I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 63

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:27:14 AM

Chapter 63: New Year's Eve

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Early this morning, Lin Hang and Tian Dayong were busy working on New Year's Eve matters.

As Tian Dayong said, he has no worries now, and only regards the barracks as his home, so he stays in this military base even when he has no mission. Originally, this base was used for military training camps, but it is not open at ordinary times, so there is no one except the personnel stationed here. It was China's New Year's Eve. Tian Dayong, in order to let the other comrades on the station go home for the New Year, actively proposed to stay alone at the base for the New Year. This was how Lin Hang, the master and apprentice, got together.

Needless to say, Lin Hang had spent the previous eight years on New Year's Eve alone, deserted. Mr. Wang has not been married for so many years and has always been alone. Now the three of them happen to form a team together, and they have had a different year.

Today, Lin Hang and Tian Dayong did not compete as they did a few days ago. Instead, they calmed down and prepared the New Year’s Eve dinner. Lin Hang had already bought all the ingredients in the nearest town in advance, just waiting to reveal them in the evening.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, Lin Hang had prepared a sumptuous table of dishes, including chicken, duck and fish. Lin Hang filled a glass of wine for the two of Wang and Lao who had already sat there, raised the glass by himself, and said to the two of them, "Teacher, Brother Tian, ​​we want to have a drink!"

All three of them drank it, Lin Hang filled them up again, and began to eat vegetables. Although Lin Hang has not studied cooking seriously, he has lived alone in these years, and his cooking skills are not bad. Coupled with the blessing of the wood system supernatural powers, Wang and Lao are also full of praise for Lin Hang's craftsmanship.

The meal was eaten until nearly twelve o'clock in the laughter of the three people. Lin Hang took out the prepared firecrackers and placed them on the open space at the door, waiting to ignite at twelve one.

At twelve o'clock, Lin Hang raised his hand and lit the fuse of the firecrackers. Listening to the sound of "cracking" outside and the laughter between Wang Laotian and Dayong, Lin Hang felt the atmosphere of the Chinese New Year that he hadn't had in a long time. Last time. It is still with my parents to celebrate the new year together. In a blink of an eye, time flies, nearly nine years have passed, and Lin Hang suddenly fell silent without seeing his parents.

Mr. Wang obviously noticed Lin Hang's change, looked at the scene in front of him, and understood Lin Hang's feelings, and said softly, "Hang'er, do you miss your father again?"

Lin Hang grinned reluctantly at Wang Lao, and said, "Teacher, it's nothing, just some feelings. You said, when can I see my parents?" Wang Lao thought for a while and said, "Hang'er, originally this I don’t want to tell you about the matter, but now that I see you, I still can’t bear to hide it from you. This time I went to the United States because of my mission and got some news about your father.”

Lin Hang suddenly opened his eyes when he heard Wang Lao's words, and asked in disbelief, "Teacher, are you serious? Did you see my father in America?"

Old Wang stretched out his hand to signal Lin Hang to calm down a bit, and then said, "Hang'er, I haven't seen your father, but I got news of his recent moves. Our military knows a little bit about your father's back then. He After living in seclusion for many years and finally decided to leave China, our military also knows it. He has only been able to find a way to return to China in a fair and honest manner. It seems that the US has the answer he wants."

Lin Hang calmed down from the excitement just now, and asked, "Teacher, what news have you gotten, let me know. I know I don't have the ability to manage these things now, I won't be impulsive."

Seeing that Lin Hang was able to remain calm at this time, Wang Lao couldn't help but nodded and smiled, "Hang'er, this time is the opposite. I want to give you a task, which is to go to the U.S. to explore something."

Lin Hang asked curiously, "Let me go to the U.S.? Does the investigation have something to do with my father?"

Old Wang said, "Your father seems to be looking for something, so some time ago, he frequently appeared in the eastern region of the United States. The power world of the United States seems to be very fond of your father, and many people are sent to search for your father's traces. The Chinese military also attaches great importance to this matter, so I want you to go to the United States to check this matter. Of course, your current strength is still relatively weak, I just let you understand the situation, don’t put yourself In danger!"

After all, Wang Lao gave Lin Hang something. Lin Hang took it curiously and found it was a six-pointed star-shaped pendant. Wang Lao then introduced, "You have my space-time ability, and now you have broken through to the day after tomorrow, I shouldn't have worried about your safety. But after hearing you say that you were disrupted by the killer of "Black Nest" that day, I realized that some forces have made some progress in the research of my abilities. So I made this pendant, it has no other functions. It just helps you stabilize the space order around you so that you can activate abilities. With this, I believe you should have no problems, but don’t take it lightly and don’t take risks that you can’t take at this stage, you know. ?"

Listening to Wang Laoyu’s heartfelt words and his deep concern for himself, Lin Hang warmed up from the bottom of his heart and responded with a loud voice, "Teacher, don’t worry! This time I will definitely complete the task you gave me, and will Take care to protect your own safety."

Lao Wang nodded in satisfaction, but Tian Dayong on the side couldn't help but speak, "Lao Wang, did you forget me? Would you like me to go with Brother Lin?"

Wang Lao glanced at Tian Dayong and said casually, "I do have this idea, but you don't seem to be steadfast, so how can I rest assured to entrust such a heavy task to you!"

Hearing what Wang said, Tian Dayong became a little anxious, and said hurriedly, "Wang Lao! Others don’t understand me Lao Tian, ​​don’t you understand? You can say that I grew up watching me. How steady I am, this Don't worry if you leave the task to me!"

Lin Hang looked at Tian Dayong who was hurriedly expressing his attitude, couldn't help but laugh, and said, "Well, Brother Tian, ​​teacher, this is a joke for you! His old man must have decided that I will be with you early in the morning, you Don't be loyal here!"

It's no wonder Tian Dayong couldn't see it for a while, it was because Wang Lao had always been unsmiling in his impression. How could he have thought that he was joking today. What he didn't know was that after accepting Lin Hang as a disciple, Wang Lao's heart had changed a little, and he was no longer so low.

Mr. Wang smiled and said at this time, "Hang'er, besides Tian Dayong, I am also going to arrange two helpers for you. They will go to the U.S. with you. In addition to checking this with you, they will also get exercise. Opportunity."

Lin Hang was a little curious, who on earth did Wang find come and go to America with him.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!