I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 682

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:06:56 AM

Chapter 682: situation

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It is useless to think too much. Lin Hang knows that in the days to come, if he reaches the peak of the virtual immortal realm, he will definitely not be willing to just stay in such a situation and he will definitely find a way to achieve the conditions for a breakthrough. So at this time, Lin Hang didn't think much about it. Instead, he was about to leave the high priest and head to the Huaxia area.

After arriving in the area where Huaxia was located, Lin Hang also met the long-lost elder Zhu Ge, because other senior officials in the Huaxia military, including Wang Lao, Jiang Lao, Zhuo Sheng and Si Meng, were all followers Lin Hang. This Earth Star is on the way to the Ziwei Emperor Star, so at this time all the affairs of China are managed by the second elder Zhu Ge. The cultivation talent of the second elder Zhu Ge is indeed not as good as that of Wang Lao and the other four. At this point, they have been cultivating in this "Candle World" for decades, but they still haven't broken through to the stage of the Nascent Soul Stage, and the state of being stuck in the late Jindan stage has not improved, even if Lin Hang is The two old people provided a good environment and resources for cultivation, but they still couldn't change the situation, and Lin Hang had nothing to do.

According to Lin Hang's thoughts and arrangements, Zhu Ge should still stay above the stars here, coordinating the low-level operations of the entire China. This is also the intention of Zhu Ge himself, and he will also leave a clone to look after him at any time. With the development of the entire China, it was Lin Hang's plan and arrangement to be able to send the disciples with talent and potential to the Ziwei Emperor star in time.

As for this first disciple transportation, Lin Hang had already thought about it. This time he only intends to talk about the hundreds of disciples who had participated in the previous Earthstar hunting plan and brought them to Ziwei Emperor. These people are all experiences. People who have experienced a lot of experience, so whether it’s cultivation base character or other things, they have to be a lot ahead of other disciples, and these disciples can get the first experience, and they will definitely be able to achieve different results. .

Soon, under the convening of the two elders of Zhu Ge, Lin Hang saw hundreds of elite Huaxia disciples who had been practicing for several years in a large square, except for the Yudie Yizhi who was in retreat. In addition, none of the other disciples were absent, they were all gathered on the current square. Yudieyi was at a critical moment of breakthrough, so she did not rush over in time, but Lin Hang estimated that Yudieyi would not take long, because after Lin Hang's clone entered the "Miracle World", I also saw the clone of Yudieyi, and learned the progress of Yudieyi's cultivation, and knew that Yudieyi was breaking through to the Yuan Ying stage at this time. This also made Lin Hang very satisfied, although Yudieyi Now in the past half a year, I have only mastered the supernatural powers of the virtual and reality, but the actual combat power is also huge. After successfully breaking through to the Yuan Ying stage, the strength of Yudieyi can be among all the disciples. In a very forward position.

Lin Hang looked at familiar people standing in front of the crowd, such as Ye Guangyuan, Li Yuluo, Huazhi Hu Lingfeng and others. They hadn’t seen each other for many years, and they all achieved different results with the help of Lin Hang’s resources. As a result, almost everyone’s cultivation progress has risen a lot. Lin Hang can feel that among the hundreds of people today, they are still the dozens of people who added mutual help duels. The elite disciples are the most outstanding. Not only are they all cultivated in the Yuan Ying period, Xu Li and Hu Lingfeng have reached the stage of the middle Yuan Ying period. Others such as Huazhi and Li Yuluo are basically on the verge of breakthrough. The cultivation speed is not slow, and Lin Hang believes that after arriving at Ziwei Emperor Star, the next experience will definitely stimulate their potential again and release their accumulation during this period of time. It must be It will usher in a period of skyrocketing strength improvement, and Lin Hang is also very curious about this situation.

Lin Hang opened his mouth and said, the voice clearly passed into the ears of every disciple present, "Everyone, we are calling you here today. There is one thing to tell you. Wait a while, I will take you to a brand new one. Place, where you will get very good and remarkable results. I know that you have never slackened in your cultivation these days, and I also believe that you must be able to create greater brilliance. After arriving in a new place , I hope you can always maintain such a cultivation attitude and enthusiasm. As long as you can practice well, I believe that your future achievements will definitely not be low!"

Lin Hang did not immediately tell these elite disciples the news that the end of the earth was coming. He knew that although most of the disciples were very determined, there were still some weaker disciples. Because of the influence of this factor, he was unable to realize his true potential. Therefore, Lin Hang was not prepared to tell these disciples about this matter now. Instead, just like the previous policy, he would encourage his disciples’ growth and instill positive things in them. Lin Hang still doesn't want to reveal it.

After Lin Hang’s spiritual knowledge was slightly scanned, he clearly saw the cultivation level of these disciples today. There were probably about fifty disciples in the Yuan Ying period, and only Xu Li and Hu Lingfeng in the middle Yuan Ying period. Others They are all in the late stage of the Golden Core. Many of them are basically equivalent to a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage in Lin Hang's eyes. Generally speaking, the cultivation level of this group of disciples and the whole The quality is very good, and after arriving at Ziwei Emperor Star, they can continue to exist in the ten or twenty team mode of the previous one to complete some of the tasks assigned by Lin Hang. In this case Not only can they grow, but also the cohesion between all the disciples.

Naturally, Lin Hang would not delay anything like this. After Yudieyi, who had finished her retreat, arrived, he saw that Lin Hang's original figure was split into two, and another Lin Hang clone appeared in the later stage of the catastrophe. , This newly appeared clone did not say much. With a big wave of his hand, he put hundreds of disciples present in his sleeves. Then he did not say hello to the other Lin Hang, and he opened the bare door and left. In the area of ​​"Candle World".

Lin Hang's plan is that his own clone will stay on this Earth Star to complete the communication between this Earth Star and Ziwei Emperor Star, and the task of transporting the disciples to Ziwei Emperor Star will naturally be delayed as soon as possible. Not allowed.

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