I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 693

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:06:28 AM

Chapter 693: Shock

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After confirming the situation, Kong Qing also felt relieved in his heart. He had no other ideas at this time. He only needs to show his strength in front of these "Hua Xia Gates" and he can use them to force out the "Hua Xia Gate" behind them. "The real power is now. In Kong Qing's opinion, there is no need for such a thing to cause meaningless killing. It is only the beginning of negotiations. There is still room for peace. He does not want to be extravagant and can end in the most peaceful way. Such things are what Kong Qing wants to see most.

Qingling Island is now the most central building in Qingling Island. This building is the tallest building on Qingling Island. Standing on the top of this building can overlook the entire Qingling Island. This was once the owner of Qinglingxian. Qingling Island is now owned by the "Huaxia Gate", and it has naturally become a place for Ling Yu, Huake and others to settle down.

And originally at this night, Ling Yu, Huake and others were resting in their respective rooms, but all of a sudden, everyone felt black before their eyes, and then they appeared in a hidden place after their eyesight recovered. In the large room of, this room was originally idle, but now when looking at it, Ling Yu can see that many disciples of the familiar "Hua Xia Gate" are also here, and in the middle of the sky, there is a floating An old man with white hair and long beard, seeing this here, Ling Yu still didn't understand why, the current situation is definitely from the old man's handwriting.

Kong Qing looked at the people of "Hua Xia Gate" gathered by herself, and couldn't help being a little surprised, because in his perception, all "Hua Xia Gate" people did not have any panic or surprise about the situation now, just There was only a hint of curiosity and hostility towards him who appeared suddenly, but other emotions did not arise. What Kong Qing didn’t know was that these disciples of "Hua Xia Gate" were all within this period of time and did not know how How many times have Lin Hang teleported, so I'm not surprised by this situation, and even have the urge to ridicule. They all received instructions from Lin Hang, knowing that their actions will inevitably cause inland forces. It is most normal for the inland forces to send people to investigate, so there is no accident at this time, they are all waiting for Kong Qing's speech and intention.

Kong Qing looked at these people in front of him. Kong Qingdong's forehead was inevitably embarrassed because he could not achieve the effect he wanted, but Kong Qing, after all, was a cultivator in Wonderland, and soon adjusted his mood and spoke lightly. Said, "My name is Kongqing, and I am a cultivator of the immortal realm in the alliance of the inland forces. You are the new "Huaxia Gate"? Here I would like to advise you to tell your leader , Quickly withdraw from this Ziwei Emperor Star, this is not a place where you can get your hands on it! If you are so obsessed with not understanding, don't blame us for not being moral and emotional!"

Kong Qing’s remarks failed to scare everyone in the "Hua Xia Gate" present. Ling Yu in front of the crowd even laughed and said, "Senior Kong Qing, our "Hua Xia Gate" is based on With the rules in the Western Antarctic Inland Sea, you have won the control of the six islands. You don’t seem to have any reason for this, let us just give up? If you want to drive us away, no problem, wait. Ten years later, I welcome you to come to the challenge. Even if it is the challenge of the cultivator of the fairyland, we will all take it. It’s just a sentence like this and I want us to give up the current results. I want to ask, empty Qing, are you awake?"

After Ling Yu said the last words, it caused dissatisfaction in Kong Qing's heart. A killing intent was gathered. Kong Qing's temper was already considered good, but after all, he is a cultivator in the fairyland and possesses the inviolability of the fairyland. Ling Yu’s dignity, today Ling Yu is just a monk who crosses the Tribulation Period. If he dares to talk to Kong Qing like this, Kong Qing already has the idea of ​​destroying Ling Yu.

What Kong Qing didn’t know was that although Ling Yu was only the cultivation base of the Tribulation Period, he was the clone of Lin Hang, and the deity of Lin Hang was also the cultivation base of Climbing Wonderland. He heard that Kong Qing was so unreasonable. Naturally, he couldn't bear his request, and he immediately went back. His mentality was still at the same level as Kong Qing, and he didn't pay much attention to Kong Qing.

Kong Qing sneered, the temperature in the room also dropped to freezing point. Just when Kong Qing couldn't suppress her killing intent and was about to do it, Ling Yu suddenly tapped the space around him, and then made Kong Qing stare. There was a big situation. Two figures appeared beside Ling Yu, and these two figures did not hide their aura, so Kong Qing understood immediately that the two who appeared suddenly were both in Wonderland. Great monk!

Kong Qing’s heart is very daunting. You must know that as a master of space, this action is also based on stability. Therefore, after sending these "Hua Xia Gate" disciples over, Kong Qing is also in this remote place. There are several layers of space blockades inside and outside the room. That is to say, the average cultivator in the fairyland may not be able to find the situation here, let alone intrude directly like this, Kongqing can feel what he has laid. Those defensive measures, including the airborne blockade, etc., were not touched. He didn't know why, these two strange climbers of the fairyland appeared in front of him like this.

In fact, what Kong Qing didn’t understand was that Ling Yu was Lin Hang’s clone, so Lin Hang knew where Ling Yu was at the first time. Ling Yu was his clone, as long as the two of them were not far away. Under the circumstances, he can directly pull the opponent to his side. This is the connection between the clone abilities and is not suppressed by the space. Originally, Lin Hang and Wang Lao were just standing by, wanting to see the sky. Qing's actions, and then preparations for the follow-up actions, only because he felt Kong Qing's killing intent, Lin Hang took Wang Lao directly into this room through contact with Ling Yu, God A scan of knowledge, coupled with the situation in the field, also let Lin Hang and Wang Lao know for the first time. This person is a great power of the space system. After a little speculation, think about it and add the other party. Lin Hang already knew the identity of the person who came here. He was the only monk who climbed into the fairyland in "The Ethereal Tribe"? He could be regarded as the first person of spatial attainments among the three forces.

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