I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 633

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:08:34 AM

Chapter 633: intend

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It’s just that Lin Hang hasn’t spoken yet, so naturally they won’t make a decision so recklessly, or I have to wait until Lin Hang speaks and then distribute it. They know that since Lin Hang has released these materials, it is of course not a shame. What they played was naturally allocated to them, so they were not in a hurry, waiting for Lin Hang's arrangement.

Lin Hang did not say much, because although these things can be called scarce, after scanning and copying them, the word scarcity has been lost in Lin Hang's eyes, as long as he is willing and time to pay With spiritual power, you can get the sufficient amount you want. There is no need to worry about consumption. Therefore, Lin Hang does not care about the consumption of resources. He just hopes that with his help, these people in China can make progress in strength. This is Lin. Hang is most willing to see things.

Lin Hang waved his hand, and the twenty kinds of objects in the air disappeared. The next moment he appeared in front of the twenty-six Yuan Yingqi monks, floating quietly, and it happened to be heard at this moment. Lin Hang’s voice, "Everyone, during this six months of cultivation time, I hope that you can make good use of the superior cultivation environment on Dengxian Island and organize your own cultivation progress. In addition, these The items are the training aids that I have prepared for each of you. If you can make good use of them, everyone will have the opportunity to advance their cultivation to the stage of **** transformation during this six months. To the point! And this Dengxian Island after I leave this time, I will temporarily close this place for half a year, which means that I will not come back for half a year, and you do not need to come out. Hopefully, after half a year, when I return After landing on Fairy Island, I will be able to see all of you who have stepped into the **** transformation stage!

After saying this, Lin Hang did not care about the reaction of the many late-stage primordial cultivators who had obtained the treasure. Instead, he flew into the midair of Dengxian Island, then opened his hands, and then saw six crystals. The middle-grade spirit stone flew out in six different directions until it landed on the six edges of Dengxian Island and then stopped, buried in the ground, and then Lin Hang's right hand painted in the air, Seeing the same turquoise light with Lin Hang as the center, connecting with the six middle-grade spirit stones that flew out before, and then Lin Hang continued to depict, the last huge light array slowly formed, slowly sinking Go, finally fell on the land of Dengxian Island and disappeared.

Just when this light array disappeared, everyone present keenly felt the difference. It was already relatively rich in heaven and earth spiritual power. At this time, it seems that there is a further trend, and it is necessary to move towards a higher concentration! This situation really shocked everyone, and understood that the reason for all this was naturally related to the light array that Lin Hang had just portrayed in midair.

Lin Hang also explained in a timely manner, "Originally, there was only a "Fog Array" on the periphery of Dengxian Island, which hides its own existence, and a teleportation array in the center. I just used six middle-grade spirit stones as The foundation stone depicts a simple "Six-pointed Star Gathering Array". Although the formation is simple, but with the help of six middle-grade spirit stones, the efficiency and ability of gathering spiritual power are very good. According to the formation In the end, the spiritual strength on the island of Dengxian should be more than three times that of the outside world. I believe that under such an environment, it should be more conducive to your cultivation and promotion, and will not be affected by the outside world. Influencing progress, everything depends on your own opportunities and efforts!"

After arranging all the preparations for these late-stage Yuan Ying monks to practice, Lin Hang no longer cares about them, and left the area of ​​Dengxian Island with Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan, over the sea area outside Dengxian Island. Looking at the Dengxian Island shrouded in mist in front of him.

Lin Hang said that in the past six months, neither he nor Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan would return to Dengxian Island, and these twenty-odd Chinese monks would not be able to leave Dengxian Island, so to ensure Lin Hang waved his hand in the secret of Dengxian Island. The familiar routine reappeared. A clone of Lin Hang in the early stage of the catastrophe appeared in front of the three of them instantly, and this clone was also supported by some of Lin Hang's spiritual power, so it had Very good autonomy, completely without Lin Hang's own manipulation to complete the duty of taking care of Dengxian Island this time.

After summoning the clone, Lin Hang was still a little worried. Now that Dengxiandao has the existence of "Six-pointed Stars Gathering Array", it will inevitably become a special existence in the perception of many people, and it is no longer as ordinary as before. Although the location here is very remote, there is no guarantee that no one will come here, so for the ultimate insurance, Lin Hang waved his hand, and then the entire Dengxian Island disappeared in front of a few people!

Although Mr. Wang on the side probably guessed that Lin Hang’s method should be based on illusion, combined with the supernatural powers of the change of virtual reality, the whole island of Dengxian Island was transformed into nothingness based on perception, outsiders could not perceive, at least it was cultivation base People who are no more than Lin Hang can't perceive this place, but they still feel very magical. And this West Antarctic Inland Sea is the place that was almost abandoned by the three major inland forces. The monks who crossed the Tribulation Period can still see it, but the cultivation base of Dengxianjing will never come to the West Polar Sea, let alone come. With such a remote location, coupled with the fact that Lin Hang's clone is always guarded here, then the entire Dengxian Island should be safe and sound for the next six months, and can wait until the return of Lin Hang and the three.

After leaving Dengxian Island, after arranging the Chinese people in the Nascent Soul Stage, Lin Hang, Wang Lao, and Liu Ruyan were also discussing the next actions.

Lin Hang still worried about the condition that Wang Lao felt before, which belonged to Wang Lao to break through his own fairyland. So in the air, he looked at Wang Lao and said first, "Teacher, you have also seen the situation today. , This group of people from China, since I brought them here, I will definitely arrange them properly, so the current situation no longer needs your worry, and now the most important thing for you The thing is to complete the conditions for breaking your own fairyland gate. I will prepare all the materials for the formation. You also know the star maps of the nearby Ziwei Emperor Star to Earth Star. The same line set up by the Clan Alliance would be very secretive and facilitate the communication between our disciples."

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