I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 683

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:06:55 AM

Chapter 683: reaction

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In this way, many of Lin Hang’s clones settled on the stars, whether it was the three big caves of the Wu clan or the two big caves of the demon clan, plus the one who was on Qingtian Island, monitoring the movement of the earth and stars. With a clone, Lin Hang can truly relax and pay attention to the development of "Hua Xia Gate" on the Ziwei Emperor.

"Hua Xia Gate" now only has two forces, namely the casual repair forces and Ye Lao and other old Chinese forces. According to Lin Hang's arrangement, these two forces have already begun to spread out in the western inland sea. The small reputation, all of this comes from the fact that at almost the same time, the owner of the six islands received a public statement of challenges. These challenges were all made by a force named "Huaxia Gate". The general idea is to follow the rules of the West Antarctic Inland Sea and challenge the island at a later agreed time. As long as the challenge can be achieved, the sovereignty of this small island will be transferred to the " Under the sect of "Huaxia Gate", this matter was originally nothing, but because the six islands that were challenged can not be regarded as unknown islands, you must know that they are all attached to the "Western Pole Three Fighters", and they have achieved good results over the years. The development of a medium-sized island is good. Even if people don’t care about the face of the six major island owners, they still have to worry about the “Three Western Overlords” behind them, but they don’t know what the new "Hua Xia Gate" means. Under such circumstances, the challenge is still issued to these six islands, and anyone with a discerning eye can see the intention behind it. It seems that the West Antarctic Inland Sea, which has been calm for a long time, is about to be surging again.

And this time the challenge time for "Hua Xia Gate" is set in half a month, that is to say, the time to ferment the information in the West Antarctica inland sea is also half a month, and in half a month. , It will inevitably spread throughout the West Antarctic Inland Sea, and this is what "Hua Xia Gate" is willing to see. They are very confident in their own strength and the support of Lin Hang and Wang Lao. The purpose this time is to get a lot of Pay attention to start their "Hua Xia Gate" fame, so the louder the noise, the better, and they don't have the slightest worry about whether the challenge will be successful, you must know that Lin Hang's backing support, even if it suddenly appeared on these medium-sized islands The cultivators of the Void Fairy Realm also have the confidence to face them, so now they don't need to worry about the consequences. As long as they are pushed by momentum, it is the effect that "Huaxia Gate" wants.

I deliberately left this period of half a month. In fact, there is still a layer of consideration. Lin Hang's idea is to use the'Three Wise Fighters' as a stepping stone and completely sit firmly at the leading position in the West Antarctic Inland Sea. To leave time for the'Western Pole Three Tyrants', Lin Hang believes that such a blatant challenge will definitely draw the attention and participation of the'Western Pole Three Tyrants' behind these six islands, and this is exactly Lin Hang. The purpose of navigation is to really hurt the'Three Western Overlords' and pull them from the push hands behind them to the bright surface, so that they can accomplish their goals more effectively, otherwise it is only to occupy six islands. It is impossible to achieve such an effect in a short time.

And during the half-month waiting time, the three masterminds of the'Three Western Overlords' also secretly gathered together to discuss some opinions and countermeasures on this matter.

Fen Juecheng, the chairman of the "Burning Heaven Society", after the three chatted for a while, he also directly said the intention of this time, "Two, I don't know what you are about the "Hua Xia Gate" that suddenly appeared this time. How do you think about it? I believe you must have all received news about the challenge of the "Huaxia Gate"? Judging from the island they challenged, it is quite aimed at us. You must know that in the West Antarctic inland sea We occupy the absolute leadership position, but we have not included all the medium-sized islands under our own influence. There are still many other medium-sized islands. If this "Huaxia Gate" is not for us If there is hostility, it would be impossible to choose six islands like this for simple development, and the strangest thing is that I have not received any news about the appearance of the "Huaxia Gate" so far, it is simply It just appeared out of thin air, how do you two want to deal with such a thing?"

Just as Lin Hang thought, the'Three Western Overlords' are not fools, and their "Huaxia Gate" plan is not complicated, it is easy for them to guess the real purpose, but Lin Hang is just I don't care about the purpose of being seen through, or that this is Lin Hang's fundamental purpose. Only when the'Three Western Overlords' pay attention to it, that will be more interesting.

Lin Hang is going to uproot and replace the'Three Western Overlords', so their existence and Lin Hang's plan are irreconcilable. Now Lin Hang wants to implement it, then Sooner or later, the "Three Western Overlords" will be cleared out of the scope of the Western Antarctic Inland Sea, so at the beginning, it will be a little fanfare, but it will help to quickly start the reputation of "Hua Xia Gate".

Shifang Zhenren, the pavilion master of "Shifang Pavilion", also nodded, and then continued Fen Juecheng's words, "Well, Fen Juecheng, there is nothing wrong with your opinion. It is the same as I thought, as for this new one. I’ve never heard of them in "Hua Xia Gate", as if it really appeared overnight. Their purpose seems to me very strange. It seems that they just want to make their reputation at the current stage. In general, this is very ridiculous in my opinion, because if you only want fame, you can only become a joke without the strength to match it. We also understand the situation in the West Antarctica. It is almost impossible to produce a transition here. The monks of the catastrophe, so I think this "Huaxia Gate" may be just a prank, and I am not sure that they do have the same strength as their aura."

The master of "Zi Dian Zong" on the side shook his head and said, "I think it is impossible for them to know this, and they must have a backing that we don't know, so I think we treat The challenge of these six islands after half a month must not be underestimated. It is best to have strong insurance, or send our monks to enter the six islands secretly, even if it is useless. , It can also serve as a layer of insurance!"

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