I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 65

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:27:13 AM

Chapter 65: Bruce

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After listening to Lin Hang's words, Huazhi and Jiang Huacong couldn't calm down for a long time, especially Jiang Huacong, as the person who played against Lin Hang in the final of the competition, somewhat subverted his cognition. Originally, it was not easy for Lin Hang to win. Jiang Huacong also thought that the gap between him and Lin Hang was not big. Now that Lin Hang did not use all his strength in the competition, he couldn't accept it for a while.

Compared with Jiang Huacong, Huazhi is not so depressed, but instead she said, "Lin Hang, you are so hard to hide us! If you say that, in fact, you can perform the task alone! I thought you were looking for us. I am here to help you, but now that we want to come, we are really here to learn from experience."

The facts are exactly the same as Huazhi thought. Lin Hang alone can complete various operations such as investigation, concealment, and transfer. In terms of force, there is an acquired late Tian Dayong support. In fact, they are useless at all. On the contrary, they may become a burden to Lin Hang at a critical moment. .

The main reason why Wang Lao asked Jiang Huacong and Huazhi to follow Lin Hang to the United States was to allow them to get more training opportunities with Lin Hang. After all, Mr. Wang dedicated himself to the military all his life. He knew that although Lin Hang, as his disciple, would not have a bad impression of the military. But after all, Lin Hang did not come from the army and would not have a lot of affection for the army, so now there is a chance that Mr. Wang is going to let Lin Hang go out to bring the potential military personnel to experience. On the one hand, it can play a role in training the two of them. On the other hand, Lin Hang has been with them for a long time, and he will naturally have more feelings for the military. Wang Lao also worked hard for the Chinese military and took great pains.

In fact, Lin Hang can probably figure out what Wang Lao thinks, but he does not have much rejection. Lin Hang is very happy to do something for Wang Lao.

Lin Hang looked at the two of them, smiled, and said, "It's not that I intentionally concealed it. I have never described my abilities to the outside world. Now as teammates, I hope to be honest with each other and complete this time together. task!"

Although Huazhi and Jiang Huacong felt a little frustrated, they were soldiers, and it was their bounden duty to obey orders. From the moment they received the mission from the military, they knew the commander of this mission-Lin Hang, so no matter what they thought in their hearts, they would unconditionally obey Lin Hang's decision.

The four of them sorted out some details of their actions in the room. At this time, Lin Hang received a message from the "Watcher" on the east street, and there was a slight psychic fluctuation.

Lin Hang had called everyone to come, stretched out his hand and wiped the three of them, and the three of them instantly changed their appearance, becoming a typical European and American appearance. In the same way, he wiped a handful of the gourd to himself, Lin Hang said to the three of them, "Now I have cast the ability "Disguise" on you, and you will look like a native in front of outsiders. Huazhi, you cast the ability to hide Our figure, I will take you to send it over!"

When Huazhi heard Lin Hang's words, she did not hesitate, opened her palm, and the four figures disappeared in the psychic wave. Lin Hang closed his eyes and used the group teleportation, leading everyone to the area where the fluctuations came.

With the light and shadow flickering, the four people came to the intersection where the fluctuations came. Lin Hang opened "Eagle Eye" to investigate carefully and found someone with psychic fluctuations. He was a young American in his twenties. man.

Lin Hang began to give instructions, "Brother Tian, ​​Brother Jiang, stay where you are. Sister Hua, please twist the light around that person when I do it later. We can't let ordinary people around see us. action!"

The four nodded and started their own actions.

Seeing that the three of them were ready to continue, Lin Hang took a deep breath, the "Elements-Darkness" ability was activated, and it became a dark psionic energy that blended into the shadow of the American supernatural power, and the familiar routine appeared. Lin Hang silently took out a reduced version of "Psychic Stick" and knocked it on the back of the man's head. The man groaned and passed out. Lin Hang showed his figure and made an ‘OK’ gesture to his teammates. The three quickly came to Lin Hang. Lin Hang launched another group teleportation and brought everyone back to the hotel room.

After successfully completing this action, Lin Hang also breathed a sigh of relief. Although there were no flaws in his layout, he was still afraid that some unexpected situations would happen. Fortunately, he did an excellent job and managed to catch it without disturbing others. Arrived at a U.S. superpower.

Lin Hang tied the American man to a chair, patted him on the face, and woke him up.

The man slowly opened his eyes, saw four strange faces in front of him, and screamed loudly, "Who are you! How dare you attack the great Bruce on my turf! Give it to me quickly, otherwise you will not have good fruit food!"

Lin Hang was numb, Jiang Huacong knowingly stepped forward and punched Bruce in the stomach. Bruce yelled in pain, and he dared not threaten Lin Hang and the others anymore.

Lin Hang opened his mouth, showing white teeth, speaking fluent English, and said with a smile, "Bruce, isn't it? Listen to your tone, you have a high position in this Gambia's ability circle. Now? But your strength in the middle of the bodybuilding period is obviously not worthy of it. Could it be that you have a great Laozi?"

Bruce felt that he was a little unlucky. These four people obviously came to Grimbia from other continents. Otherwise, how could they not know him? But now this group of people is obviously a fearless master, even if they guess their identity is unusual, and they don't have the slightest fear, Bruce is not a brainless stupid, trying to squeeze a smile and replied, "My dear friend Guys, what do you want to do when you come to Gambia, just tell me Bruce directly, there is no need to do this to me? We are all supernatural beings of the rice empire, and we should unite!"

Lin Hang couldn't help laughing. "Mr. Bruce, we are not from Gambia. No matter how much energy your father is here, he can't do anything about us, so you should be honest. Next I will ask you a few You have to answer the question well, otherwise, my brother's fist is not easy!"

Bruce has a somewhat flexible personality, and hurriedly said, "I have said that you are my good friends of Bruce. What does it matter if your good friends ask a few questions? Just ask, and I will answer well if I know!"

Lin Hang looked at Bruce's appearance and said with satisfaction, "Okay, don't look like this. You cooperate well, if we are satisfied, we will naturally let you go. You first look at this person, do you know him?" Lin Hang said Momentarily motioned Tian Dayong behind him to take out a photo.

Bruce looked at the figure in the photo. Although his complexion didn't change much, his heart was already surging. This group of people actually came for this matter. Bruce was a little entangled whether he should answer truthfully.

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