I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 620

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:09:03 AM

Chapter 620: Finish

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In the previous period, the general structure of the entire Ten Thousand Races Alliance was also very interesting. Although Kahlo had five cultivators who climbed into the fairyland because of the strength of its own "Kashgar Clan", so it was still in the entire Ten Thousand Races Alliance. It is considered to have a lot of right to speak, coupled with the existence of powerful allies such as "Silver Clan" and "Earth Clan", Carlo originally felt that he was relatively in control of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance. In addition, those races who don’t care about the world are not too involved in the affairs of the Union of Ten Thousand Races, which gave Carlo some illusions, making him think that the entire Union of Ten Thousand Races is something under his control. , Only this time the leak of the plan and Zhao Kangping succeeded in half of their final plan of treasure, so that Kahro was also awakened in an instant. He was a bit too paralyzed before, because in addition to the forces of the allies he trusted, there were other Those races are actually not as pure as "The Ethereal Tribe". They do not mean to intervene in affairs. It is just because the "Kashgar Tribe" is so powerful that they have to hide their inner ambitions, but they are in the dark. Withdraw money secretly with the human forces and the "Purple Palace", doing something that Kahlo cannot tolerate.

In Kahlo's heart, he already had a general idea of ​​what to do after returning to Ziwei Emperor this time. First of all, let Kagan and others step up the time to study this one that was finally obtained. Treasure, strive to let it play the role it wants as soon as possible, and then carefully and secretly distinguish those members of the other ten thousand forces that have been unknown before, and increase the effort to draw in and return to the races that really do not care about the world such as "The Ethereal Tribe". As for those members who hide their malignant tumors, Carlo is determined to get them out and get rid of them. Although this will damage their Ten Thousand Race Alliance and the overall strength to a certain extent, Carlo knows that this is only the appearance and a period of time. Only after such a period of time, after their Ten Thousand Races Alliance adapts, they will behave more like a united force that can be twisted into a rope. The overall strength will inevitably not decrease but increase. The strong cohesive force exerted.

When I think of it, a large avatar of Lin Hang, Sichuan, as a potential junior who was collectively optimised by "The Ethereal Tribe" at the time, received the personal attention of Carlo when he was on an envoy to "Kashgar". For those who want to win over "The Ethereal Tribe" in order to turn them into an ally of himself and the "Kashgar Tribe", Kahlo personally came out to contact the outstanding descendants of "The Ethereal Tribe" and also more clearly expressed their "Kashgar Tribe". Attitude, it’s just that if Yingchuan is really a member of "The Ethereal Tribe", it can’t be said that Carol’s plan can really be effective, but Yingchuan is a clone of Lin Hang after all, and he disappeared directly after Lin Hang completed the plan. , It also made Karol's move directly broken.

After Carol finished speaking, there were many monks in Yinchuan who had climbed into the fairyland of "Silver Spirit Race" and "Earth Spirit Race". They nodded and agreed with Carol's words. They were originally from Kashgar The relationship is very close, basically a relationship of common progress and retreat. Therefore, for them, the arrangement of Carlo is also the development plan and strategy of their respective races. They also hope that the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races can develop better, and they will always be firm. Standing behind "Kashgar", as their most solid ally and backing, the prosperity of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance is also their own wish.

After receiving a reply from an ally he had always trusted, Carlo was relieved of his depressed mood, nodded, and then waved his hand. Then, many of the cultivators who were present at the scene were a cultivator of fairyland who quickly left the depths of the planet. When he reached the surface of the earth star, he didn't mean to stay in the slightest, and he flew directly out of the surface, heading towards the path, and going back to the purple emperor star.

After all these cultivators of the Ten Thousand Clan Alliance had left for a while, Lin Hang and Wang Lao Liu Ruyan finally recovered from Qingtian Island. They thought that Zhao Kangping would be with the Ten Thousand Clan. A very fierce battle will erupt between the cultivators of the alliance who have climbed into the fairyland. For the translucent jelly, the development of the matter is completely beyond their expectations. Zhao Kangping’s The preparations were so sufficient. Not only did they know the approximate completion time of the operation of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance, which happened to arrive at the most critical moment, but also made preparations in advance and brought a treasure specifically for this situation. Although Lin Hang and the others don’t know the origin of the purple mirror, they can still see how much this mirror has played a role in this encounter, and it turned around in an instant. Lin Hang also had to sigh with emotion. Zhao Kangping and the others were really bold and careful. In front of such a strong lineup of the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races, they took food from their mouths and shared the fruits of victory of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance. Half of it is truly amazing.

And this situation also made Lin Hang understand that after returning to the Ziwei Emperor this time, the human forces of the Ten Thousand Clan Alliance and Zhao Kangping belonged to the "Ziwei Palace" that just emerged from the population of Carlos and others. "Factors, the three major forces are about to usher in a period of open and secret fighting. This news can be regarded as good news for Lin Hang, because this time Lin Hang is witnessing the completion of their alliance by the forces of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance. After planning, he was also ready to start his journey to the Ziwei Emperor Star. The composition of the Ziwei Emperor Star forces was extremely complicated. He had to be more worried and cautious. Now if the three major forces start to fight, he will also There are more opportunities for toss and turns, which makes it easier for him to obtain his goals.

And the most important thing is that this time Zhao Kangping’s appearance is also an unexpected joy, evoking the memories of Lin Hang buried deep in his heart. When Lin Hang’s clone entered the mysterious open space above the Ziwei Emperor star , I once caught a glimpse of Zhao Kangping’s figure, but now I think he didn’t get it wrong. Zhao Kangping is indeed a member of the human forces and one of the powerful monks who climbed into the fairyland. Lin Hang’s confidence in his heart In an instant he became more satisfied, and he became more confident that he could complete his advancement on top of Ziwei Emperor. Lin Hang already had plans in his heart to contact the human forces on the Ziwei Emperor Star, and this could be slowly implemented after the Ziwei Emperor Star.

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