I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 665

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:07:19 AM

Chapter 665: success

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In the heart of the tree spirit, this trip to the West Antarctica is also perfect. Even if she can't get other casual cultivators in the future, she has no regrets and can get a potential talent. The younger generations who are all very powerful can also inherit her path perfectly, which is really a very happy thing for the tree spirit lady.

And after Yuan Yi’s choice was over, it was the Yuanfu’s turn after Yuanying’s mid-Yuanfu. Yuanfu is a rare witch in the Western Antarctic Inland Sea. He is a very pure physical cultivator. When Yuanfu stood up, the powerful qi and blood radiating from his body also aroused the surprise of everyone present. It is true that such a powerful qi and blood power on a cultivator in the middle of the Nascent Soul is too amazing. In Yuanfu’s bloodline, the bloodline of the Houtu line occupies the bulk, which results in Yuanfu’s talent potential being reflected in the control of the earth element, which also makes Yuanfu’s physical body more powerful. He became stronger, and his development path was determined because of this, and he was going to lose his physical strength forever.

Yuanfu's figure is not particularly tall, but with a firm face, he stepped forward and said steadily, "Disciple Yuanfu, I would like to join the forces of the City Lord's Mansion!"

After Yuanfu spoke up, the tree spirit woman who was still watching the show was stunned. She was already satisfied after getting Yuan Yi's joining, but she didn't expect Yuanfu now also chose their city lord mansion. When the forces joined, the stunner of the tree spirit was only for a moment, and she quickly reacted, and also cast Yuan Fu to his side. After passing the investigation by several cultivators of the fairyland present, she gave the original lucky tree spirit Although not as important as Yuan Yi, but Haosheng said a few words, and then let Yuanfu come behind him and stand with Yuan Yi before.

At this time, Shu Lingpo's mood is even better. With Yuan Yi and Yuan Fu joining, Shu Lingpo's heart will inevitably have a trace of longing. There are still two people in the late Yuan Ying and the early stage of Hua Shen. If both of them can join their city lord mansion, after returning to Ziwei Imperial City, it will be a good reinforcement for Ziwei Imperial City's strength.

Just when Shu Lingpo had an idea in her heart, a cold female voice came into the Shu Lingpo's ears, "Disciple Yuansong, I would like to join the power of the City Lord's Mansion!"

Looking down the direction of the sound, the tree linger saw a beautiful and straight woman standing below, with a veil covering her face, but this veil was useless for her. I quickly saw that the face of the woman in the veil had several scars, and this was also a major feature of the previous loose repairs. It was a feature that was widely circulated. These scars were left by the fate. Even Lin Hang didn't ask what was the reason. He just knew that there must be a tortuous story behind it.

Shu Lingpo’s review was only a moment, and the next moment he pulled Yuan Chen to her side. Yuan Chen’s reputation in the Western Antarctic Inner Sea was still very good. After all, it was originally Yuan Yingqi’s cultivation base. Coupled with the eye-catching appearance, Yuan Chen has a very good reputation. At this time, Yuan Chen Yuan Ying’s later cultivation base is stronger than in the legend, which naturally attracted more attention. , If a person with such a cultivation level joins his own forces, he must ensure that there is no problem, so the time spent on the investigation of the fate is also relatively long, until several cultivators in the fairyland are sure that there is no problem with the fate, the tree spirit Only then did my wife smile, and kindly pulled Yuan Chen to her side, waiting for the last person's choice.

However, looking at this last person, the look of the four famous people who climbed into the fairyland, such as the tree spirit woman and the fat old man, are a bit strange, because in their cognition, almost all the independent gods in the Western Polar Inland Sea do not belong to the major forces. Ninety-nine percent of them can’t appear here, and this is not an unfamiliar person in the early stage of the transformation of gods, but a former cultivator in the late stage of Yuan Ying. It seems Appearing here at this time, it should have only recently broken through to the early stage of transforming gods, which can also explain why this happened.

The last monk in the transformation stage was named Hua Ke. He was actually a prolonged cultivator in the late Yuan Ying of the Western Antarctic Inner Sea. The practice is quite complicated, but the strange thing is that he has achieved it in all aspects. A good level of attainments, this can also reflect the talent of this Huake, if it can be guided correctly, the subsequent achievements will definitely not be low.

Hua Ke didn't delay anything, but smiled and said directly, "In Xia Hua Ke, I would like to join the forces of the City Lord's Mansion!"

Although Hua Ke is the person with the highest cultivation level among the seven winners off the field, the suspicion received is the smallest. After all, according to the thinking of normal people, they generally dare not send out under such a situation. It was a candidate with such a high cultivation level, so after a routine investigation, Hua Ke came to the tree Lingpo without any problems.

And now, this selection meeting is about to end, but the look of the four monks who climbed into the fairyland in the field are very different. The tree spirit and the Ziwei Emperor City Lord Mansion behind it are undoubtedly the biggest selection meeting this time. The winner, not only has the four talents and potentials that are all upper-level casual cultivators, but the four casual cultivators are still relatively high. If they are trained a little later, they have a great possibility of becoming the future Ziwei Imperial City. The pillar of the City Lord’s Mansion, and the fat old man and the purple-clothed woman in "Ziwei Palace" can also accept this result. Although their gains are not as good as the tree spirits, they do not return empty-handed, and belong to the ten thousand races. The cultivator who climbed into the fairyland of the alliance was more pitiful. He came in for nothing, and found nothing. Seeing the triumphant expression of the tree spirit lady and the unconcealed smile, the heart of the cultivator of the fairyland I am very depressed.

Therefore, after completing the selection conference, this monk who belongs to the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races did not say much. After saying hello to the other three, he directly entered the teleportation circle first, activated the power of teleportation, and left directly. After leaving the Western Antarctic Inland Sea, he returned to the headquarters of the Union of Ten Thousand Races.

The tree Lingpo and the fat old man also exchanged a few words and confirmed the correctness of this action. They also returned to their respective sites one after another with the harvested talents. Lin Hang's infiltration plan this time can also be regarded as It's done directly.

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