I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 626

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:08:56 AM

Chapter 626: Road

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Therefore, whether it is for their future breakthroughs or the current stage of Lin Hang's strong deterrence, they will not challenge Lin Hang's words and authority. So after Lin Hang asked seriously, Mr. Yu, who was more familiar with Lin Hang among the crowd, spoke as a representative, "Lin Hang, don’t worry! Although we live longer than you, we will never consider ourselves just because of this. Very high, we know who brought us these changes and developments, so it is impossible for us to violate the rules you set! If someone does this, I believe you don’t need to act. , We will clean him up! So, we will listen to your arrangements for everything, so don't worry!"

Lin Hang also smiled when he heard what Yu Lao said. In fact, he said this only to facilitate the management of these people in the future, but if he really arrived at Ziwei Emperor Star, Lin Hang was not prepared to be too strict. Most of those who manage them will allow them to play freely, because Lin Hang also knows that although unified management and strict monitoring will reduce a lot of trouble, it will inevitably lead to these people with outstanding potential. The big restriction can be regarded as a disguised form of hindering their strength improvement, so Lin Hang decided in his heart that after these people were sent to the Ziwei Emperor Star's West Antarctic Inner Sea, Lin Hang would only give some guidance and Help, and then let the clone watch their development silently, and play some protective role by the way, and if it develops to the back, Lin Hang will basically not intervene in their development, all chances and dangers are to It was left to everyone present to solve it by themselves.

With the warning like this, Lin Hang stopped talking nonsense. With everyone's anticipation, he snapped his fingers and put these people directly into his sleeves. Only Liu Ru Yan and Wang Lao still stayed by Lin Hang's side.

After completing this move, Lin Hang glanced into the distance. That was the direction of the priest hall of the high priest of "Candle Realm", Zhu Yue. This look of Lin Hang seemed to see the encouragement of the high priest, and then he also made a decision. Mind, cut off the ties, took out the jade card to open the portal of "Candle World" to the earth star, and set foot on the earth star land with Liu Ruyan and Wang Lao.

At this time, the Earth Star is actually extremely desolate. In the endless battles of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance in these years, almost all the races on the Earth Star except China have been directly extinct, so even now the Ten Thousand Races The Alliance’s people were killed and wounded, and then they completed their plans and left the Earth Star, but the development of the entire Earth Star will not return to the original feeling. The Earth Star is in a state of being a waste of time, but now it can let The power that Earth Star re-emerged is only the Huaxia race remaining in the Wu Clan Cave Sky, but now because Lin Hang is going to leave Earth Star with high-level combat power, go to the Purple Emperor Star Operation Therefore, such a plan to transform the Earth Star was also postponed by Lin Hang. Lin Hang knew that with their current level of cultivation, it would not take a long time to rebuild the Earth Star. It can be said that it can be carried out at any time. They obviously have more important things to do now, but Lin Hang feels that he won't let Earth Star wait too long, because according to his idea, as long as he can successfully break through to the realm of Dengxian, then his clone can be linked. The Earth Star and Ziwei Emperor Star are now located. He no longer needs him to travel back and forth. He will also have more energy to arrange for China to rebuild the Earth Star. Not to mention "Candle World", in "Emperor World" However, there are countless ordinary people. Either they can't awaken their abilities, or they don't have much talent for cultivation in "The King of Man", they are destined to not go very far on the road of cultivation. They are the cornerstone of the Chinese heritage. Therefore, the future China Earth Star reconstruction plan, Lin Hang, is inevitable, not for others, just for China to reproduce better.

After stepping on the earth star, Lin Hang took out two "Long-distance Jumping Talisman" and threw them to Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan, then he squeezed one with his right hand and said, "This time the ten thousand clan The Alliance has left our planet. I don’t know if they walked the way they came, and if they destroyed the 57 teleportation arrays when completing the plan, so we still use this one of "Long Jump "Fu", move on to the teleportation array that is closest to our planet, and when you see it, everything will be clear!"

Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan also nodded and agreed to Lin Hang’s arrangement. However, in Lin Hang’s heart, although the Ten Thousand Race Alliance has left this time and will not return in a short time, they will no longer The teleportation array is destroyed, because first of all, if they use the teleportation array to go back, there is basically no need to destroy the teleportation array, because their teleportation array is not used once, and each teleportation array is connected to the upper and lower two. The formation method, that is to say, if they destroy the teleportation formation under their feet, what will they use to connect to the next teleportation formation? And they didn’t have the ability and enough "Long Distance Jumping Talisman" to destroy the teleportation array behind them, so in Lin Hang’s estimation, these teleportation arrays he had used should all exist and be intact, but if If Lin Hang’s unexpected changes really occurred, Lin Hang would have another way. The "Long Distance Jumping Talisman" in his hand has a lot of stock. Without the teleportation array, he can only follow Lin Hang’s previous star. Picture, one by one jumped away.

After confirming the action this time, Lin Hang took the lead in using the "Long Distance Jumping Talisman" in his hand, and jumped directly towards the position of the first teleportation array on the star map in his memory, almost in Lin. At the same time as the navigation operation, Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan also activated the "Long Distance Jumping Talisman" in their hands. The three of them reached a floating boulder fragment where the first teleportation array was located almost at the same time by jumping over a long distance. Above.

The three of them are at the peak of the Tribulation Period, so such long-distance jumps will not affect the three people. After arriving here, Lin Hang also went to the location of the teleportation array in a familiar way, and then went to the master Wang in this respect. The old man checked carefully and found that this formation was as expected by Lin Hang, there was no sign of damage, and it was completely usable.

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