I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 645

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:08:15 AM

Chapter 645: Method

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After listening to Lin Hang's words, Yao Xing'an felt a surge of emotions in his heart. He found that he was indeed somewhat restricted by his current cultivation level and thoughts. After all, he was only a monk in the transformation stage. Unfamiliar and unclear, I can only rely on my own ideas to imagine, so there is still a big error in this, and after careful thinking, Yao Xing’an also understands the past in the "Western Gate". Those old friends of the catastrophe period, why would they all persevere in wanting to go further in the catastrophe period.

After Lin Hang’s call, Yao Xing’an knew the development route of the Tribulation Period. As long as he could withstand the baptism of the Tribulation, he could quickly advance. Some geniuses spent this stage in the Tribulation Period or even in all realms. The ones with the least time, such as the former Lin Hang, directly entered the middle stage of the catastrophe under the two catastrophes at the same time. This is the cultivation and promotion method of the catastrophe.

Yao Xing'an understands that the previous "Western Gate" has the same understanding of the tribulation period. When they cross the tribulation period, they can only attract the suppression and fear of the three major inland forces. After all, there is no breakthrough period. The monks are all potential stocks, and no one knows whether there are evildoers who can enter the fairyland. Therefore, the cultivation base of the crossing period does not guarantee the stable development of their "Western Gate". Within a period of time, there was an existence in the fairyland, which met the conditions to support the stable development of "Western Gate", but the ideas of these ancestors were very good. It was due to the lack of background and the deliberate or unintentional interference of the three major inland forces. All the ancestors of the "Western Gate" in the tribulation period fell into the tribulation period, and none of them survived, including many monks who were at the peak of the **** transformation period. They tried to cross the tribulation period, but no one succeeded. In the whole "Western Gate", there are no more monks in the transition period. This is the reason why "Western Gate" will decline and become like this step by step.

However, although Yao Xing'an understands a bit now, he still has no clue as to how to do it. After all, if things can be solved so easily, it will not give the whole "Xijimen" a headache. For so many years, in Yao Xing’an’s view, how to develop steadily under the three inland forces is a very difficult task. Yao Xing’an knows that he has the help of Lin Hang’s spirit flower, plus At this time, the two kinds of spirit stones and soft water, passed the first tribulation, and thus entered the initial stage of the tribulation, it is already a certain thing, and even after the two tribulations, Yao Xingan relied on it for many years. The accumulation of Lin Hang and Lin Hang’s funding are also certain, but although the cultivation of crossing the catastrophe is very different, it still takes time. How to spend such time is a difficult matter to solve, and even if Yao Xing'an can enter the late stage of the Tribulation without any risk, but it is still unknown whether he can successfully climb the fairy tale. Yao Xing'an feels that he can't put all the treasure on his body. They must come up with a more suitable and stable method for "Western Gate". It is the most appropriate way to develop from time to time, and to continue until the first monk who climbs into the fairyland can appear as Lin Hang said.

After Yao Xing’an’s thoughts diverged for a while, he already had a general direction in his mind, but he still asked Lin Hang, “Senior, thank you for your kind words, I discovered that my thoughts have entered a misunderstanding for so many years. It’s too ridiculous to think about crossing the catastrophe and even going to the fairyland with my own level of cultivation and vision of the God Transformation Period! However, I still don’t have any idea how to enter the Tribulation Period and still develop steadily. How can seniors teach me the clues and methods?"

After that, Yao Xing'an bowed deeply to Lin Hang. This bow included the kindness to Lin Hang to wake him up, and also wanted to let Lin Hang continue to give him guidance.

Looking at Lin Hang, who was still arched and did not get up, he was also a little bit emotional about Yao Xing'an's love and feelings for "Western Gate". He waved his hand to lift Yao Xing'an's body, then looked at Yao Xing'an's eyes and spoke. Said, "Head Yao, don't worry, since I have raised such a problem with you, of course I have already figured out a solution! I have a secret technique that can create a cultivation base slightly weaker for you than Your avatar comes out, and you can let your avatar preside over the specific affairs of "Western Gate" in the days to come, and if you don’t mind, you can follow me, I can protect the realm after your breakthrough, and In the days to come, I believe that with my help and your accumulation over the years, it shouldn’t be difficult to break through to the end of the Tribulation Period. I will do my best when I reach the peak of the Tribulation Period. I will try my best to help you see if you can hit the realm of climbing the fairyland!"

Lin Hang’s words made Yao Xing’an’s eyes bright, and Yao Xing’an’s biggest worry was when he had not broken through to the fairyland, or when the entire "Western Gate" had not yet appeared in the fairyland, inland The three major forces will directly attack their cultivators during the Tribulation Period. If this is the case, they may never be able to break through to the fairyland, but the method proposed by Lin Hang is undoubtedly another way, which not only allows him to break through without any pressure. Entering the tribulation period, the situation shown in the later "Western Gate" will not change too much, just the unobtrusive countermeasures, and he can also develop more safely with the help of Lin Hang With his own strength, and I believe that after the ties in his heart are removed, Yao Xing'an will definitely be able to have a more violent eruption. Maybe the estimated time to break through to the late stage of the robbery may be much earlier.

Before Yao Xing’an was excited, Lin Hang’s voice continued, "Head Yao, things don’t stop there! We also know that although the breakthrough in the tribulation period is difficult, there are traces to follow. I can have a more definite goal to help you, but the breakthrough of climbing to the fairyland is actually very elusive. I dare not easily promise you that you will be able to help you break through to the level of climbing to the fairyland. I can only say my best. However, there is no other way. If your ontology has been far away from the "Western Gate" where you have survived for so long, you will put aside all your affairs and break through to the late stage of the catastrophe."

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