I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 67

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:27:11 AM

Chapter 67: Night attack

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Lin Hang took the three of them to a forest outside the city, and Hua Zhi raised her hand to hide this area.

Lin Hang said to Jiang Huacong and Tian Dayong, "Brother Jiang, Big Brother Tian, ​​I will test the power of "Blood Realm" in the forging Consummation and the early days of the day after tomorrow, and also provide the military with specific information about this ability. ."

Both of them nodded, Jiang Huacong took the lead to stand up, he took a sigh of relief, "Beast King Madness" added himself, and said to Lin Hang, "Come on, let me experience the rumored "Blood Realm". !"

Lin Hang closed his eyes, felt the progress bar of "Blood Realm" in the space of his mind, gathered psychic energy, and produced a thick blood mist from his body that enveloped the two figures. Jiang Huacong felt the blood mist surrounding him, and found that even though he possessed the supernatural powers, all aspects of body functions were strengthened, but he still felt the corrosiveness of the blood mist.

The corrosive characteristics of the blood mist released by Oakley’s "Blood Realm" abilities are not the same as those of "Element-Darkness". The "Blood Realm" has a more viscous sensation and will adhere to It's more difficult to remove others.

Jiang Huacong was talking about his feelings, and Hua Zhi, who was on the side, wrote down all these data. It was also important information when he returned to China.

After a while, Lin Hang improved his psychic energy release, reaching the level of the day after tomorrow. Suddenly, his aura was completely different from the feeling of forging his body, and a **** breath spread.

At this time, Tian Dayong, who was in the center of the blood fog, felt even more obvious. He said, “This ability will not only become more corrosive the day after tomorrow, but it will also affect people in the blood fog. I now clearly feel that There is a desire to vent out of killing. According to my guess, if it is the successful Oakley the day after tomorrow, we can still resist a little bit, but Huazhi and Xiao Jiang may instantly become unconscious killing machines under his control! "

Lin Hang nodded, Tian Dayong's analysis was very reasonable, and Lin Hang, as the releaser of the ability, felt the most obvious. In this **** fog, Lin Hang can use the energy of blood to attack, but the more important ability is to induce and confuse opponents. It may not be so effective against masters of the same level, but it is very scary to abuse food.

With some understanding, Lin Hang took everyone back to the room and asked Huazhi to record the data. He was ready to take the next step.

After the matter was over, Huazhi and Jiang Huacong returned to their rooms, but Tian Dayong stayed in Lin Hang's room and did not leave.

"Lin Hang, tell me, do you want to act alone?" Tian Dayong asked seriously.

Lin Hang was a little helpless, Tian Dayong had been with him for a long time, and he had learned a lot about his behavior and habits. Seeing this situation, Lin Hang didn't hide Tian Dayong, and said, "Big Brother Tian, ​​you really know me! Oakley's vigilance hasn't improved yet. I want to visit his manor at this time tonight. You. Also know that we will not have any useful information if we wait now."

Tian Dayong actually knew this. Now the breakthrough point of the mission was Oakley, but it was still too risky for Lin Hang to investigate by himself.

Tian Dayong did not have the laughter of the past, and said very seriously, "Lin Hang, I know your abilities. I believe you will not make fun of your safety. But now you have to understand that you are facing the perfect Oakley the day after tomorrow. In the face of such absolute strength, all skills are vain. Once he finds out, your situation will be very dangerous!"

Lin Hang did not refute Tian Dayong, but calmly said, "I know that Brother Tian is very reasonable, but now the time is fleeting. Oakley did not expect anyone to dare to enter his manor. This is what I sneaked into. A good opportunity for him. And I also have some understanding of his abilities. If he finds me, I will immediately release the "Blood Realm" to prevent him from controlling, and then quickly teleport away, as long as I am not controlled by him, There is no big danger."

Tian Dayong sighed. He understood Lin Hang's character. Lin Hang had already decided on this matter. He couldn't persuade him to come back. Tian Dayong had to repeatedly say, "Lin Hang, if you want to go, I can't stop you. But you must promise me to put your safety first. We can do the task again when you come back. There will be nothing! I promised Mr. Wang to protect your safety, and you must not take it seriously!"

Lin Hang nodded his head heavily, "Brother Tian, ​​don't worry! I have always been sure of Lin Hang's actions. You are here to wait for my good news tonight!"

Soon, it was late at night, and Grimbia entered the early morning.

Lin Hang felt the psychic breath of "The Watcher" left on Bruce, looked at the location of Oakley Manor marked on the map in his hand, and silently calculated. After a while, Lin Hang determined the approximate location of the teleportation, took out the black night clothes prepared in the portable space and put on it.

Under Tian Dayong's gaze, Lin Hang disguised as a sturdy black man, and then launched the teleportation.

As the light and shadow flickered, Lin Hang opened his eyes and he saw Oakley Manor a few hundred meters away. The light of the manipulator concealed his figure, and Lin Hang cat slowly moved towards the manor with his waist.

Soon, Lin Hang came to the vicinity of the manor and took a closer look. Lin Hang found that no one was patrolling and guarding the manor. This is Oakley's private estate. As the leader of the biggest force in Ghrymbia, "Ultron", no one who has no eyesight dares to offend, so this is always the case here.

Lin Hang came to the outside of the villa and found an unclosed window. Lin Hang lightly jumped in without making a sound.

Following the psychic trajectory left by The Watcher, Lin Hang came to Oakley’s study door. He did not rush in because he heard that there seemed to be a meeting inside, and Lin Hang slowly merged into the outer wall of the study. , Listen carefully to this meeting.

A familiar voice came, and Lin Hang recognized that it was Oakley's. "Now that we have searched for so many days, the thing we are looking for should be in a forest east of Grimbia. If it wasn't for that person's harassment of us, that thing would already be mine now!"

There was another shrill voice, "Boss, I don't think we need to worry. Now that the specific location of the thing has been determined, the most important thing is to eliminate the uneasy factor and then take the thing. It is not safer. ?"

Oakley sneered and said, "Ronald, just listen to your suggestion and take your time. Now that the news has flowed to other states, there is not much time left for us! If we drag on like this, I don’t know if How many forces will be involved!"

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