I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 654

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:07:47 AM

Chapter 654: Implement

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This is also something that must be familiar and understood. If you don’t understand the style and fighting style of these casual cultivators, Lin Hang is worried that he will directly arouse suspicion. After all, most of these casual cultivators who are able to compete for places in talent trials are If you behave abnormally suddenly at this time, it will inevitably cause the inland forces to be vigilant and rigorously investigated. In this way, even if Lin Hang can pass such a review with his supernatural powers, he will inevitably after entering the inland. Being monitored, this is not the development that Lin Hang wants, so it is necessary to find out in advance and become familiar with these geniuses.

And Lin Hang is not going to kill these geniuses for casual cultivators. After borrowing their identities this time, it is not impossible to put them in his own pocket in the future. After all, these casual cultivators just lack the conditions and resources for promotion. There is no need to question their talents, being able to practice as a casual cultivator has already proven their strength from the side. And in this case, Lin Hang could do two things with one stone. Not only could he borrow their identities to enter the inland, but he could also have the opportunity to subdue many monks with outstanding potential.

When Yao Xing'an collected information from other monks in the transformation stage, Lin Hang had already begun to implement his plan for the Jin Dan stage and the Yuan Ying stage suitable for casual cultivation. In fact, Lin Hang’s thinking is no longer there. That's a limitation. There is more than one monk in each realm of the number of casual cultivators on this list. Although Lin Hang only needs one person's identity, Lin Hang is not going to let the others go. These casual cultivators are Lin Hang seems to have great potential. If they can provide them with sufficient resources and experience support, they will definitely be able to show off a different style, and these people can contribute to the power he will build on the Ziwei Emperor in the future. , To become a big helper of Terran China on Ziwei Emperor Star, this is definitely a very good development direction.

However, Lin Hang did not take action with his own deity. He previously set up teleportation points throughout the West Antarctic Inland Sea. Each teleportation point was guarded by a clone of the catastrophe period, and these teleportation points are now It’s not time to start, so these idle clones can be regarded as useful. With the support of the powerful information provided by "Western Gate", it only took a day, including exploration, search and bring back, a series of With the operation, a total of thirty-four geniuses from the Jin Dan stage to the Nascent Infant stage, all gathered on Fenglei Island at this time.

On a specially built huge square in the center of Fenglei Island, all the thirty-four geniuses who were brought back were placed here, because many of Lin Hang’s clones activated the power of teleportation at the same time, so These thirty-four geniuses entered the square at the same time. For future plans, Lin Hang did not restrict their thinking and actions. On the square at this time, these three Fourteen people looked at the unfamiliar environment, as well as some familiar and unfamiliar people around them, showing different attitudes and states. Some people carefully explored the surroundings, some looked for people they were familiar with, and others held them. His weapon stood by coldly, waiting for the development of things.

However, although the performance of these geniuses in casual cultivation is not very consistent, they are naturally not fools if they can cultivate to the present level. The person who can send all of them to this mysterious place at the same time is definitely not them. Can resist, so even at this time they behaved very differently, but the same thing is that none of them uttered a loud reprimand, even the most explosive personality in the intelligence, also resisted their own impulse. , They know that the people who are able to send them all here are definitely not something they can afford. Therefore, besides the laughter and discussion of some familiar people, it looks very strange and strange on this huge square. Harmony, they believe that since someone finds them here, it is naturally impossible to maintain such a situation, they are waiting for the appearance of the person behind the scenes.

And Lin Hang, who was observing silently in the dark, couldn't help but nodded at this time. Lin Hang had a foreboding the qualities of these geniuses in casual cultivator, but after he really saw it, he finally understood the gap. These casual cultivators The cultivation environment and resource techniques are inferior to disciples passed down by superpowers, and their ability to enter this level step by step is completely inseparable from their own will and character. I will not discuss the style of behavior here. This kind of caution is something that all of them don't lack, otherwise they won't be able to get to where they are today on their own.

After a little test and confirmation, Lin Hang did not let these disciples wait too long, but directly showed up in front of them. Seeing Lin Hang who suddenly appeared, all these casual cultivators stopped communicating, Looking at preparing for Lin Hang and waiting for Lin Hang's words, they were all very curious. Lin Hang tried his best to bring them to this strange island, what kind of attempt Lin Hang had.

Lin Hang in mid-air laughed, and then said, "Welcome to Fenglei Island, distinguished people! I believe many of you are very puzzled why I will bring you to Fenglei Island. Right? Actually, there is no special purpose. There is one sentence to tell you, I come from outside the Ziwei Emperor Star, that is, a person outside the sky. This time I came to the Ziwei Emperor Star and learned about the Ziwei Emperor Star. After the general situation, I am preparing to establish my own power on Ziwei Emperor. The ultimate expectation is to be able to fight against the four major forces in the inland! And you, according to my intelligence and analysis, are all talented people with great potential. , I hope you can join the forces that I will build later and contribute to the development of our forces. Of course, I will not let you join the forces in vain and work for us in vain. I know you They are all inadvertently gained some inherited casual training. Although many of them have very good inheritance and your talents are also very outstanding, but because there is no resource support, there are some experience guidance, your progress The roads are very difficult, and I can help you solve these problems. I can provide you with resources for cultivation and subsequent experience and guidance, but I don’t know if you are willing to join my force! "

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