I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 689

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:06:48 AM

Chapter 689: success

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At this time, Qing Lingxian was unwilling in his heart and couldn't oppose Tianke Burning. He also knew that the situation this time was irreversible, but this Qingling Island was also an island he had managed for a long time. It is indeed unacceptable for him to hand over his hands, but for many years, he has been attached to the comfortable environment of the'Three Western Overlords' and made Qinglingxian forget that this immortal cultivation world is the weak and the strong, and he is not working hard enough to hold the Qingling. Island, naturally, no one can be blamed.

And as Qing Lingxian bowed his head and acquiesced in the words of Burning Tianke's surrender, this time the Qingling Island Challenge can be regarded as a direct victory for Lin Hang and others. At this time, this battlefield is once again turned into light. Point, but this time the point of light did not re-integrate into the Qingling Island at this foot, but flew into the hands of Ling Yu who had won. Ling Yu knew that this point of light not only represented the battlefield for battle, but also contained the Qingling Island. With the control authority, if you get this, it will also be of great help to refining Qingling Island. Ling Yu directly threw the light spot to the rear Hua Ke after playing for a while. This time, he just came to help the punch. After the successful capture of this Qingling Island, it still has to be handed over to Huake’s disciples of the "Huaxia Gate" to manage, and this place will not be challenged in the next ten years, and it can also allow Huake to wait. People develop with peace of mind.

It's just that Ling Yu at this time received a secret voice from Burning Tianke, "This senior is not above our Ziwei Emperor Star, right?"

For Burning Tianke to be able to see this, Ling Yu did not have the slightest surprise. You must know that when he first entered this Ziwei Emperor star before, when he first contacted Yao Xing'an from "Western Gate", he also knew When Lin Hangdu’s cultivation base during the catastrophe period, I guessed Lin Hang’s origins for the first time. Sure enough, the situation on the Ziwei Emperor star was very simple. Due to the squeeze and rule of the inland, this western inland sea could not Relying on his own efforts, the monks in the Tribulation Period were born, so there is only one possibility for the monks in the Tribulation Period that suddenly appeared, and that was from outside the sky, and Lin Hang was also very curious about the natives of these Ziwei Emperor stars. Isn’t it surprising that people’s views on people outside the sky?

Ling Yu waved the Burning Tianke to his face, then set up a soundproof barrier, and asked with interest, "Oh? It seems that you are not particularly surprised? Tell me, this purple Do people from outside the sky often appear on Micro Emperor Star?"

Ling Yu had no intention of concealing at all, so he inadvertently admitted the words of Burning Tianke. At this time, Fen Tianke’s reaction when seeing Ling Yu also put away the thoughts in his heart and replied respectfully, “As the predecessor said , There are indeed many people on our Ziwei Emperor Star who have arrived here. After all, our Ziwei Emperor Star can be regarded as one of the most prosperous and huge realms in the entire star field nearby, so We are not particularly surprised for people like you from outside the sky, but in my impression, those who were from outside the sky usually try their best to conceal their origins and origins. It is indeed the first time to act like you. See you!"

Ling Yu understood what Burning Tianke meant. In fact, when he first came to this Ziwei Emperor Star, he had the same mentality, and would not easily expose his existence. If it wasn't for his purpose, he would also It would not be exposed that much when he entered the interior for the first time, but now that Lin Hang has entered the Dengxian Realm, in his opinion, he already has the ability to communicate peacefully with the entire Ziwei Emperor, so he does not care. The inland forces reacted, because they wanted to set up a place on this Ziwei Emperor star suitable for their Chinese disciples’ experience, and collisions with these forces were inevitable, so Lin Hang was implementing his own plan. At that time, it was also very high-profile, in order not to be arrogant, but to attract the attention of the inland forces. Lin Hang was prepared to contact the major forces in the inland and show them his confidence in order to reach the western inland sea. Qualifications for development, so at this time Burning Tianke saw his origin, Lin Hang did not respond, he wished the inland forces would come to him sooner.

Ling Yu chuckled lightly, and then said, "Hall Master Burning Heavenly Ke, you know, I am different from those people who have been to this Ziwei Emperor Star. I want to set a place here that belongs to us. The power’s foothold, after all, you have said that this Ziwei Emperor Star is the most prosperous place in the entire nearby star field, so I also really want to let our disciples get training here, I know you " "Burning the Heavens" and the "Three Tyrants of the West" are all related to the major forces in the inland. It doesn't matter. I hope you can bring me a sentence after you go back. The general meaning is that I want to be with the inside Lu’s forces have a good exchange, and I welcome them to come to me anytime, anywhere!

Speaking of Ling Yu, he also directly removed the soundproof barrier that covered the two of them, then waved his hand, and said nothing. Burning Tianke also understood what Ling Yu meant, and stopped staying here any more. The words also made him understand what Ling Yu meant, so the top priority now is to go back and report the information revealed by Ling Yu to Fen Juecheng and even the inland forces above. He can feel that Ling Yu is definitely not talking big words. , I really want to develop with peace of mind on this Ziwei Emperor. Burning Tianke knew the importance of such a thing, so he didn't dare to delay anymore. He waved his hand and swept the Qinglingxian and other direct personnel, and then moved not far away. Burning Heaven Island, the base of the "Burning Heaven Society", went to visit.

At the same time, on the other five challenged islands, almost all staged the same scene. Without exception, all the challenges were successful. That is to say, after the challenge of "Huaxia Gate" this time, it suddenly took a risk. The new force "Hua Xia Gate" that came out can be regarded as a direct foothold, with six medium-sized islands, and there are still ten years of stable development opportunities, although the premise of all this is that they can carry it out.' The West Antarctic Three Hags’ response is also the investigation of inland forces, but such a situation also caused a thousand waves in the West Antarctic inland sea. You must know that such a situation has not occurred for many years, even if this "Hua Xia Gate" is only a short-lived, but the performance that shocked the world now is enough for them to be recorded in the history of the Western Antarctic Inland Sea.

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