I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 660

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:07:26 AM

Chapter 660: strange

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When Lin Hang lays out in the Western Antarctic Inland Sea, he will also worry about the progress of Wang Lao in his heart. I don’t know how well Wang Lao’s planned mission has been achieved. However, according to Wang Lao’s statement, this time Wang Lao’s arrangement The path through Earth Star and Ziwei Emperor Star needs to be completed independently. Lin Hang does not want to interfere with Wang Lao’s arrangement. If Wang Lao’s painstaking efforts are wasted because of his own exploration, then it will not be worth the gain. However, in Lin Hang's heart, the confidence in Wang Lao is still very sufficient. He believes that Wang Lao is only arranging the formation of water mills. After a period of time, Wang Lao will definitely return victorious!

And Lin Hang’s six clones created by the supernatural powers of virtual reality and reality can be regarded as perfect in this period of time. They have completely learned every single combat style and some small movement characteristics. Under the circumstances, in addition to the fact that I can have some different feelings, let other people see it, it is impossible to tell who is the main body and who is the copy. Such results also make Lin Hang extremely satisfied. According to this If the situation goes to participate in the competition, Lin Hang is very sure that he can get six places directly, which is already very good news.

In these days, Yao Xing'an and "Western Gate" are still collecting and investigating news about the monks of the transformation stage, but Yao Xing'an is very puzzled that he can never find a monk of the transformation stage. The trail! Except for them, the medium and large forces that have already had a good climate, the other monks in the transformation stage have all disappeared! In such a situation, Yao Xing'an only needs to think briefly to know some of the secrets behind it, but Yao Xing'an's heart also has a lot of helplessness. What use is it to know whose handwriting is? This is also the reason why he has always wanted to insist on independence. Otherwise, if life and death are in the hands of others, then there is no survival meaning.

This situation was also reported to Lin Hang by Yao Xing'an, but Lin Hang didn’t feel any major reaction after learning about this situation. The collective disappearance of the God-Transforming Period can only be the handwriting of the major inland forces. , They are now a bit unscrupulous in order to increase their rule over the West Antarctic Inland Sea, and now they are only specializing in the casual cultivation of the spiritual stage. Later, they may clean the entire West Antarctic Inland Sea and become their back. The garden is now, and this is also a normal thing. In the age of the supremacy of power, there is no problem how the inland forces want to knead the West Antarctica inland sea. What they say and do is the truth, and there is no resistance at all. Opportunity and room.

However, such an event has no effect on Lin Hang for the time being. He has not yet transferred Huaxia's disciples to this Ziwei Emperor star on a large scale. The only two important strongholds, Dengxian Island and Fenglei Island, are also very remote. For the time being, there will be no risks, but such a change in the situation has also inspired Lin Hang’s determination to make a breakthrough. He understands that he wants to stabilize himself under the powerful policies of these major inland forces. Development, then the cultivator who climbs into the fairyland must be produced. Otherwise, it is impossible to have the qualifications to have an equal dialogue with these major inland forces. This is determined by innate conditions. Lin Hang has no way, only to follow this law. As long as he and Wang Lao can both break through to Dengxian Realm, then it will be time for them and the inland forces to really touch each other.

So this time in the genius trials, Lin Hang was unable to find the mid- and late-stage meditation that belonged to the inland waters of the West Antarctica. In the end, the number of people who decided to participate was already set for six people, that is, they have been in these days. Lin Hang believes that as long as they can pass the selection, after entering the inland, Lin Hang relying on these six clones, it is already possible to complete his own arrangement and plan, and Lin Hang now Only two final treasure materials are needed to achieve his goal. Such a goal is undoubtedly much simpler. In addition, Lin Hang does not need to directly receive the gift of these materials. As long as he can access it, it is quite So Lin Hang got it, so he was full of confidence in his heart for almost this time, and he waited to enter the inland through the trials.

Soon, news came from the inland that the registration for the trials has already begun. The registration this time is no different from the last one. Now the three West Pole islands where the "Western Pole Three Fighters" are located and the current "Western Gate" West Pole Island is the place for registration and holding. Lin Hang asked his six clones to go to the four islands at different times. After signing up for their names, they settled on the islands they signed up for. Come down and wait quietly for the start of the competition.

Because the relationship has been experienced once, and according to the news, the situation of this trial has not changed much. It is just that the review will be more stringent. Therefore, Lin Hang does not have the slightest tension or excitement, and there is peace in his heart. The trials are actually lacking in difficulty for Lin Hang, and for Lin Hang, only after entering the inland, joining the four major forces can he lift his spirits. Today's trials seem to him to be just a cutscene. That's it, the six places from the middle stage of the golden core to the early stage of the transformation have already been booked in advance by him.

It didn’t take too long after the registration was over. It was the beginning of the trial. This time, after Lin Hang had experience, he was familiar with the schedule and saw the number of casual students participating. He was also a little stunned, not because the participants were too many. Many, but in comparison, there are too few people participating! The number of people in the middle and late stages of the Golden Core period is only 50, and there are only a few dozen people in each stage of the Nascent Soul Stage. It is even more exaggerated when it comes to the Deity Transformation Stage. The entire Transition Stage, from the early middle to the late stage. , Only one of his clones! This strange situation naturally attracted Lin Hang's attention. Lin Hang was very puzzled in his heart. I don't know why this situation happened. According to the information of "Western Gate" and Yao Xing'an, it should not happen. In such a situation, Lin Hang seemed to see the first variable in his plan.

It's just that when it came to this point, it was no longer Lin Hang's idea to quit. He decided to continue participating. After getting a place of his own level, Lin Hang believed that he should be able to understand the reason behind it.

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