I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 629

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:08:38 AM

Chapter 629: arrival

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After Lin Hang suppressed the injustice in his heart a little, he once again felt happy and blessed Wang Lao in his heart, then nodded and said, "Teacher, although you think your breakthrough method is a bit too simple and peculiar, the disciple still thinks there should be nothing. The problem, and now that your breakthrough method has been determined, let's go to Ziwei Emperor Star. After we have arranged this group of experienced personnel, you can start preparing to start setting up such a It’s a route. I think it’s more troublesome to determine the route before. Although the teleportation array will be boring and time-consuming, it’s not stressful for you. You just need to keep a step-by-step approach. The disciples are also looking forward to your teacher. Enter the realm of Dengxian, and now this day is really not far away, just around the corner!"

Liu Ruyan listened to all the conversations between the two, and smiled at the right time and said, "Ruyan is here to wish you a smooth breakthrough in advance!"

After the three of them chatted for a while, they were not prepared to delay here, they were ready to go to the Ziwei Emperor first before arranging future actions.

Lin Hang still took out a crystal clear green low-grade spirit stone, carefully cut off a corner, turned it into powder and sprinkled it on the core of the formation, then the three quickly stood up, and the powder turned into a huge spirit. The force energy drove the activation of the formation, and then directly activated the power of transmission, and the three of them disappeared directly into the formation.

And at the second formation in the distance, between the flashes of silver light, Lin Hang's three figures appeared. They were teleported, and they were naturally at the core of the formation, so there was no need for it. The three of them went to find more, and Lin Hang no longer delayed, immediately used a small piece of low-grade spirit stone to turn into powder, and activated this second formation. In this way, the three of them experienced a total of 57 teleports. It was finally the closest formation to Ziwei Emperor Star.

After arriving here, Lin Hang was able to sense from a distance that he was left in the West Polar Sea of ​​Ziwei Emperor Star, and he was named as Dengxian Island. He knew that he was about to arrive at Ziwei Emperor. Star.

After arriving here, Lin Hang finally stopped rushing, and said to Wang Lao who came for the first time, "Teacher, you have also seen the star map I showed you. This is actually the No. Two teleportation formations, the first teleportation formation should be in the hinterland of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance, so after we get here, we have to use the "Long Distance Jumping Talisman" to be able to enter Ziwei Emperor Star. You have no problem. Right!"

Mr. Wang nodded. Regarding the star map provided by Lin Hang, Mr. Wang was able to sense the approximate position of the Ziwei Emperor star, not to mention the demonstration and guidance of pioneers such as Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan. Of course, the old wouldn't think it was so difficult to enter Ziwei Emperor Star.

However, when Lin Hang was about to launch "Long Distance Jumping Talisman", he suddenly thought of a better way and said, "Teacher, Yan'er, this time, although we are better than when we first came to Ziwei Emperor, With more understanding, I don’t know if anything has changed since the Ten Thousand Races Alliance came back, so we can’t lose our cautiousness. If three people jump together, although the fluctuations are small, there is still a risk of exposure, so For the greatest safety, I only need to use "Long Distance Jumping Talisman" this time. Yan'er and the teacher, you all come to my "Sleeve Universe" temporarily!"

Regarding Lin Hang’s arrangement, Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan thought about it, but they had no opinion. After all, Lin Hang was more familiar with the environment of Ziwei Emperor than Wang Lao, and Lin Hang made four clones and entered the interior in person. I have explored, so Lin Hang's experience is still worth adopting.

After Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan agreed, Lin Hang waved his hand and directly received Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan in his cuffs, and those Yu Lao Ye Lao and others stayed in it. Before coming out, Lin Hang launched several aura-converging spells to minimize his sense of existence, and then launched the "Long-distance Jumping Talisman" in his hand, took a deep breath, and confronted the feeling Ziwei Emperor star jumped away.

Ziwei Emperor Star, in the inner sea of ​​the West Antarctica, above a remote and unmanned quiet sea area, Lin Hang, who came to Ziwei Emperor Star from a distance through the "Long Distance Jumping Talisman", revealed his figure and just arrived at Ziwei Emperor When he was staring, Lin Hang did not release everyone in the cuff immediately, but carefully observed the surrounding situation. After confirming that there were no people around here, he waved his hand. First, Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan were released. As for people like Yu Lao Ye Lao, if they were all released, the goal would be too big. Therefore, Lin Hang decided to wait until he determined his footing before releasing everyone. Release them together, so that accidents can be avoided to the greatest extent.

It was not the first time that Liu Ruyan and Lin Hang came to the West Pole Inland Sea of ​​Ziwei Emperor, so they did not show any unexpected expressions. Instead, it was Lao Wang, who came to Ziwei Emperor for the first time. I was sighed by the strong heaven and earth spiritual power of Ziwei Emperor Star and the almost tangible laws that flooded the surrounding area, "Hang'er, this Ziwei Emperor Star is really as you said, it is so magical. , If we Chinese people can practice here all the time, it will really save a lot of water milling work. With the help of the heaven and earth spiritual power and rich laws, the early practice will definitely be extremely fast, and the later practice I should also get a lot of help. I finally understand why there are so many cultivators in the fairyland here. The objective conditions are also very important! And the most important thing is, listening to you, here only It’s just a slightly larger fragment after shattering the world-famous Ziwei Emperor Star. It already has such a powerful effect, so I can hardly imagine the powerful Ziwei Emperor from the ancient times. What is the general situation of the star? It is worthy of being a cultivation dojo for characters like Emperor Ziwei. It is indeed extraordinary!"

For Wang Lao’s admiration, Lin Hang had also expected that when he first came here, his performance might not be as good as Wang Lao. In fact, I don’t know why, the heaven and the earth above the earth and the stars also have aura. The law seems to have been restricted, and it is completely incomparable here, so it is quite normal to make such a sigh when you first visit Ziwei Emperor.

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