I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 647

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:07:57 AM

Chapter 647: follow

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Lin Hanging has always been vigorous and resolute. This time, since it has been determined that Yao Xing'an will be taken away for the breakthrough, he didn't delay anything, but said directly to Yao Xing'an, "Master Yao, what else do you need to prepare? I am about to leave this West Pole Island, this time I will take you away directly!"

Before Yao Xing’an could answer, Lin Hang continued, “Actually, you don’t need to take anything to leave this time, as long as you have an upward and enterprising heart. You may not feel anything about this now. Wait for me to show it. The secret technique creates a clone for you, and you know the specific situation!"

Yao Xing'an didn't mean to refute Lin Hang, and then he saw Lin Hang coming to his side, and he said in a low voice, "Don't resist!" Then he felt a huge sense of God enter his body. Slowly moved to the position of his dantian, and then Yao Xingan felt that the spiritual power in his dantian was directly extracted by this sense of spirit. This feeling was very uncomfortable, and Yao Xingan had an impulse to resist, but he I remembered what Lin Hang had said before casting the spell, so at this time I also forcibly suppressed his thoughts of resisting, and this process did not last for a long time. In Yao Xing’an’s consciousness, although this spiritual sense was powerful , But the subtle manipulation power is also incomparably fine. Except for Yao Xing’an perceiving a little oppression at the beginning, it is very gentle at other times, and even uses most of his spiritual power at the end. When it was pulled out, Yao Xing'an basically didn't feel anything.

And at this moment, Yao Xing'an also felt that the incomparably powerful spiritual sense had slowly withdrawn from his body. He felt a moment of relaxation, except for the emptiness of spiritual power in his dantian. Besides, there is no other special feeling.

Yao Xing'an also heard Lin Hang's voice, "Okay, Yao is the head of the house, it is done. Next, you only need to inject your spiritual knowledge to activate this clone!"

Yao Xingan followed Lin Hang’s voice perception, and saw Lin Hang’s right hand waved, that familiar spiritual power slowly formed a human figure exactly like him. After looking carefully, Yao Xingan It was only then that there was no difference between this human figure and his own, and the spiritual power level in his body had reached the level of the later stage of the transformation!

Yao Xing'an, who saw this scene for the first time, naturally felt very surprised. Such a powerful secret technique seemed to be just normal in front of Lin Hang. This made Yao Xing'an even more in awe of Lin Hang, with such a powerful secret. Lin Hang of Shushu, the power behind him is definitely not what he can imagine. Now Yao Xingan’s thoughts have become simpler. He only hopes that with the help of Lin Hang, he can quickly improve in the days to come. With his own strength, "Western Gate" can be better developed under his protection, and other things are no longer within Lin Hang's consideration.

Yao Xing'an heard Lin Hang’s words and didn’t know how to operate it. He heard Lin Hang’s timely voice, “There are two ways to manipulate such a clone. One is single-line operation, which is that your deity’s consciousness can directly Manipulating the clone is very simple, but it is not possible for the clone and the deity to move freely at the same time. There are some restrictions on what you will do afterwards. I don't recommend this method. Another way is to forcibly divide your spiritual power. Some come out and are injected into this clone. After that, the clone is equivalent to an individual capable of independent activities, and can act independently without the manipulation of your deity. According to our action plan, your deity After following me away, the avatar needs to take care of the daily affairs of your entire "Xijimen". This is undoubtedly a heavy duty job, so I think the latter method is more suitable for the current situation!"

Lin Hang’s suggestion was naturally based on the development of the matter and made the most suitable method for the current situation, so after the introduction, Yao Xing’an did not have any objections, and directly nodded in agreement with Lin Hang’s suggestion, and then went to Lin Hang. Under the guidance of, he quickly separated a part of his spirit power and injected it into the clone in front of him. Then Yao Xingan felt a strange change, and his vision suddenly became two parts, one This is where his deity is, and another is in the clone that was just created by Lin Hang. What's amazing is that because of Lin Hang's reminder, his consciousness at this time is directly divided into two parts, and That is to say, he does not need his own manipulation. In fact, the clone can do his own things alone, and because he has all his own experience and insights, he does not need to worry about handling things in any way different from him. After his deity leaves the "Western Gate", the development of "Western Gate" will be lagging behind. With such a convenient clone, Yao Xing'an can also leave with Lin Hang more comfortably.

After having this experience this time, Yao Xing’an’s last trace of doubt in his heart is also directly eliminated. With this guarantee, his trust in Lin Hang has also risen to a higher level, and Lin Hang’s promise to him is even more impressive. With confidence, he believes that choosing to leave with Lin Hang and cooperate with Lin Hang this time may be the most correct decision he has made in his life, and it is likely to change the current situation of their "Western Gate" The only chance, Yao Xing'an couldn't help setting himself a goal in his heart. He must not waste such an opportunity. He must develop well with the help of Lin Hang to make "Western Gate" shine with a different brilliance. .

Having resolved the "Western Gate" that Yao Xing'an was worried about, Lin Hang didn't want to delay anything. He waved to Yao Xing'an and said, "Yao, since there is nothing more to do, then we Let’s go? The matter here is handled by your clone, and you don’t need to worry too much about it, and the senior executives of your "Western Gate" are only temporarily unconscious, and they will slowly wake up after a while It's here, and for the sake of insurance and safety at this stage, they won't have the memory of these things that you know. The rest of the matter depends on your arrangements. There is no problem, right?"

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