have ten monks who climb the fairyland here, and there are even top monks who climb the fairyland like him and Yinchuan, so in terms of combat power, Ka Luo is not very worried that his side will suffer a loss, just because Kagan is now at a critical moment in the breakthrough of the life level sublimation, they must spend a lot of energy to take care of it, otherwise, if they are affected by these new The people who came were interrupted, and my own side might not be able to keep them. Instead, they would influence the appearance of a master of the Immortal Realm Array with unlimited potential, which would not be worth the gain.

Carol sneered at the people who came while the thoughts in his mind were turning rapidly, and then said, showing a not-low city mansion, "Zhao Kangping, I have to say, you are really hiding very deep! I think that our Ten Thousand Races Alliance’s action plan this time is already very concealed, and you will be overtaken by you at this most critical moment. I am curious how do you know our action this time?"

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