I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 650

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:07:53 AM

Chapter 650: Half moon

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This time, Lin Hang didn’t mean to disturb Yao Xing’an’s peace of mind to consolidate his cultivation base, but he estimated that it would take a long time for Yao Xing’an to consolidate his realm perfectly this time, and Lin Hang could not have been guarding him. Here, however, Lin Hang already had the idea of ​​leaving, and his deity was not guarding here, but it didn't mean that Lin Hang could not take care of Yao Xing'an.

Lin Hang waved his hand, and a clone of the catastrophe period immediately appeared beside him. After leaving such a clone, Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan disappeared directly on the island of wind and thunder.

And this clone did not need Lin Hang's instructions, so he built his own residence in the center of Fenglei Island, and stayed in this residence directly, while the divine consciousness was always watching after the breakthrough in midair. The cultivator Yao Xing'an, and this kind of caregiving work was a period of time after this clone.

This clone was left behind by Lin Hang, specifically on this Fenglei Island, not just this Fenglei Island. After that, every stronghold where the teleportation array is set up, Lin Hang will leave the clone to look after. In addition to a few strongholds for dangerous tempering, Lin Hang plans to be in several prosperous areas in the West Antarctic Inland Sea, including the three West Pole islands that were once prosperous but are now occupied by the'Three West Pole Today, "Western Gate" and other islands occupied by second-class forces in the West Antarctic Inland Sea, all have hidden transmission sites. Although the location of these areas may be exposed to some risks, Lin Hang believes that there is his cover. Generally speaking It will not attract much attention, and after such a risk, it also represents a very good benefit. The most important of these is the circulation of information, based on the cultivation of each clone of Lin Hang. , Staying in these prosperous islands will surely be able to get countless news, and these news will play a lot of role in the experience of many Chinese disciples in the future, and can also help Lin Hang quickly under today’s circumstances Get what he wants to know.

"Western Gate" is just a preparation made by Lin Hang. In fact, it is impossible for Lin Hang to put all of his own affairs on the exploration of "Western Gate". It seems that "Western Gate" is indeed true. It has great potential for development, but from the current situation, it is still too weak. To put it more bluntly, that is, "Xijimen" at best brings some help to Lin Hang on some detailed and cumbersome news. Lin Hang still has to rely on his own ability to carry out other things. Therefore, in Lin Hang's view, the assistance to "Western Gate" is actually more of an investment. He feels that it is because of the school culture. , "Xijimen" still has very good potential. If such potential can burst out, the future "Xijimen" may not be a big help for them. This is Lin Hang's most critical and final The idea, letting "Xijimen" inquire about the news for him has become a kind of incidental help.

In the Western Antarctic Inland Sea, the monks who crossed the Tribulation Period can only be possessed by the three major forces that now control most areas of the Western Antarctic Inner Sea, and these monks who cross the Tribulation Period are not It turned out that what happened in the western inland sea was all cultivated by the three major inland forces, and there was only one in each force. Therefore, in the next half month, Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan can be considered to have traveled all over the area where the powerful forces that can be ranked in the West Antarctic Inland Sea are located, all relying on them to cross the peak of the catastrophe. For the cultivation base, hidden teleportation points are arranged under the eyelids of all the island powers. The locations of these teleportation points are more particular. They are all in blind spots that no one would think of. Some teleportation points even Set in mid-air, and under the disguise of Lin Hang’s supernatural powers, such an arrangement will not be discovered by people whose cultivation base is lower than him, and those whose cultivation base is higher than him are in this West Pole Inland Sea. It doesn't appear in the middle, so Lin Hang's arrangement may seem dangerous, but in fact it is just the appearance. If there is no particularly loud movement and noise, Lin Hang's arrangement can be regarded as perfect.

And in the past half month, Lin Hang was not only busy with such a thing, he still sent some clones to sneak into the three powers of the'Three Western Overlords', wanting to understand from the side. Some inland information, because in the West Antarctic inland sea, only the three major forces of the West Pole have the best understanding of the situation in the inland. After all, they are developed and supported by the three major inland forces. It came out, and the busy work of the past half month really made Lin Hang discover a good news.

Although Yao Xing’an’s "Western Pole Gate" is not lacking nowadays, in some of the most core and high-end things, the news that can be obtained at this time is definitely not as good as the current "Western Pole Tricks". According to the instructions of the three major inland forces, there are monks in the door that have passed the catastrophe, so Lin Hang also got some unexpected news from them. The most critical news is about the latest West Antarctic Inland Sea. News of the genius trials.

According to the information obtained by Lin Hang, the West Pole Inner Sea Talents Trial Tournament will indeed be more stringent, some of which are not particularly well-known for casual cultivation, especially those that are not well-known, and should be subject to stricter review. Therefore, if Lin Hang wants to continue the previous method, it is impossible for him to pass through the same way. After all, although he can create different stages of clones without any pressure, these clones have not been smashed in the West Antarctica inland sea. Appearing directly in front of everyone and having the ability to beat other competitors to get a spot is very doubtful from the performance point of view. After all, the clones of Lin Hang in the last trial were similar. After being vigilant this time, he would definitely be prepared for such a situation. It was impossible for Lin Hang to be as easy as before. He had to change his strategy.

And Lin Hang thought for a while and found that he now has two methods. One is to create some clones of different cultivation bases before the start of the trials, and then let them emerge in the West Antarctica inland sea and break out some With a reputation, as long as the timing is right, it is not impossible to eliminate some suspicions, and the other method is more simple and rude.

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