I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 68

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:27:11 AM

Chapter 68: Arrest

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Ronal was silent, and Bruce’s voice sounded, “Uncle Ronal, I was caught by people from other continents during the day and learned some things. According to my guess of them, they are coming to Gen Limbi. Ya has been very familiar with our actions these days. They came directly this time, not knowing if it was a spoiler or wanting to get involved."

Ronal asked, "Then Bruce, have you stated all our plan goals? According to what you said, we must speed up now!"

Bruce said, "When they interrogated me, I knew that telling lies would not fool them, so I said something half-truth. I pointed out something like that, but shifted the focus of the contradiction to that person. On the body, if they don’t have other sources of information, their target will turn to that person, and our actions will be more comfortable."

Everyone talked about some forms. In the end, Oakley concluded his speech, "Well, no matter what the purpose of these foreign forces is, the first thing we do next is to get that thing in our hands. Only when this is done. , We will be more confident to face the influx of other forces. Ronal, go ahead with the arrangement, gather the manpower, and search for the mountains and forests to the east with all his strength, and that person will just ignore it for the time being."

Ronal and the others nodded and said yes, just as everyone evacuated one by one, no one noticed that Lin Hang had detected all their follow-up plans.

Lin Hang continued to leave the villa quietly, went outside the manor, and teleported back to the room.

Tian Dayong has been waiting for Lin Hang to return, and seeing Lin Hang appearing in An Ran, the stone hanging in Tian Dayong's heart finally fell to the ground. He hurriedly asked, "How is it, Lin Hang, is it all going well? Didn't you find it?"

Lin Hang gave Tian Dayong an affirmative reply, sat down, took a sip of water, and said, "Although it is not perfect, the action tonight is still very valuable. Oakley's manor is not guarded at all. So I easily entered his villa. And probably because of the Bruce attack today, Oakley is holding a high-level meeting in the manor. I listened in silence, not only knew their next plans, but also us The next goal."

Tian Dayong nodded. What Lin Hang said was indeed valuable. He asked, "What breakthrough did you find?"

Lin Hang smiled and said, "I found another important leader of their "Ultron". He is Oakley's confidant. All actions are released through his hands. His name is Ronal, I Ready to do it on him."

Tian Dayong flipped through the pile of materials behind him, quickly pulled out one, and said to Lin Hang, "I also have the Ronal information you mentioned, but in our military intelligence, this Luo Gnar does not have such a high status. It seems that Ronal has always been the commander hidden by Ultron, so it has not attracted the attention of our China Intelligence Department before."

Lin Hang took the information, looked at it, and said, "Well, this information is really too simple. I was in Oakley Manor, and I heard Oakley's instructions with my own ears. They were all executed by this Ronal. He has an absolutely high status in the organization "Ultron"!"

Tian Dayong naturally believes in Lin Hang’s judgment. In fact, as long as the next action is not directly against Oakley, Tian Dayong does not have much feeling, because "Ultron" only has Oakley, an acquired master, this Luo No matter how powerful Gnar was, it was only the cultivation base of the later day after tomorrow. Tian Dayong was really not afraid of opponents of this level.

Tian Dayong said, "Lin Hang, I agree with your decision. Now our advantage is that they don’t know our goal of action, so they won’t be very vigilant. We suddenly acted on Ronal and believed them. It won't react, and the strength of our team should be easy to win against Ronal in the late game."

Lin Hang nodded and said, "Okay, Big Brother Tian, ​​please go back to your room and rest. We will find Brother Jiang and the others tomorrow to discuss the details of the action." Tian Dayong returned to his room after listening, and Lin Hang also entered To rest.

The next day, when they heard the news from Lin Hang, the two of Huazhi were speechless. Lin Hang quietly took such a big step in the mission, but it really shocked them.

Huazhi said directly, "Lin Hang, I Huazhi really convinced you. Now if you say there are any arrangements, I won't say a word, just follow it. Good fellow, if I follow you in the future, I have to perform tasks. How easy it is!"

Jiang Huacong also looked over, apparently changing Lin Hang's senses again.

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Our task today is to catch this important leader of "Ultron"-Ronal. Brother Jiang and Sister Hua, you two will determine according to some of Ronal's itinerary on military intelligence. Where he will go at noon, then give the arrest to Big Brother Tian and me."

Huazhi and Jiang Huacong also knew that with their current strength, they really could only do such some tracking and investigation work, and the real combat power was still not enough.

Lin Hang felt the frustration of the two and said with comfort, "Sister Hua, Brother Jiang, you don’t have to be like this. This Ronal is indeed too strong. In fact, the main force of the arrest is also Big Brother Tian, ​​and I am only on the side. Support."

Jiang Huacong and Huazhi, including the other members of their eight-person team, are all the pride of nature. Originally, the eight players were fighting for a breakthrough in the "Gathering Pill" in the hegemony competition. They did not expect to be cut off by Lin Hang halfway. They missed this opportunity. They don't know when they will break through to the day after tomorrow. It may be soon or maybe. It takes a long time.

Lin Hang still admires Jiang Huacong and Hua Zhi, and now that they are his teammates, Lin Hang has planned to provide them with "Gathering Pill" early on. After all, what he promotes is the strength of the Huaxia military, and there is nothing to him. loss. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Hang decided to inform them of the news.

Lin Hang said, "Brother Jiang, Sister Hua, didn't you want to see the prizes of the Rising Star Contest champion early in the morning? Now, I can show it to you." After all, Lin Hang took out from the portable space and received it at the time. The small box that was placed in front of the two.

Huazhi and Jiang Huacong looked at the box and asked inexplicably, "Lin Hang, you broke through to the day after tomorrow. You must have eaten this "Gathering Pill". What do you mean now?"

Lin Hang smiled without saying a word, motioned to the two of them to open the box, Huazhi stepped forward and opened the box cautiously, and suddenly discovered that there were actually two powerful psychic Pills inside!

Lin Hang said at this time, "This is the gift I gave you. After breaking through to the day after tomorrow, I will be more at ease in the next actions! You can break through, I don’t worry at all. I just lack an opportunity. Now I give this opportunity to you guys!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!