I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 685

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:06:53 AM

Chapter 685: situation

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When Hua Ke and others showed up, everyone thought that the "Hua Xia Gate", which had been in mystery for the past half month, finally revealed the true meaning behind it, if it was only composed of a group of unwilling cultivators. In terms of influence, although many onlookers also want to win these people, they all understand in their hearts that this is just wishful thinking in their hearts. Now, although the master of this Qingling Island, Qinglingxian, has not yet cultivated The transformation stage is only in the late Yuanying stage, but he is an old island owner who has been attached to "Burning Heaven" for a long time. It can be regarded as being in the process of the rise of the'Three Western Overlords'. Followed Fen Juecheng, so everyone knew at this time that Fen Juecheng couldn’t have watched Qingling Island fail in the challenge. Maybe some of the god-transforming cultivators in the gate had already done well. Ready to prepare, now waiting on this Qingling Island.

At this moment, over Qingling Island, Hua Ke led many scattered corrections to stand here, and after sensing the incoming people, Qingling Island’s owner, Qinglingxian, also led the forces of his island to rise to peace. Hua Ke and others confronted each other at the same height, and the situation in the field suddenly became a little tense.

Speaking of it, when he just received the challenge from the "China Gate", Qing Lingxian's heart was also a little unconcerned. You must know that the current West Antarctic Inland Sea is also regarded as the past under the leadership of the "Western Arctic Three Overlords". It’s been not a short time. As a person who has followed the'Three Western Overlords' for a long time, he has become accustomed to this model, so the challenge rules that were once very popular in the Western Antarctic Inland Sea are also Some have forgotten, and this "Huaxia Gate" is also a force that has never been heard before. Qinglingxian doesn't pay attention to it at all. He just thinks it is an arrogant force that does not recognize reality. This challenge is in Qing Lingxian seemed more like a farce.

It’s just that in the past half a month, on the Qingling Island of Qinglingxian, a distinguished guest from the "Burning Heaven Society" was ushered in. That was the twelve members of Fen Juecheng. Burning Tianke, one of the hall masters, each of these twelve hall masters is a monk in the transformation stage, and Burning Tianke is naturally no exception, and it is also very strange to the Qinglingxian that this Burning Tianke came. According to Burning Heaven’s unsatisfactory words, his purpose of coming this time is to ensure that the Qinglingxian will not fail to face the challenge of "Huaxia Gate" to their Qingling Island. This situation is also out of the question. Qing Lingxian expected that in his consciousness, he felt that this matter could be settled by himself, but he did not expect "Burning Heaven Society" to be so cautious, and directly sent the cultivator of the transformation stage to sit on the ground, enough to show The importance of this "Huaxia Gate".

Qing Lingxian looked at the cultivator of the transformation stage led by the other party, and he also secretly admired the thoughtfulness of "Burning Heaven Society" and Fen Juecheng. If there were no Burning Heavens here, today's "Huaxia Gate" was for Qingling Island. This challenge will inevitably lead to the failure of their defense of Qinglingdao due to the existence of the stranger on the opposite side. What else will be done afterwards by "Burning Heaven" will be unreasonable. After all, according to the rules It’s impossible to be challenged again within ten years. Now Burning Heaven is here to help Qingling Island. Although it seems a bit unreasonable, no one dares to say anything, as long as they can win this challenge. , The prestige of the'Three Western Overlords' has not been threatened, and it is still an existence that others dare not discuss easily.

Qing Lingxian looked at the silent scene of the two parties, and took the lead to break the deadlock, "You are the members of the "Huaxia Gate" that is not too small? I thought it was a powerful force, but I didn't expect it to be just a mob. Gathering together, it seems that your confidence is this monk who suddenly appeared in the transformation stage? But unfortunately, the Fentianke Hall Master of "Burning Heaven Society" just came to us a few days ago. As a guest on Qingling Island, in accordance with the rules of the West Antarctic Inland Sea, the challenged island forces can gather all the energy of the entire island to participate in such a challenge. Today's Burning Heavenlyke Hall Master can also be considered. Shang is a member of our Qingling Island!"

After Qing Lingxian spoke these words, such unscrupulous and shameless state also caused a kind of booing from the crowd around. After all, this kind of high-sounding words would feel a little difficult to speak in anyone's mouth. This Qing Lingxian It is really shameless to say it so indifferently.

However, Qing Lingxian did not pay attention to the reactions of the surrounding people, but continued, "So, in the next challenge, the side of our Qingling Island, the Lord Burning Heavenly Ke, will also be able to represent our Qingling Island, hehe, If you know this news, don't you know if your confidence is still as strong as before?"

Qing Lingxian felt a burst of joy in his heart at this time. He thought he had guessed the true psychological changes of the opposite Hua Ke and others. He felt that the reason why Hua Ke and others would carry out such a challenge must be due to their own spiritual cultivation. Confidence, that’s why I wanted to find an island like their Qingling Island where only the Nascent Soul Stage cultivators were seated, but now I met the "Burning Heaven" cultivator who had arrived long ago, Qing Lingxian guessed at this time The hearts of Hua Ke and others must have collapsed.

However, what disappoints Qing Lingxian is that on the faces of Hua Ke and others on the opposite side, there is no expression of shock or regret. It seems that such a change has long been expected. Now Qing Lingxian sees. Looking at them, they felt as if they had become a clown, just acting awkwardly by themselves.

I couldn't bear this feeling in my heart anymore, Qing Lingxian didn't wait for Hua Ke to answer him, and continued, "Hua Xia Gate, right? Now that the challenge has been issued, let's start directly! Follow the challenge in the West Antarctica Inland Sea According to the rules, you can have ten people on your side, and we, as the defender, can have fifteen people. We take turns to fight. If we lose, we end directly. The winner can continue to fight the next opponent until one side completely loses. Then the victorious side is counted as I won this challenge, that is, I won the ownership of the Qingling Island at my feet! I will not bully you, this challenge will allow you to have the same number of people as us, which is 15 people. Fight against 15 people. If you still can't win by then, don't say we won't give you a chance!"

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