I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 652

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:07:50 AM

Chapter 652: discuss

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For this, Lin Hang has nothing to do. After all, it is very difficult to produce monks in the transformation stage, especially in the case of casual cultivators in the West Inner Sea. Everyone can break through to the transformation stage. The casual cultivators of the period are all talented people, and it is definitely not so easy to see. In the last trial, the places in the middle and late stages of the gods were obtained by a pair of Taoists named Dragon and Snake Two Immortals. They are also masters for years. The reason why they chose to join the inland forces is only to break through the subsequent realm. There is no heart to fight. This can be seen from the fact that the force they joined is the most central Ziwei Emperor City Lord’s Mansion. Come out, they don't want to fight.

However, situations like this were actually very difficult to occur in previous years. The casual cultivator during the transformation period would not occur so easily. This time I learned from the last time. Lin Hang believes that his plan this time is the most difficult. The place is about to find a suitable God-sharing period for casual cultivation. According to Lin Hang’s estimation, in this genius trials, if there is no intervention from him, it should be possible that the three places in the transformation stage cannot be finalized. It may only be that there is a glimmer of hope in the early stage of transformation and some people will come back to participate. However, in the middle and late stages of the transformation of the gods, it may eventually be impossible to find suitable people to participate. There is no way, because in this inland sea where the inheritance is not particularly advanced, the casual practitioners can obtain Some exercises and inheritance are not particularly powerful, so being able to cultivate to the transformation stage is really great. As everyone knows, even in the entire "Western Gate" there are not too many monks in the transformation stage, so Lin Hang here Once he had the mentality to give it a try. If he couldn't find a suitable cultivator at the transformation stage, he could only not pursue the perfect nine places.

Regarding the information about these cultivators in the Transcendental Stage, Lin Hang was not going to investigate it himself. In that case, it would be too wasteful of time. He was going to ask Yao Xing'an. After all, these casual cultivators only have a little talent, then in this West Inner Sea None of them can be people who have no reputation, and as long as they have a reputation, then "Xijimen" will definitely grasp some of their news and intelligence, these things are not particularly secret things, that is to say "Xijimen" Even the slightly larger forces in the West Antarctic Inner Sea will have some news, so in addition to the monks of the transformation stage, other realms of casual cultivation information are very easy to obtain.

After determining the course of action, Lin Hang also returned to Fenglei Island, because according to his avatar on Fenglei Island, at this moment, Yao Xing'an, who broke through the realm and started to consolidate his cultivation, finally reached the realm. After the stabilization was completed, Lin Hang happened to have something to find Yao Xing'an at this time, so there was no delay, and he went back to Fenglei Island.

In the room in the center of Fenglei Island, Lin Hang and Yao Xing'an sat down one by one.

Yao Xing'an gave Lin Hang a punch, and then preemptively said, "Senior, here, I would like to thank you again for your selfless and generous help! Not only gave me the resources to help me break through, but also allowed me to establish my future realm. This confidence is undoubtedly more important to me! Coupled with the help of this last spirit gathering formation, I didn’t spend too much time on consolidating the realm. The young man really didn’t know what to do. Thank you!"

Lin Hang smiled and waved his hand, and then said, his tone was full of carelessness, "President Yao, you don't have to say these things all the time! I have already emphasized it. I helped you just because I liked it. For the potential and quality of your "Xijimen", I believe that if you get the right help, you will be able to make very good progress, and now your successful breakthrough can be regarded as preliminary confirmation of this, so don't thank me often, Your "Western Gate" is worth my effort!"

The two chatted with each other for a while, and Lin Hang said his intention this time, "Head Yao, there is not much time left for the talent trials held by the four major inland forces this time. And this time I still want to participate in the trials, because there are still some things I haven't finished in that inland. I come to you this time because I want to discuss this matter with you."

Yao Xing'an didn't expect that Lin Hang would still be obsessed with the genius trials. To know about the dangers of this trial, Yao Xing'an has already stated clearly with Lin Hang. Now I don’t know what the important purpose is, so Yao Xing’an is still To participate in the genius trials this time, although Yao Xing'an did not hear why Lin Hang must participate, he can also feel that entering the inland through the trials this time must be of great significance to Lin Hang!

Yao Xing'an thought for a while, and then said, "Senior, don't blame me for talking too much, this time the genius trials are said to be really dangerous, because of the experience and lessons from the last time, the four major inland forces There will inevitably be more stringent censorship of every winning place that enters the inland, and there may be a point where the monks of the fairyland will be censored! Under such circumstances, seniors, you have to participate forcibly. It is really a big deal. Risk! It’s not that I don’t believe in your strength. If you can trust me, there is another way to enter this inland. It just takes some time. I don’t know if you are interested in listening to it, Senior?"

Lin Hang did not expect Yao Xing'an to say something like this. He became interested in the other method that Yao Xing'an said, nodded and asked, "Is there any way? As long as it doesn't take too much time , I can't think about it!"

Yao Xing'an said, "Senior, you also know that in name our West Antarctic Inland Sea is all ruled by the four major inland forces. Based on fundamental principles, they will not allow us to enter the inland easily. , Has maintained the current situation, which is conducive to consolidating their hegemony. Under such circumstances, in order to stabilize the emotions of the forces in the West Antarctica, they will introduce a policy, that is, we, the West Antarctica. The relatively large forces in the inland sea can apply for some disciples to enter the inland "long knowledge" at intervals. Although such entry does not have much freedom, it can be regarded as entering the inland in compliance with the regulations. I don't know this. Does one of the methods meet the requirements of your predecessors?"

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