I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 624

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:08:58 AM

Chapter 624: resolution

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Lin Hang said that after accepting the suggestions of Wang Lao and Ye Lao, he made the final decision. When he was about to end this meeting, Si Meng, who had been silent on the side, interrupted Lin Hang's progress and said, "Lin Hang, don't leave yet, did you forget me and Brother Zhuo?"

Lin Hang originally thought that Si Meng’s sentence was a bit unfinished, but after thinking about it carefully, he understood what Si Meng meant, and said with a smile, “Sister Si, you and Brother Zhuo are responsible for the entire operation and business development of China. Do you still want to go to Ziwei Emperor Star with us?"

Si Meng and Zhuo Sheng, as the two most outstanding rising stars of China at that time, and the other two masters of China’s innate realm besides Wang Lao and Jiang Lao, needless to say their talent potential. These two of them have been staying. The cultivation in "Candle World", although it is said that a lot of cultivation time has been delayed by many affairs of China, but it also makes them feel a lot more than blindly cultivating, so their cultivation progress has not fallen behind, on the contrary Still showing a good level of improvement, now Si Meng and Zhuo Sheng have caught up with the older generations like Yu Lao, and have also reached the level of Yuan Ying's later stage, and the speed of cultivation is indeed very good.

Si Meng knew what Lin Hang meant, and said with a smile, "Lin Hang, your thinking is too restrictive, right? After so many years, don't China Huaxia have cultivated some junior talents for handling affairs! Now I and I Brother Zhuo Sheng and Mr. Wang Laojiang are no longer responsible for many specific affairs of China Development. Many things are handled by Mr. Zhu Ge and some outstanding talents newly trained. We only need to do the final thing. The direction can be decided. So, even if I leave here, Zhuo Sheng and I will not have much impact. After all, there is still the second old Zhu Ge holding the scene behind. We can go to Zi with you. Among the Micro Emperor Stars!"

Lin Hang also nodded after hearing this. He also fully understood what Si Meng said. After all, there was no way in the previous days. They China needs a presence like Si Meng Zhuosheng to calm the whole scene, but Now Huaxia is on a better track. They only need to keep the right direction. The rest is left to the trained professionals. With them, the development of Huaxia can still be maintained. Stable and stable, there will be no problems. After all, Si Meng and Zhuo Sheng are also two great geniuses in cultivation. Just wasting on daily affairs in this way is undoubtedly a loss to the entire senior management of China. Lin Hang also thinks Si Meng’s suggestion is very good and has adopted it. Space.

Lin Hang smiled at Si Meng and said, "Well, Sister Si, what you said makes sense. I still need some time to prepare for my trip to the Ziwei Emperor. During these days, you and Zhuo Sheng's brother Arrange the affairs properly. When I am about to set off, I will naturally find you to gather together!"

As everyone’s affairs are properly arranged, this time the Huaxia high-level meeting is also directly ended, and the result of the meeting is also very clear, that is, except for those junior disciples, almost all the high-level Huaxia Yuanyingqi monks. They will follow Lin Hang to Ziwei Emperor Star. They can be regarded as an outpost and pathfinder existence. Lin Hang wants to build a stable and suitable experience path to Ziwei Emperor Star. The infancy monks need to pay a lot more effort than the latecomers, but Lin Hang is very confident in these people, because they are also people who have come from the dark age of China. The "old people" of the major families have experienced many open and secret struggles, so both their minds and methods are very good. They used to fight for their respective families, and now they can unite and fight for China. It is definitely one. A powerful force that cannot be ignored.

Before going to Ziwei Emperor Star again, Lin Hang still has a lot of things to do. The first thing to do is to take back his clone in the big caves again. This is what Lin Hang now finds very troublesome. Things, his cultivation level is stuck at the peak of the Tribulation Period, making his clone ability control limitations unable to connect the two directions of Earth Star and Ziwei Emperor Star, although the range of Lin Hang clone is far More than an area like Earth Star, but still unable to reach Ziwei Emperor Star, and Lin Hang had to go to Ziwei Emperor Star this time for his own breakthrough, so these clones left on Earth Star also had to He took it back again, but Lin Hang estimated that as long as he reached the fairyland, his clone ability and his mental power would inevitably usher in a major transformation. At that time, he estimated that he would be able to complete the deity and clone. The link between the two major regions of Star and Ziwei Emperor Star is now, and now it is far from reaching that level.

Lin Hang’s current avatars are distributed. Each of the three big caves of the Wu Clan has a avatar, and the two big caves of the Yao Clan now live in the "Red Feather Realm" and "The Mirage Realm". The clone was in it, so Lin Hang did not deliberately make a trip this time. Instead, he directly asked the clone to visit the heads of the big caves, and said his plans and plans for the next time. Then he didn't have to come forward, but It was directly transformed into spiritual power and dissipated, which also saved Lin Hang's effort in running around.

In these years, Lin Hang’s clone also played a significant role in the various caves, except for the "Phantom Mirage" that was later discovered, because he didn’t need to rest. Lin Hang’s clones provided considerable resource support for the Witch Clan and the Red Feather and Bai clan of "Red Feather Realm". Regardless of the power, it was because of Lin Hang. The existence of the clone has gained a stronger development than before. And even if Lin Hang’s clone has just entered the "Miracle World" not long ago, Lin Hang spared no effort to help them create some scarce resources after receiving the mirage*ming's generous gift of the transformation of virtuality and reality. The greater friendship of the mirage family. This also allowed Lin Hang to gain a more important position in the Witch Clan or the Monster Clan. This time I heard that Lin Hang was leaving again. In addition to being reluctant to give up, these forces also sent Lin Hang to him. The most sincere blessings, I hope that Lin Hang can successfully complete his goal and reach the dreamland of the immortal!

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