I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 631

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:08:35 AM

Chapter 631: Initial arrangement

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After entering Ziwei Emperor Star and once again determined that no outsiders had broken in here, Lin Hang also let go of his heart. With a wave of his right hand, Yu Lao Ye Lao and other first batch candidates appeared in front of everyone. , Stepped onto the land of Dengxian Island, and because these people had been in Lin Hang’s "Sleeve in the Universe" before, they actually didn’t know much about the outside world. At this time, it felt like being down to earth again. Yes, in the current situation, these'old people' simply adapted to it for a while, and they were like old Wang, sighing the aura of this place on Immortal Island, and the obvious laws between heaven and earth, so they don’t need to If you feel too much, you can faintly feel your own improvement, which is more clear than in "Candle World" at that time. Many people even feel that they can break through immediately, but this is just an illusion. That's it, but it can also illustrate the magic above the Ziwei Emperor star. If you stay here for a long time, you may not be able to complete the breakthrough for these people.

Lin Hang looked at the curiosity and perceives the people around him, he couldn't help but laughed. You know, after breaking through the innate realm that had been stuck with them, these people entered a higher realm, and their old state was similar. Everything has changed. Except for a small number of people who maintained the attitude of the old man at the time, most of the other family heads have changed their external appearance to a little younger, basically in their 30s. The image of middle-aged people around the age of 10, which is more in line with their current mentality and age, because although they have experienced old age, this is because they have been stuck in the innate realm before and can’t make progress. Later, their cultivation level broke through. Shouyuan grows naturally. Their old-fashioned appearance is no longer in line with their current state of strength and age. Only then will they basically maintain their current middle-aged form. This is why Lin Hang will be in their "old man" The reason for the quotation marks above the title, because from the current point of view, they may not be the new generation of China's new generation. When they grow up in the future, they will still be able to become China's backbone.

Lin Hang was familiar with the environment and the situation of the world. After a while, he said, "Everyone, everybody! Now we have successfully entered the legendary Ziwei Emperor. We are now The location of is on a small island in the West Antarctic Inland Sea west of Ziwei Emperor Star, called Dengxian Island! This will also become the general base for our subsequent operations, whether it is experience or follow-up operations, here They are the most critical, the best harbor that can guarantee your safety at the last minute!"

Regarding the basic situation of Ziwei Emperor Star, these people had already basically understood from Wang Lao and Jiang Lao and others before setting off above Earth Star, so now I have heard Lin Hang say that Ziwei Emperor Star West Pole Inland Sea With such words, there is no sense of surprise, but I am surprised at the arrival of Dengxian Island in Lin Hang's mouth, vaguely guessing Lin Hang’s pride, and taking Dengxian as the people is naturally full of yearning and confidence in the land of Dengxian. And the name of Dengxiandao also made everyone present feel the blood boiled for a while. I can’t wait to reach the end of the Tribulation immediately, try to touch the fairyland of Dengxiandao, it must be very fascinating, right? .

Seeing that everyone had nothing to say, Lin Hang nodded, and then said, "This is our first attempt at Huaxia. You are also our first batch of experimenters, so we should not be too Publicity and arrogance, although the people in the West Antarctic Inland Sea are mixed, there is no particularly orderly order, and there are very many casual cultivations of all ethnic groups. It is reasonable to say that your cultivation base of the late Yuan Ying should be here. There is no particular danger, it’s just that we are outsiders after all, and the Western Antarctic Inland Sea is not completely beyond the control of the three inland forces, so we still have to keep a low profile in the initial stage. You are here first. Cultivation on Dengxian Island for a period of time, and during these times, I will discuss the general situation on the West Antarctic Inner Sea and even the entire Ziwei Emperor Star. I will also establish several secret island bases that can communicate with each other. , So as not to be tracked down too frequently in our trips to and from the Immortal Island, this is our arrangement for you in the early days, don't you have any comments?"

After Lin Hang's voice fell, everyone present had no objection to it. It was because of Lin Hang's arrangement that they were able to come to this Ziwei Emperor Star to experience, so naturally they have no opinion on Lin Hang's arrangement. In addition, they have just arrived at Ziwei Emperor Star and have not yet adapted to this sudden skyrocketing spiritual power and the power of the surging active laws, so it takes some time to adapt to such changes, and There are also some people who have some special feelings because of the stimulus of the sudden change of the environment. Now it is the time to feel it, and naturally they are not willing to go out, so they all agreed to Lin Hang's arrangement.

Lin Hang knew that there was nothing wrong with his arrangement, so he continued, "The time to stay on this Immortal Island Cultivation is tentatively scheduled for half a year. During this half year, I hope you can practice well, and I According to your characteristics, we will arrange some cultivation methods and auxiliary cultivation resources that are most suitable for your situation. I hope that after half a year's time is over, some of you will surprise me!"

Lin Hang said here, everyone at the scene cast their gazes at Ye Lao's position, consciously or unconsciously. Ye Lao's cultivation base that has now stepped into the God Transformation Stage naturally did not conceal the meaning of others, and Ye Lao did not overdo it Protecting how you broke through the specific circumstances of entering the God-Transforming Stage, so most of the people present were more or less aware of the inside story of Ye Lao’s breakthrough, mostly because of Ye Lao’s accumulation and accumulation of the water element system. , But that breakthrough came because of the assistance of the training auxiliary resources provided by Lin Hang. It was impossible for Ye Lao to break through so easily without Lin Hang’s help. So now Lin Hang Hang publicly mentioned that he would give them some training resources and help. The people present were all active. They believed that there was no big difference between Ye Lao's cultivation and advancement. If they were assisted by appropriate resources, it might not be impossible. Take a quick step forward and catch up with Ye Lao's pace.

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