I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 66

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:27:12 AM

Chapter 66: the truth

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What Bruce didn't know was that the great ups and downs of psionic energy caused by his emotional ups and downs were clearly seen by Lin Hang's "Eagle Eye". Lin Hang did not do anything, but waited for Bruce's answer to see if he was old. honest.

Bruce is also a smart person. Seeing Lin Hang's smile, he already knew that his performance was exposed. He gave a wry smile and said directly, "I do know this person. I have seen a picture of this person in my father's study. , My father seems to be looking for this person's whereabouts, but I haven't seen him in person, after all, my strength is too weak."

Lin Hang nodded. Bruce shouldn't lie. With his mid-training strength, he is indeed not qualified to participate in the action against his father. He continued to ask, "Do you know why you are searching for this person?"

Since Bruce had already spoken, he simply said everything, "I heard them say that it seems that this person has an important thing in his hands, and it is said that getting this thing can impact the realm above the innate! Specifically, is this news true? No one knows, after all, no one has actually found him."

Lin Hang listened to Bruce's words and lowered his head to ponder. There was some discrepancy between what Bruce said and what Wang Lao said. According to Wang Lao, Lin Jingtian should be looking for something in the eastern part of the United States, but Bruce said that Lin Jingtian had something in his hands. But from what the two said, one thing can still be inferred, that is, there is one thing, regardless of whether Lin Jingtian holds it or not, the importance of this thing is very high.

Lin Hang finally got some news, and smiled and said to Bruce, "Good friend, thank you for the information you provided, I hope I can see you by chance! Bye!" After speaking, Jiang Huacong on the side stunned Bruce again.

After knocking out Bruce, Lin Hang said, "Now that we have information, we are no longer blind people who can't figure out the direction. Next, my plan is to hide in the dark and observe Bruce's whereabouts. I always feel that He is still hiding something from us. Now, let’s let him go.” After that, Lin Hang untied Bruce’s rope, took the crowd and left the hotel, restored it to the original state, and found another one. Remote hotel.

After getting a little settled, Lin Hang held a meeting with the three of them.

After everyone was seated, Lin Hang said, "We have now determined that the actions of a large number of supernaturalists in the eastern part of the United States are indeed related to Lin Jingtian. This shows that our direction of action is not wrong. Then we only need to grasp this clue to continue. Just keep exploring. According to what we know about Bruce today, his identity should be extraordinary. His father is probably one of the leaders involved in the Lin Jingtian search mission. My suggestion is to start with Bruce next and see if he can get in touch. Go to his father and find more secret clues."

Huazhi nodded and said, "Lin Hang, I agree with what you said. I think this is the best solution at the moment. But the question is, how do we do this? A city leader, isn't it We can deal with it."

Tian Dayong also echoed at this moment and said, "Lin Hang, the strength of leaders like this is basically in the acquired Consummation, which means that the four of us are not his opponents when tied together, so do you have any good way to pass him? Did you find the news?"

Lin Hang smiled and said, "What we have to do now is to keep an eye on Bruce's line. I have placed a specially processed "Watcher" on him, which incorporates my "Shunfeng Ear" ability. As long as it doesn't leave the roots. In this city of Bia, I will receive chats near Bruce, which is much easier than if we force him to speak."

This function is the insight that Lin Hang has only recently. The special "Monitor" that integrates the two abilities plays a monitoring role. The key is that the required psionic energy can be supplemented between the heavens and the earth. A bonus unique to this ability.

And our hapless Bruce woke up after being knocked out for half an hour. Looking at the rope untied on his body and the empty room, he couldn't believe what he had just experienced. After thinking about it for a while, Bruce decided to see his father. The supernaturalists from other continents came to Grimbia to investigate Lin's shocking things. He must let his father know about it and make corresponding preparations.

After leaving the hotel, Bruce made a phone call, and after a while, a car stopped in front of him. Bruce got into the car blankly and went to a manor outside the city.

Entering the villa, Bruce went straight to the study, knocked on the door, and pushed the room open.

On the leather seat behind the desk, a steady middle-aged man stood up, and when he saw Bruce coming in, he asked, "Bruce, are the four people you mentioned really here to inquire about Lin's shaking affairs? ?"

Bruce replied respectfully, "Yes, father. They seem to have guessed it a long time ago, so the kid didn't hide our tracking of Lin Jingtian. I didn't tell them about the key things."

The middle-aged man nodded and said, "Bruce, you did a great job. Although I sent a lot of people to track this Lin Jingtian, I told the outside world that Lin Jingtian has an alluring fetish in his hands, but this is just to confuse others. That’s all. Lin Jingtian and we are looking for this thing. Sending people to follow him can not only interfere with his progress, but also hide our true purpose. We must be the first to find it!"

Bruce said, "But father, there is one thing. The four people today give me a very strong feeling. They don't seem to care about our local forces in Gelimbia. I doubt there must be stronger behind them. The strength supports it."

The middle-aged man pondered for a while, and sneered, "It seems that those old guys are a little restless! I want to grab food in Oakley's mouth, I don't know if they will break their teeth!"

Bruce and Oakley discussed some more things before they left the study and returned to their own rooms.

On the other side, Lin Hang relayed the conversation between Bruce and Oakley to Tian Dayong.

After the end, Tian Dayong said, "The information from the military has been sent here. Oakley, the leader of Ultron, the largest organization of Glimbia, is also Bruce's father. The strength of the acquired perfection, the ability is " "Blood Realm", a very powerful field-controlling ability, ranks very high in the entire power world.

Lin Hang nodded and said, "We still try not to confront this Oakley head-on. Now that we understand their plans and plans, we only need to follow them. I believe that as long as we don't meet Oakley himself , Our team can deal with other abilities. But before confronting Oakley, let’s get acquainted with his ability "Blood Realm"!"

Everyone was a little speechless, and Lin Hang had obtained the opponent's ability before he could match his opponent, which was really shameless.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!