I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 628

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:08:38 AM

Chapter 628: simple

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Among these cultivators who cannot trigger their own conditions for ascending to the immortal gate, most of them will slowly compromise to their own situation, and gradually become depressed, and finally their lifespan is exhausted and sit down. This is also the most tribulation period. The final destination of the monks at the pinnacle, thinking about it, feels a bit pitiful. They were not defeated by the infinite three-stage calamity before, nor were they overwhelmed by the difficulties along the way, but in the end it was because they couldn't see the progress. The path and the hatred fall is really very embarrassing.

It’s just said before, that only the vast majority of people who have died after sitting down in this way are only the vast majority of them, but there are still extremely sky-defying characters among them, who can break this situation. What Lin Hang knows is called "The Candle World" "The master's Zhulong, is such a heaven-defying figure, trapped in the "Candle World", there would have been no chance to be able to climb to the immortal, but the matter was forced to rely on his own talent and strong perseverance. , Penetrated the sturdy gate of ascending to the immortal that was blocked in front of him, and finally succeeded in ascending to the immortal, and after ascending to the immortal, he also obtained a huge amount of benefits. At the level of Yue, in the future, he will definitely become the leader of the entire "Candle World" witch clan, and it is an invincible legend.

However, Zhulong's deeds can only be listened to, and there is no way to imitate it. The most worthy of admiration and reference is actually Kagan, who completed the breakthrough in the fairyland under the watch of Lin Hang. Yes, it seems that the breakthrough in Kagan is quite normal. After satisfying the conditions for the breakthrough in the Immortal Realm, the breakthrough was finally completed, but who knows how many years it took Kagan to trigger such a condition? ? Kagan was also a genius. He broke through the barriers early and reached the peak of the Tribulation Period. Originally energetic, he felt that he could easily break through the barriers and enter the realm of Dengxian, but he was unable to trigger his own. Conditions, but at this point, even Kagan, who is considered by the ethnic group to have no hope of progress, did not give up on itself, but has been working tirelessly over the years to find the conditions for breaking the gate of Dengxian, day after day. One year, when his birthday was approaching, he finally made him fulfill his wish and found out how to break through the realm of immortality, which is very inspirational.

It is true that Kagan’s talent cannot be compared with that of Chiron, but their unyielding perseverance is very similar. Without the support of perseverance, I believe that no matter whether it is Kagan or Chiron, there is no way to achieve the current behavior. Therefore, Lin Hang has always felt very lucky that he was able to learn about the existence of Ziwei Emperor through the Ten Thousand Races Alliance, and set out the conditions for him to advance to the fairyland. Although the conditions for his advancement are relatively difficult, he still has a The goal of hard work is about to be achieved now. I have to say that I am very lucky, and he is simply the chosen one. And Lin Hang has always been anxious for Wang Lao. I don’t know when Wang will be able to trigger the clues of his own fairyland gate. Now I finally heard Wang Lao’s discovery. Lin Hang was also very happy for Wang Lao. .

After simply suppressing his surprise, Lin Hang eagerly asked, "Teacher, what are the conditions for you to break through your fairyland gate? It is as vague as I used to be and needs to be explored, or does it have a clearer direction? No matter what, suffering Whether or not, the disciples will help the teacher to do it!"

If Wang Lao can break through, it is not only good news for Lin Hang, he can share the burden on his shoulders with Wang Lao in the days to come, but also can be regarded as a very good for the entire Huaxia. It’s up, you must know that among the Chinese, the most talented people of the Wu people are Lin Hang and Wang Lao. It can be said that the high priest and the great elders have given great expectations to Lin Hang. Yes, if Lin Hang and Wang Lao can both break through to the fairyland when they return to Earth Star next time, it will not only be a great encouragement to everyone in China, but also enable China to face other forces. He had a lot of confidence and no longer flinched like before.

There was some weird look on Wang Lao’s face, and he didn’t mean to disperse. At this time, when he heard Lin Hang’s question, Wang hesitated for a while, and then continued, "Hang'er, I can feel the breaking of Dengxianzhi The method of the door is different from yours. I remember that you were able to remotely perceive that your breakthrough opportunity was above the Ziwei Emperor Star, but the specific content is not known. This is also your adventure to the Ziwei Emperor Star. The reason for the mysterious auxiliary breakthrough was also because of your coincidence. In fact, it was still very difficult. But I felt different as a teacher. It was very strange. Not only was my breakthrough condition uncomplicated, but it seemed a little bit. It's too simple..."

Without waiting for Lin Hang to ask questions, Wang Lao continued, "I suddenly felt this way because we mentioned that we would establish a stable and hidden route between Earth Star and Ziwei Emperor for China. After that, I perceive that the condition for me to break the gate of my own fairyland is to perfectly complete such a route. Although I need to do everything in it, I cannot have the help of other people, but I feel like Compared with your condition, this one of mine is really simple. I seem to be able to accomplish it relatively easily?"

After Wang Lao explained, Lin Hang was shocked again, although from the elders of the Witch Clan, everyone knows that the conditions and methods for entering the Immortal Realm are different, and there are even extremely strange and simple advanced conditions. Now, listening to Wang Lao’s words, although it is not particularly simple, it is a time-consuming and labor-intensive work, but compared with others, it is already very simple, and Wang Lao is a master of space, with dozens of layouts. Although the hundreds of spatial legend arrays are not that simple and require a lot of effort, they do not require time, so as long as the route is carefully selected, the layout of the array after that can be regarded as a search for Wang Lao. No need to worry about Lin Hang. It can be said that if the itinerary plan of these experienced teams in China is very smooth this time, Mr. Wang can start his own actions and plans immediately, depending on Mr. Wang’s fighting spirit and mood, such a boring job will definitely not become Mr. Wang’s Obstacles, maybe Wang Lao can break through to enter the fairyland before Lin Hang!

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