I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 618

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:09:37 AM

Chapter 618: For the origin

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Kagan said this was not a secret transmission to Kara, but directly opened his mouth, and did not hesitate the many "Silver Spirit Tribe" and "Earth Spirit Tribe" around him to climb the fairyland, and the reason why This performance is related to Kagan’s temperament on the one hand. He will not turn around Tibetans, but has something to say. On the other hand, the people present are all the friendly forces of Kashgar. So far, "Silver Tribe" and "Turtle Tribe" have always been loyal allies of "Kashgar Tribe", so this time the action plan Kahlo and Kagan did not doubt the meaning of these two races, but will Looking at the bodies of some other suspicious races, although they did not get all the translucent jelly this time, their original goal was also accomplished. At least they still retain half of the translucent jelly now, and Ka Qian also succeeded in breaking through to the fairyland as he wished. The strength of their "Kashgar" was greatly increased because of this plan. After returning to the Ziwei Emperor Star, in the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races, at that time there were six people who climbed the fairyland. The meaning of the monks is completely different from the five monks. They can have a stronger right to speak, and then they can better implement the cleansing action that is already secretly planned in their hearts. It is necessary to maintain the unity of voices in the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races In this way, it is in line with the development direction of the Union of Ten Thousand Races in the heart of Carlo.

Carlo nodded, and replied unchanged, "Well, Clan Uncle, when Zhao Kangping accurately appeared, I already had this idea in my heart. Although our Ten Thousand Races Alliance has been It has always been tied to the three powers of the Ziwei Emperor with the human forces and "Ziwei Palace", but we all know that the gap between us and them is that our cohesion is far inferior to them! This time, Zhao Kangping is a man Although the operation of "has caused us a lot of losses, it also gave us an excellent opportunity and excuse to act. We can amplify the impact of this raid, so as to better carry out our cleansing operation within the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races. I believe that as long as there is no problem with our strength, although some members of the Alliance of Ten thousand races will be weakened after this cleansing operation, I believe it will definitely be a good thing for the entire Alliance of Ten thousand races, our unity The ability will inevitably rise to the next level!"

Speaking of this, Caro turned cold, and then continued, "Hey, "Ziwei Palace", they really are innately close to the human forces! Although we have been on the Ziwei Emperor star for so long, but for They are still outsiders to the two major forces, and their two forces unite to deal with us, and there is really no mercy!"

After the Kara voice survived, the faces of the many cultivators who were present at the Fairyland fell. This time, although they hated the Zhao Kangping human forces who intercepted the fruits of their victory, if the human forces alone send such people, they are completely Those who can't pose a threat to them, let alone have the opportunity to intercept the translucent jelly, all because of the help of the little purple mirror.

Carlo and others have also had a lot of dealings with the human forces and the "Purple Palace". Naturally, they still have some understanding of some of the powerful treasures and heritage of the two parties. This is the first time for this small mirror. When the light bloomed, all of them were given, and this situation was naturally recognized by Carlo and others in the first time. This small purple mirror is the heritage treasure of "Ziwei Palace". It is called "Purple Light Mirror". It is said to be a mirror made by the emperor Ziwei at that time. It is among all the treasures of "Ziwei Palace". , The power of this "Purple Mirror" can also be sent to the top, and the most important thing is that the lethality of this "Purple Mirror" is second, and what is more prominent is the powerful restraint ability brought by the purple light it releases. The strength of this restraint ability depends on the spiritual power input by the person who uses it. Just like the situation used by Zhao Kangping, a full four cultivators who have climbed into the fairyland can inject spiritual power with all their strength, and they can bring Ka Luo and other ten A monk who climbs into the fairyland has been restrained for a long time, and if used properly, it can be regarded as a strategic treasure.

It’s just that although this "Purple Light Mirror" can forcefully restrain the target that you want to trap, it has pros and cons. Although this purple light is said to have anchored Carlo and others, it also provided a layer of protection for Carlo and others. This layer of protection is of course not very powerful. Zhao Kangping can break this kind of protection with just one blow, but if the protection is broken, the Carlos and others will also resume their actions in an instant, so a "Purple Mirror" Treasures can only be used at specific times, and there is not much effect in general fighting methods. On the one hand, it takes too long to activate. This is also the reason why Zhao Kangping will always talk nonsense with Carlo and others. On the one hand, the protection brought by this **** is integrated, and it is completely unable to attack the enemy. It can only be effective when some other plans can be made.

The news that Zhao Kangping got from the dark line this time is actually not very detailed. He only knows the time and general results of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance’s plan this time. However, just like Carlo guessed, Zhao Kangping gave their final report. The arrangement of the fairyland monks was unaware, so this time Zhao Kangping also made two-handed preparations. He assembled a full five of the fairyland monks. In the end, in order to ensure that he could not force the attack, the second-hand preparation was from This piece of "Purple Light Mirror" was borrowed from Wei Palace, which was enough to change the situation of the war. The reason why "Purple Light Mirror" was so happily loaned out of "Purple Light Mirror" is because of the human forces and "Purple Light Mirror". After Ziwei Emperor Star is broken, the original power on this large fragment, and the Ten Thousand Race Alliance is an external force. Naturally, there is no such friendly and intimate relationship between the Human Race and "Ziwei Palace", and for the Ten Thousand Race Alliance, this The two forces are mostly precautions. Most of the plans facing the Ten Thousand Races Alliance are mainly to destroy and disturb. Therefore, this time Zhao Kangping’s plan to attack the Ten Thousand Races Alliance is naturally also in line with the "Ziwei Palace". "", so I was able to borrow "Purple Mirror" happily. Facts have also proved that Zhao Kangping's first-hand preparation is insufficient, and the manpower gap in the fairyland is a bit too large, and it is completely impossible for Carlo and others. What threat? Fortunately, there was the existence of "Purple Mirror" at this time. Zhao Kangping's interrogation attracted attention, let the power of "Purple Mirror" burst out, and achieved his desired goal.

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