I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 653

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:07:49 AM

Chapter 653: data

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In fact, when Yao Xing'an said this method, Lin Hang had already understood and understood in his heart. According to the truth, this policy is not difficult to understand. After all, the Western Antarctic Inland Sea was originally a very chaotic place, and forcibly Suppressing the forces here, according to the situation of the major inland forces, is not without this strength, but if you do it this way, it will be more than worth the loss. If the West Antarctic inland sea can maintain the current situation, it will be for the inland major The news is the most good news for the forces, so under such circumstances, the major inland forces don’t mind letting some major forces in the Western Antarctic Inland Sea send their elite disciples to their inland to see it. Under supervision, these elite disciples can't cause any major incidents, and they can also strengthen their strength education. If this continues for a long time, it will be even more unlikely that the West Inner Sea will produce any forces willing to confront them in the future. This can be regarded as a conspiracy of several major inland forces, and for many years the forces in the western inland sea have been willing to step into it.

Just for this method, Lin Hang felt that his actions were not suitable for him. Even if he pretended to be an elite disciple of "Xijimen", he applied to enter the inland through the application, there will be no special rigorous review, but according to Yao Xing'an It is said that this application is very time-consuming, and several major forces in the interior will not easily agree to the application of "Xijimen". This is also a big problem, because Lin Hang does not want to waste so much time. He wants to break through as quickly as possible. There is another problem. If he enters the interior as a disciple of "Western Gate", he will be subject to stricter supervision and attention. Under such circumstances, In fact, there is not much possibility that Lin Hang can easily implement his plan. After all, when people are under the eaves, of course they have to act in full accordance with other people's rules. The possibility of being able to be autonomous is still very small, which is particularly unfavorable. Lin Hang's free movement is like being guarded, unable to move freely. In fact, it is the same as not entering the inland. Therefore, from the bottom of his heart, Lin Hang rejected this method proposed by Yao Xing'an from the bottom of his heart.

Lin Hang said, "Head Yao, I have accepted your kindness, but the method you mentioned is not particularly feasible for me. You know I hope I can have a relatively free space for action in the interior. Therefore, entering the inland as an elite disciple of "Western Gate" will not help my plan. And as you said just now, this time the genius trials will inevitably be stricter than before. It is possible that the monks who climb into the fairyland will be dispatched. Although this will make my actions a little more dangerous, but think about it carefully, if I can pass such a rigorous review, does it mean that after entering the inland, I will be because A good trust is gained by passing the review? So, everything is pros and cons, and it is impossible for everything to be carried out in accordance with the best development we think. This matter is already destined to have some risks. I have There are some methods, and there is a great possibility of being able to escape the exploration of the cultivators of the fairyland, and this time I came to the head of Yao to understand you in the West Antarctica inland sea in recent years, which are more famous. Some news about geniuses at this stage, from the early stage of Jin Dan to the late stage of transforming gods, I want to know!"

When Lin Hang finally said his intentions, Yao Xing'an, a smart person, probably guessed Lin Hang's plan in an instant. The method Lin Hang said should be to start with these talented casual cultivators, but he didn't know Lin. What kind of method does Hang have to hide from the exploration of the cultivators of the fairyland? Although Yao Xing'an is very curious in his heart, he is also a very measured person. At this time, he did not ask the reason for it, but directly nodded. , And then said, "Okay! There is no problem with this. In this West Pole Inland Sea, our "Western Gate" still has good intelligence conditions. It can be said that except for those disciples among the "Western Pole Three Fighters" Except that we don’t know the information about, the others are not too problematic, especially for the many geniuses with a good reputation, then there is more detailed information, about this I will let the following people go Sort out a more specific information for you!"

Lin Hang nodded with satisfaction, but regarding the matter, Lin Hang did not care too much about the results that must be achieved, and said, "Master Yao, I also know that things are not so easy this time, especially in the end. It’s not that easy to get information about the many casual cultivators in the transformation stage of the gods, so don’t be too deliberate. It’s best to have the information of the monks of the transformation stage. The cultivation base is barely enough for me to use!"

Yao Xing'an nodded. When he got the news, the clone far above the West Polar Island also got the news simultaneously. At this time, Yao Xing'an's clone had already conveyed this order in "Western Gate". , I began to collect and sort out the news of some powerful geniuses who have emerged in recent years. Such a process is not particularly difficult for the "Xijimen" who is familiar with the West Antarctica. It was the news that Lin Hang said at the end that there was no need to force a break-up of the gods, which made it easier for Yao Xing'an to arrange this, so Lin Hang did not wait long, so he got it from Yao Xing'an. A very detailed information.

What made Lin Hang more surprised and pleasantly surprised was that, based on the information provided by Yao Xing'an, not only did the six stages from the early stage of the Golden Core to the later stage of Yuan Ying, each stage had no less than five geniuses scattered. The candidate for Xiu is for him to choose. The most important thing is that there are two candidates who meet his requirements in the transformation period. This result is also very satisfactory to Lin Hang. Lin Hang asks Yao Xing'an to continue to collect information about the monks in the transformation period. Then you have to start screening candidates, and prepare the personnel you want to determine in this document.

Now that there is still some time before the latest genius trials, Lin Hang is ready to take advantage of this time to replace these geniuses of his choice one by one, familiarize themselves with the style and fighting style of these geniuses in advance, and then make it easy for him to go again. Combine some of your own abilities to ensure that you can get a place without receiving too much attention and doubt.

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