I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 679

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:07:00 AM

Chapter 679: Rogue

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After Zhu Yue spoke, the elder continued to say, "Lin Hang, let your master come back to Earth in a few days. We have some things to tell you two. Remember, you must come in person! "

Because of the return of Lin Hang, and this time the meeting did not discuss any important matters, the three of Zhu Yue also stopped communicating directly, put away the light picture, and Zhu Yue also took Lin Hang back. In the priest's hall, Lin Hang estimated that at this time his clones should have already arrived in the destinations of the cave. After that, some detailed matters only need to be explained by his clones one by one. He is visiting After the high priest, I also need to work on my own plan.

After returning to the priest's hall, the high priest and Lin Hang sat down separately, and immediately asked, "Lin Hang, you are on top of this Ziwei Emperor these days, are you in a good situation? Where's Yan'er, Is she okay?"

Sure enough, Lin Hang knew that the high priest would inquire about Liu Ruyan's situation for the first time. Lin Hang laughed and said, "Well, high priest, there is nothing wrong with Yan'er. This period of time can be regarded as his own cultivation base. I have reached the peak of the tribulation period, although I have not sensed the opportunity for a breakthrough for the time being, but it is considered a big gain, you can rest assured, I will definitely take care of Yan'er and will not let her suffer. What hurts!"

The high priest nodded in satisfaction, and then said, "What are you going to do next? You know, the cultivation base of the virtual immortal realm can already be regarded as the high-level combat power among the heavens and the world. Each small step is comparable to the total difficulty of the previous realm breakthrough. This is also the reason why almost all monks who have entered the virtual fairy realm cannot break through one step. It is indeed very difficult. How are you going to face this problem? ?"

Lin Hang laughed. Lin Hang already had his own thoughts on the issue of the high priest, and at this time he also directly replied, "The high priest, the kid has cultivated to his current realm and dare not boast, but he never I am arrogant, I know my goal, so after reaching the realm of virtual immortality, I don't feel that this is my apex. In the days to come, I will inevitably launch an impact towards a higher realm! You know, this time the world catastrophe is the final catastrophe. It is just a delusion to rely on the cultivation base of the virtual fairy realm to survive safely, so for the entire China, for the people I want to protect, I must be It is impossible and impossible to stop. I hope you can see the day when Lin Hang reaches a higher level!"

Lin Hang’s words were not loud, but the high priest Zhu Yue could feel the strong belief in the words and the confidence in himself, and these two points also understood that a monk must continue to make progress. The qualities to have, although the subsequent cultivation and breakthrough of the realm are very difficult, but Zhu Yue has a lot of confidence in Lin Hang. She feels that the half-man and half-witch, who has been waiting for a long time, may be able to Created a miracle that shocked the entire universe.

Zhu Yue nodded, and then said, "Well, yes, I also have confidence in you. As long as you can stick to your own path and goals in your heart, there is absolutely hope that you can achieve your own goals, and you and you I’m not particularly worried about the teacher, but for the current development of Huaxia, I think it’s still a bit too slow and comfortable. If you have been practicing safely in this "Candle World", you will never be able to give birth to a strong person. How is that plan prepared?"

Lin Hang laughed, and then said, "Priest, what you said is one of the reasons why I came back. I am going to take a group of Chinese disciples to the Ziwei Emperor Star. The current situation of Ziwei Emperor I understand it better, and through my own methods, I put my own eyeliner in the inland forces of the Purple Emperor Star. My current idea is to be in the West Polar Sea that the inland forces do not fully control. , Build a strong force out, and then slowly develop and finally reach the point of competing with them. Now the prototype of the force has been completed, and now there is no shortage of middle-level and high-level cultivators, because we have the existence of Huaxia disciples and new blood It will never be missing. As long as we can continuously produce high-level monks in the Transcendent Deity and Tribulation Period, our new force will be able to quickly complete the transformation, and finally reach the level that can reach the inland. The degree of power confrontation."

After a pause, Lin Hang continued, "I also thought of the possible suppression, but I might have worried about the monks who climbed into the fairyland before, but now that I have completed the breakthrough, as long as it is not higher than my level. The monk, even if I am invincible, it is impossible for me to be defeated. My many clones are enough to offset the numerical advantage of their major forces. I believe that after testing and touching, I know that we cannot be defeated. After annihilation, they will inevitably acquiesce in our existence. After all, we also have the capital to contend with and confront them. Under such circumstances, as long as we do not attack the inland position and do not threaten their original ruling area, They can't fight with us to death. And my ultimate goal is not to compete with them for hegemony. I just need to have a suitable place for our Chinese disciples to experience afterwards. The West Polar Sea is very suitable. After all, there are still big movies yet. As long as we stand firmly in the West Antarctic seas we are exploring, we can move towards the West Antarctic seas in an orderly manner."

After Lin Hang’s analysis, the high priest also nodded. Although Lin Hang’s plan and development arrangements were a bit simple, they were very effective. Lin Hang mastered the most critical core, which is the most advanced combat power. With the integration of fresh blood, these two points are things that a force will inevitably not escape if it wants to develop steadily, and Lin Hang’s plan can guarantee these two points. As long as there are no major problems in operation, there will be nothing. The situation that cannot develop has emerged.

The high priest also had to sigh with the perversion and rogue of Lin Hang's clone ability. As long as Lin Hang has reached a realm now, it is basically equivalent to being invincible in the same realm, and there is no strength higher than his realm. It is impossible to restrain him, and the many inland cultivators who climbed into the fairyland just after reaching the realm of imaginary immortality are really difficult to deal with.

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