I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 617

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:09:37 AM

Chapter 617: Intercept

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Carlo's mental power can be said to be the strongest of everyone in the field. He almost intuitively sensed the next crisis, so he made the most correct arrangement at the first time. Although the other people are not weak in mental power , But there is no such obvious reaction as Carlos, but they are quite trusting of Carlos, so when they heard the words of Carlos, they all responded and prepared to act according to Carlos instructions. .

Only after the Kara voice fell, when Kagan and others were preparing to take action, a burst of strong purple light suddenly burst out behind Zhao Kangping, and then this burst of purple light passed through Zhao Kangping’s body, without any other The change and reaction, and then came directly to the front of the monks of the ten thousand races such as Carlo. You then burst out with light once again. This light instantly filled a small space under the ground, allowing everyone including the current Lin Hang, who was watching the battle, lost his vision temporarily. He didn't know what happened in it. After the light slowly dissipated, the situation was revealed. Only Zhao Kangping and the others did not change. The eleven cultivators of the Immortal Realm of Ten Thousand Races all stopped in place strangely, motionless, completely unable to control their bodies, apparently directly restricted by the unusually strong purple light that Zhao Kangping broke out!

Such a scene naturally came into Lin Hang’s sight, and immediately shocked the three Lin Hang and Wang, because it was not ordinary people who were controlled by Zhao Kangping’s hand, but eleven people from all ethnic groups. Monk in Wonderland! This situation is naturally not understandable by Lin Hang at this time. Lin Hang also continued to look at the situation in the light curtain with doubts, wanting to know what else Zhao Kangping has after he temporarily restrained Carlo and others. Kind of action.

The situation in the field changed instantaneously. After using the purple light to restrain Kahlo and the others, Zhao Kangping didn't have the slightest delay, and rushed directly to the group of translucent guarded by Kahlo. A jelly, and the four monks who climbed into the fairyland behind him did not know when they had already stood in a regular quadrilateral position. The four of them were working together to support a beautiful small mirror full of purple light, and this small mirror It still emits a hazy purple light, and the spiritual power in the four cultivators in the fairyland is constantly pouring into this small mirror. Seeing this scene, Lin Hang also understands, this is not something The little mirror of what origin is the reason why it can trap the monks in the fairyland of the ten thousand races such as Karuo. Just don't know what the mystery of this mirror is. It can actually restrain the eleven monks who climbed into the fairyland forcibly. Lin Hang can perceive that this mirror is definitely not a simple treasure.

And when he reached the group of translucent jelly, Zhao Kangping did not have any surprises or hesitations. From the palm of his hand, a delicate white jade knife appeared, and he pointed directly at the group of translucent jelly. It was cut from the middle position with a knife. It was magical. The translucent jelly that Carlo was unable to control was easily cut into two halves of the same size under the action of the white jade knife in Zhao Kangping's hand. It was amazing, and when he completed such a step, Zhao Kangping was also relieved, then took out a small box that was also white jade color, and directly filled the general translucent jelly that had just been cut off.

After completing such a move, Zhao Kangping quickly backed up two steps and returned to the camp of the monk who climbed into the fairyland. Then, he waved his hand gently, and turned to face the small mirror held by the four with a powerful spirit. Li, the other four also performed the same actions as Zhao Kangping. They also had a very powerful spiritual force in and out of the small mirror. At this moment, with the support of a large amount of spiritual power from no one, the small mirror also A strong purple light burst out once, and once again swept through the place where the cultivators of the Ten Thousand Clan ascending to the Fairyland were located. Then Zhao Kangping didn’t see the result. Five people got up and left the depths of the planet, and then for a moment. The time flew away from the earth star and disappeared into Lin Hang's perception.

In this way, about five minutes passed. In the depths of the stars, Carlo and the others resumed their actions one by one. Everyone was not harmed. After the **** of the purple light ended, they were restricted. The action resumed, everyone gathered together, Kagan came to Ka Luo, looking at the half of the translucent jelly still remaining, there was some fortunate in my heart, I don’t know why Zhao Kangping could obviously All the treasures were taken away, but in the end half of them were left, but this change did not affect the frustration in their hearts. You must know how long their "Kashgar" has been preparing for this action, and It’s how much energy has been put in, and a lot of promises have been made in the entire Ten Thousand Races Alliance. For example, "Silver Clan" and "Earth Clan" dispatched the Dengxianjing monks in the clan to help out. The relationship between these two clans and the "Kashgar Clan" is very good, but Kahlo promised them a lot of benefits before they could finally get the full support of the last kind, let alone other tens of thousands of forces. They all have paid tens of thousands of monks from their own tribe, and the consumption of these needs to be compensated by the "Kashgar". Therefore, if "Kashgar" can achieve their plan this time, it will be okay to make up for their losses. Pay, if Zhao Kangping is cruel this time and snatches all the translucent jelly, then it is impossible to say that the current Kahlo will directly return to the Ziwei Emperor to find Zhao Kangping and the human forces to settle the account.

Kagan did not say anything, but also took out a white jade box, put away the remaining half of the translucent jelly, and said with a sigh, "Carlo, Zhao Kangping has more information than We can imagine more! I also checked many classics to know how to collect such treasures. I didn’t expect Zhao Kangping to be prepared! This time the raid was too strange, we will return this time After the Ziwei Emperor Star, the Ten Thousand Races Alliance must be sorted out. Some of the higher-level people must have been infiltrated by their human forces. This is a time bomb. We can't keep these hidden crises forever, otherwise. In the future, our large-scale plans and actions will be greatly restricted!"

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