I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 64

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:27:13 AM

Chapter 64: fishing

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Lin Hang and Tian Dayong had breakfast the next day, they boarded a military helicopter and drove them to the nearest international airport.

Lin Hang and Tian Dayong's ticket matters have been completed. They took the travel visa. After arriving at the airport, Lin Hang saw two familiar figures in the lobby.

"Brother Jiang, Sister Hua! Are you two going to the U.S. with us this time?" Lin Hang was a little happy seeing his acquaintance.

The tall man on one side also smiled. It was Jiang Huacong, who came over with Huazhi and said, "Lin Hang, meet again! Huazhi and I were also temporarily notified to go abroad to perform this mission. We will be comrades-in-arms in the future. I hope we can fight side by side and accomplish this mission well!

Huazhi on the side couldn't stand the serious Jiang Huacong, gave him a white look, and smiled at Lin Hang, "Lin Hang, don't listen to him! He is so serious all day long, this time my sister in America will rely on you to cover it. It's over, you have to protect my sister!"

Lin Hang was a little overwhelmed with enthusiasm for Huazhi, so he quickly changed the subject and said, "Is it time to board the plane? Let's not waste time here. Get on the plane!"

The four of them chatted for a while, and got on the plane. After more than ten hours, the plane landed in a city in the eastern part of the U.S.-Grimbia.

The long journey made the four of them a little tired. Although Huaxia’s time was more than ten hours faster than Gemlimbia, it is still Gemlimbia’s morning. But they still came to the hotel where they were staying. They repaired the entire two or three days first, taking the jet lag, and then planned the next action.

Soon, three days passed in a flash, and the four people in the room began to discuss the next plan.

Lin Hang took out the map of Grimbia in his hand and analyzed it, “The teacher said that the ability of the United States came to Grimbia frequently some time ago. What we have to do this time is to find out their purpose. Of course. , We still put our own safety first, and we will investigate this matter while ensuring this."

The three of Tian Dayong nodded, and Lin Hang continued, "After all, we have come to the territory of the United States now. We can't find people with great fanfare. Do you have any good ideas?"

Huazhi smiled and replied, "Lin Hang, as the commander of this mission, and according to your performance, you are not unprepared. You might as well say your plan, and we will say it if we have anything to add. Wouldn't it be better?"

Jiang Huacong on the side did not speak, apparently acquiescing to what Huazhi said.

Lin Hang said, “We came to the U.S. on the surface as tourists this time, so there are not many supernatural players in U.S. We have a lot of guard. My plan is to first understand the local differences in Gambia. The power situation, and then take action."

Huazhi asked in a puzzled manner, "This is indeed the truth, but the question now is how to understand that even though the identity of tourism is hidden, the face of us Asians is still too conspicuous."

Lin Hang smiled mysteriously and said, "You don't have to worry about this. I have my own way. I only hope that you can act according to my plan in this operation. Don't take risks. Can you do it?"

Since Wang Lao asked Jiang Huacong to come to the United States with himself, it is obvious that the two can be completely trusted by the military. Lin Hang has now broken through to the day after tomorrow, and his hidden mentality is not the same as before, so he decided to show his abilities to both Jiang Huacong.

Although Jiang Huacong and Huazhi didn't understand where Lin Hang's confidence came from, they still gave Lin Hang a firm affirmative answer due to the instinct of a soldier.

After getting the answers from the two, Lin Hang nodded in satisfaction and said, "Today you will go out with me later, I will arrange some bait first, and then we can wait for the fish to get the bait."

Looking at the mysterious Lin Hang and the silent Tian Dayong, Jiang Huacong was a little confused. Lin Hang didn't explain much, and left the hotel with the three of them and walked on the streets of Grimbia.

After a while, Lin Hang came to an intersection, and Lin Hang stopped. After looking around for a while, after confirming that there were no supernatural beings around, Lin Hang secretly gathered a small amount of psychic energy and slowly formed the appearance of an eye. Slowly merged into the ground and disappeared.

Although the passing pedestrians could not see this magical scene, Jiang Huacong and Huazhi still opened their eyes, and Lin Hang's ability was clearly beyond their cognition.

After completing this move, Lin Hang did not explain, and continued walking with the three of them until after placing such ‘eyes’ on most of the prosperous part of Grimbia, the four returned to the hotel.

After returning to the hotel, Lin Hang gathered everyone together again.

Looking at Huazhi with a puzzled face, Lin Hang couldn't help but smiled, "Sister Hua, do you have any questions?"

Huazhi is also a straight-tempered person, and said directly, "Lin Hang, I know this is your secret, but as your teammate now, I think you should tell us so that we can better cooperate with you!"

Lin Hang originally planned to tell them, so he said directly, "Brother Jiang, Sister Hua, you were sent by the teacher to assist me. I can naturally trust you. The'eyes' I just set at the intersections of various streets are called " "The Watcher", this is my specially improved version. It doesn't have many psionic powers, but there are supernatural beings passing by. I will receive warnings from it so that I can transmit it in an instant and take action as needed."

Huazhi had actually seen this thing, so she still asked, "I also contacted the "Watcher" you mentioned and knew its existence, so I knew it when you placed it. What I don't understand now is Why can you use this power? Isn't your power "Lord of the Elements" plus "Control of Time and Space"?"

When Huazhi's words fell, Jiang Huacong's eyes also looked over, obviously waiting for him to explain this question.

Lin Hang smiled, did not speak, but waved his hand, and disappeared before everyone's eyes in a blink of an eye. Huazhi looked at this scene and couldn't help standing up. Lin Hang's ability was clearly her "Twisted Light" ability. Such invisibility is just to deceive the eyes. Lin Hang is not proficient in using it, so there are still flaws to follow. of.

Lin Hang appeared at this moment and said, "Actually, my ability is "Copy"! I have copied all of your abilities, and the "Watcher" I just set is also a copy of my ability. When I was in the competition before, because of the teacher’s advice and protection for me, I only showed some of my abilities. Now, I have broken through to the day after tomorrow, and you, as my current teammates, I think you can know my That’s why I told you about the situation."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!