I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 659

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:07:27 AM

Chapter 659: Wonderful experience

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Although these six people have decided not to cause trouble to Lin Hang, they are also very curious about what method Lin Hang will use to borrow their identities. They also know some of the methods of disguise and disguise, but they too I understand that no matter how subtle this technique is, it is impossible to be exactly the same as the original character, not to mention that there will be a review by the cultivator of the fairyland at the end. It is absolutely impossible to hide it. I don’t know how Lin Hang will deal with this. What about the review?

Lin Hang knew the minds of these six people, did not speak, but prepared to prove it to these people with actions, and said with a smile, "Jingzhi, come here first, let me see if my ideas can be realized perfectly!"

After Jing Zhi heard the words, he walked to Lin Hang's side with a look of curiosity. He didn't know how Lin Hang was going to do it, and Lin Hang didn't have any extra actions. A pure spiritual power entered. Jingzhi's body, and Jingzhi felt that her body was out of control, and then her natal Lingbao Big Golden Hammer also appeared directly and she was holding it in her right hand.

Lin Hang then took a step forward and put his right hand on Jing Zhi's back. Then Lin Hang activated the clone ability and the supernatural power of the virtual reality change at the same time, and then lightly pointed his left hand and saw an identical Jingzhi appear. In the direction the finger is pointing! And this Jingzhi also held the same big golden hammer in his hand!

After completing this action, Lin Hang also retracted his hands. The newly-appearing'Jingzhi' also walked directly to Jingzhi's side, including Jingzhi himself, and the five other people who had been observing the changes. They were all dumbfounded. Watching such a scene, because in their perception, the newly-appearing'Jingzhi' is no different from the original Jingzhi. Even the big golden hammer in their hands is of the same quality. I know if I am short-sighted, because they really can't see any difference, it's a perfect copy!

Lin Hang is also very satisfied with this change. From the time he possessed the ability to copy, he has been unable to copy life forms. This is also a generosity that makes Lin Hang a pity, but he has gained their virtual reality in the mirage clan. Lin Hang realized that his copying ability had been more supplemented after he changed his supernatural powers. This virtual reality change supernatural power was indeed very suitable for him. It is necessary to know that Lin Hang's copying ability can also be regarded as one in essence. This kind of'change of virtual reality', as long as you put in spiritual energy, you can get the same copy. This is simply a model of turning the virtual into reality, and this newly acquired magical power of the virtual reality can be regarded as opening a new direction for Lin Hang. He Dao, from now on, Lin Hang can use the supernatural powers and clone abilities of virtual reality to forcibly recreate living beings!

Naturally, it is impossible for Lin Hang to let everyone present here stunned, so he briefly introduced a few words, "Don’t be surprised, this is just a little trick of mine. It was originally just a verification idea. Good feasibility, now that the test is successful, let's continue!"

Then, with Jingzhi’s successful experience, Lin Hang, with a wave of his hand, would like to say that Yuan Yi and the other five candidates also had an identical self beside them. They looked at the "self" beside them. Falling into a very wonderful experience, and Lin Hang’s action this time is not just for himself. If Jingzhi and the six people can understand the truth of'I am me' through this experience, then they will be promoted later. The road is also a very good improvement and help, but it is not convenient for Lin Hang to directly call the name, and it will have no effect. They still need to understand some of the mysteries themselves before they can really get something.

After completing these arrangements, Lin Hang said, "Everyone, from now on, you will have a good communication with the clones I created. I need to understand the fighting style and characteristics of each of you, including your fighting. I can use some small habits and skills, so in the last period of this genius trial, I hope you all can contribute to my plan, please!"

Since he wants to borrow these casual cultivators, Lin Hang will naturally not be sloppy. He has to do his best in the details, so that it will be more difficult for other people to doubt it. You must know that after the previous experience and lessons , The four major forces in the inland will never let this happen again, so Lin Hang at the beginning vetoed his clone as a stranger to the competition. This is too suspicious, even if Borrowing from the casual repairers with clear identities, Lin Hang also knew that he would inevitably not escape observation and scrutiny, so he did not want to ruin his arrangement for so long because of some small details. In these smallest places, Lin Hang Navigation is naturally to do the best.

Lin Hang's solemn expression of his position made Jingzhi and the six people understand the importance of this action to Lin Hang. They nodded and said that they would give it to each other. It is understood that according to Lin Hang's realm, they must be indifferent to their accidental inheritance, so there is no hidden idea, and they are ready to complete Lin Hang's arrangements and tasks as much as possible. In this case, they also Can get greater benefits.

However, Lin Hang just wants to learn some of their fighting style and some of the characteristics of peacetime. In fact, when fighting in real, Lin Hang still has to rely on his own combat experience to carry out, because of his own vision and vision With long-term combat experience and insights, Lin Hang is confident. Even if he is at the same level of cultivation as Jingzhi and others, he can easily sling each other, so he only needs to pay attention to some details and don’t let himself be exposed. It is quite simple for him to obtain a quota of his own corresponding realm.

Time passed slowly like this. During this period of time waiting for the start of the West Antarctic Inner Sea Talents Trial, Lin Hang did not idle either. He continued to walk in the West Antarctic Inland Sea, and he wanted to know something about each place. Things, after all, according to Lin Hang’s expectation, this inland sea of ​​the West Antarctica will become their base camp for China and the later rise of the "Western Gate", so Lin Hang still has to take a deeper control of this place, it's just that Now he is in the dark, and on the bright side he still belongs to the rule of the'Three Western Overlords', but when Lin Hang's fangs show up, it won't be the current scene.

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