I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 678

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:07:01 AM

Chapter 678: Shock

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One of Lin Hang’s clone entered "Candle Realm", while the other clone went to Qingtian Island. This one on Qingtian Island still has some actions to be busy, and he wants to separate Some other clones entered the "Emperor Realm", "Back Realm", "Red Feather Realm" and "Phantom Realm" respectively. Lin Hang is now able to maintain the avatar between Earth Star and Ziwei Emperor Star at the same time. Therefore, in the days to come, Lin Hang was able to maintain such a smooth communication, naturally, it was necessary to connect every place, which was also an important goal for Lin Hang to return to the stars.

And Lin Hang’s first avatar returned to this "Candle World", Lin Hang did not feel a particularly big difference, although it has been more than half a year, several years have passed in "Candle World". Time, but the time in the past few years is not enough to cause a great transformation of Huaxia's strength. Of course, those disciples have achieved breakthroughs in their cultivation, but they have not reached the level of qualitative change. Lin Hang's thoughts this time are: It is necessary to bring the hundreds of disciples who participated in the Earth Star Hunting Plan to enter the Ziwei Emperor Star. This is also the first batch of disciples. These disciples can stand out in the first time, and they have been able to prove their excellence, especially Among them, the most outstanding people have the potential to impact very high realm. Lin Hang also has high hopes for them, so it is possible to deal with them simply.

Of course, after returning to Earth Star "Candle World", Lin Hang was of course going to visit the high priest the first time. After all, it has been a long time since I saw the high priest. Lin Hang still missed it, and Lin Hang knew these days Since then, the high priest must have been worried about the situation of him and Liu Ruyan in Ziwei Emperor Star, so now that he is back, he must meet with the high priest to give the high priest a peace of mind.

It’s just that when Lin Hang rushed to the priest’s hall where the high priest was, he did not see the high priest. After thinking for a while, Lin Hang went to a small room in the depths as well. As expected, the place where the treasure of the "Candle World" was stored, the Pearl of Time, Lin Hang also felt the familiar aura of the High Priest after arriving here. Lin Hang's guess was correct. The High Priest was here and the High Priest had Zhou Shu. The two elders were in contact.

The appearance of Lin Hang naturally did not escape the high priest's induction. When Lin Hang entered the small room, the high priest also smiled. When he first wanted to speak, he suddenly felt something, and asked in shock and confusion. "Lin Hang, are you a clone?!"

The high priest also had to wonder. You must know that Lin Hang's aura was far surpassing the average monk at the peak of the Tribulation Period. The high priest still felt that Lin Hang had some more in his cultivation. Feeling, but the next moment I felt the breath of Lin Hang's body that belonged to the realm of imaginary immortality. The high priest was also here, so naturally he would not admit his mistakes. After thinking about it, I understood Lin Hang. The situation at this time must be the clone created by Lin Hang after breaking through to the fairyland.

The high priest can figure it out, but the light and shadow of the high elder and high priest floating in the air can't perceive Lin Hang's situation. They don't know the meaning of Lin Hang's clone in the high priest's mouth, and they all looked at it strangely. High priest.

Hou Lin even asked, "Lin Hang is back! But why are you so surprised, sister Zhu Yue? Isn't Lin Hang's clone a very common thing, why should you be so surprised?"

At this time, Zhu Yue had already consolidated her mood, and said, "Brother Hou, you have not invested in your divine sense, and you don’t know the truth. Now the clone of Lin Hang standing in front of us can be called a A cultivator in a weak fairyland, you should be able to understand the truth!"

After hearing Zhu Yue's words, the elder murmured, "Weak Wonderland, Weak Wonderland..."

In the next moment, the great elder suddenly opened his eyes, and said in disbelief, "The clone is the cultivation base of the Weak Wonderland!! Then such words..."

"The body has already broken through to the level of the virtual fairyland?!", the next side was followed by the words of the great elder.

Lin Hang also nodded with a smile at this time. After Zhuyue, Lin Zhoushu and the three of them could be regarded as watching him grow to where he is now, so Lin Hang's cultivation base at this time has a breakthrough. I hope that these elders will be recognized. At this time, the reaction displayed by the three Zhu Yue also made Lin Hang's heart very happy. This is a kind of affirmation for him!

At this moment, I was still extremely shocked, and he said, "Let me count, how long hasn't I seen the monk who climbed into the fairyland appear? It should have been thousands of years? Lin Hang, you go to Zi this time It took less than a year for Wei Di Xing Man to complete the breakthrough so soon?"

Lin Hang replied with a smile, "High Priest, don't just look at this time. You must know that before I go to the Ziwei Emperor Star for the second time, I have only left to break through to the realm of virtual immortality. It’s a step away, so it’s not very unexpected to have such results? There is also good news, that is, my teacher has also achieved breakthroughs, reaching the level of the virtual fairyland, and The time for the breakthrough is before me! Look at how many of you, is this better news?"

The news of Lin Hang’s breakthrough has not been completely digested by them. At this time, Lin Hang threw a blockbuster again. You must know that in the minds of these three Witch leaders, Wang Lao is no more important than Lin Hang. It’s worse, even in some respects. After all, Wang Lao’s existence is a miracle. The blood of the ancient witch clan and the souls that do not know how to produce them have created Wang Lao’s unique talent. If Wang Lao can grow up , Is definitely more promising than other people in the Witch Clan nowadays. Now, in Lin Hang’s mouth, he has directly obtained the point where Wang Lao has entered the realm of virtual immortality. For a while, the high priest and others did not know how to go. Digested.

Lin Hang was also aware of the situation, so after he told the news, did he make no move? Waiting for the three old people to accept it. After a long time, the high priest Zhuyue slowly said, "This is indeed It’s shocking news that both of you, master and apprentice, have broken through the realm of imaginary immortality, and you have entered the top-level combat power circle. We will tell you some more secret things in the future!"

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