I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 638

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:08:25 AM

Chapter 638: Breakthrough

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Because of the experience of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance, they connected Ziwei Emperor Star and Earth Star and used nearly sixty teleportation arrays. If Wang Lao wants to find a new path that belongs to China, he must consider the secret distinction. There must be detours, but both Lin Hang and Wang Lao estimated that the number of teleportation arrays would not exceed 80. With Wang Lao’s speed and Lin Hang’s sufficient material support, Wang Lao would not be in every one. A lot of time was wasted in the formation, so it is only necessary for Wang Lao to be fully prepared for the preliminary preparations and to directly choose a route that can directly complete the layout. It will inevitably go smoothly. Therefore, Wang Lao said that it must be within half a year Will come back, in fact, is not an ideal or wish, but a real thing that will happen.

In Lin Hang's heart, in fact, he also very much hopes that Mr. Wang can break through to the fairyland, and this time should be as short as possible. If Mr. Wang can successfully break through, he will not only be able to obtain those materials. I have provided great help to Lin Hang, and in the future, Lin Hang's idea of ​​marching into the West Pole will be easier to realize. So now that Wang Lao has finally confirmed his heart, Lin Hang is also very happy for Wang Lao.

Lao Wang, who had arranged the formation, came to Lin Hang. Lin Hang handed a disc of ethereal stone to Mr. Wang, and then said, "Teacher, in this disc of ethereal stone, it is the disciple who will help you I prepared the auxiliary materials for the arrangement of the formations. In order to prevent you from running back and forth, I have prepared more than 100 copies of these materials, enough for you to use. And here, the disciples also wish you the next time you meet , You can successfully make a breakthrough and appear in front of the disciple as a brand-new monk who climbs the fairyland!"

Lao Wang took the disc, nodded and accepted Lin Hang’s kindness and blessings, and then stopped saying much, and directly activated the long-distance jumping talisman in front of Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan. He came directly to a piece of debris outside the Ziwei Emperor Star. In the following days, Wang Lao would use the star map in his mind as the basis, and then rely on his own specific exploration to start to arrange one by one to the Earth Star On the teleportation array, and Mr. Wang will experiment one by one until it is fully usable. In Mr. Wang’s space, Lin Hang prepared a large number of "Long Distance Jumping Talisman" for Mr. Wang. Lao's next action plan, these number of "long-distance jumping talisman" is already enough for Wang Lao.

After Wang Lao left, after Lin Hang sorted out his mood, he and Liu Ruyan also entered the area of ​​Fenglei Island. With a wave of Lin Hang's right hand, he saw an exquisite earthen hut rising from the empty space. Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan stepped into it, preparing to discuss the next action plan, and their actions The plan must be clear and detailed, and it is best to explore it first, and then determine the specific plan of action.

In the cabin built by Lin Hang, Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan sat on the floor directly face to face. Lin Hang took the lead and said, "Yan'er, for the sake of safety, I decided to take the next action. Let our clone go to this. In the Western Antarctic Inland Sea, explore some news before deciding our future actions! And regarding the exploration of this news, I already have a very good direction!"

Then Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan glanced at each other. They both saw the meaning in each other’s eyes, and couldn’t help laughing together. Then Liu Ruyan said, "The West Gate! This one was taken by you last time. The selected special forces had some cooperation with them in the previous days, but later because of the way to enter the inland, we gave up the idea of ​​further cooperation with "Western Gate", but now it seems that they can still be able to We already have a general understanding of the objects we use, and we also know that their "Western Gate" is the most powerful force in the Western Antarctic Inland Sea except for the'Three Western Overlords', and because of history The remaining reason is that their "Western Gate" has a very bad potential relationship with the three major inland forces and the "Three Western Overlords", and this is where we can cut into it. We want to quickly get this time For some things that happened on the Nei Ziwei Emperor Star, it is undoubtedly the most suitable choice to find this "Western Gate" for cooperation!"

Lin Hang nodded. The "Western Gate" mentioned by Ruyan Liu was the first appropriate exploration direction that Lin Hang considered at this time. Because of historical reasons, there was also the information that Lin Hang personally explored last time. This "Western Gate" is unlikely to have a good impression of the three powers because of the suppression of the three powers, and this is exactly what Lin Hang can use. Lin Hang once said to "Xijimen" that he wanted to cooperate with them and help them to withstand the dominance and influence of the "Three Western Hegemons", so that "Xijimen" would return to the dominance of the West Antarctic Inland Sea. Initially, a unified opinion was reached, but at the beginning, Lin Hang learned of the existence of the trial, so at that time, in order to complete his work more quickly, Lin Hang chose a faster path. Cooperating with "Western Gate" continues, but now Lin Hang's eyes are darkened. In addition, the last time he entered the mysterious open space, it will inevitably arouse the vigilance of these three forces. Lin Hang does not want to go to the grass and startle snakes. So at this time, it became the best choice to contact "Western Gate" again.

Lin Hang had a plan in his mind, and it happened that Liu Ruyan had the same idea. Lin Hang no longer hesitated, and decided to find the top of "Western Gate". One was to inquire about the news, and the other was to see. Can there be room for cooperation, because this time Lin Hang’s idea is no longer the same as before. When he came to Ziwei Emperor Star for the first time, Lin Hang came with the idea of ​​completing the task, and never thought about it. This Ziwei Emperor star developed in the long term, but this time it was different. Although Lin Hang also wanted to find the last few materials he needed, he still had other purposes, the most important of which was to This Ziwei Emperor star turned into the best place to practice for his disciples in China, and if it was just a place to practice, it would not satisfy Lin Hang's appetite now. Looking at the unoccupied West Pole, Lin Hang thought. It has become a place to occupy an area here and then take control, and slowly develop to see if it can become the fifth largest power in addition to the four inland powers.

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