I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 695

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:06:26 AM

Chapter 695: Followup

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Lin Hang did not relax his vigilance, but came to Kong Qing's side, and reached out his hand to directly seal the seriously injured Kong Qing as a whole, and such a seal Lin Hang portrayed a total of three lines, a space blockade pattern, and another The rune that suppresses the body's recovery is finally the formation pattern that shields the spiritual power of heaven and earth. Under such circumstances, Kong Qing has no way to escape.

Kong Qing’s situation at this time can be regarded as a big bargaining chip for Lin Hang's future plans. He urgently needs some time to strengthen all his abilities to match his cultivation level, which means that Lin Hang is now Although his realm has reached the realm of virtual immortality, many of his abilities are inconsistent with the current cultivation base, such as the ability of clone. Lin Hang is still unable to create a clone of the realm of virtual immortality. It is also the reason why he did not consolidate his cultivation. As long as Lin Hang is given a little more time, there should be no problem. Although it is impossible for Lin Hang to use all the abilities he has mastered in such a short time. It is all improved, but if he focuses on it, there is no problem with his clone ability reaching a higher level.

Lin Hang nodded to Hua Ke on the side. He didn't stay here any longer. Instead, he and Wang Lao left the room on Qingling Island with the sealed Kong Qing and returned to Fenglei Island. .

Hua Ke and others also understand that they can't participate in this matter at all, they can only watch Lin Hang's response, but although they have confidence in Lin Hang, they are also very curious about Lin Hang in their hearts. What method should be used to resist the actions of the inland forces. After all, Kong Qing at this time is just a person. If the three inland forces and the large number of cultivators in the fairyland take action together, Hua Ke does not think that Lin Hang can Just carried it down.

After Lin Hang and Wang Lao returned to Fenglei Island, they also directly locked the captured Kongqing in a room. The room was full of seal formations, not to mention being restricted at this time. Kong Qing, the full state of Kong Qing entered into this tightly arranged space, and it was absolutely impossible to escape. This also made Kong Qing very speechless in his heart. You must know that the seal formation is arranged in this small room. The material consumption of the Fa is actually very scary. In Kong Qing’s view, the use of these materials in such a place is really violent and wasteful. I don’t know what the origin of this strange foreign force is, and it is actually in a prison cell. The layout is so tight.

What Kong Qing didn’t know was that these materials were really cherished, but after they were in the hands of Lin Hang, they all became consumables that could be discarded. After all, Lin Hang exists here. These materials are renewable resources. It only invested some spiritual power, so in order to ensure the effectiveness of this room, Lin Hang did everything, so now that a large amount of materials are invested, it is guaranteed that the captured Kong Qing has no possibility of escape.

After getting the fairyland monk Kong Qing sent by the inland forces to investigate, Lin Hang, Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan discussed future changes and strategies.

Lin Hang smiled and said, "After capturing this Kong Qing today, I believe that the inland forces will not make such a move in a short period of time until they figure out their clues. I also have more time to improve. With my own feelings, I will strive to develop the clone ability as soon as possible!"

Lao Wang also nodded, and then said, "Well, Hang'er, think about it this time. If the three major forces reach a consensus, then it is indeed the most appropriate to send the Kong Qing from "The Ethereal Tribe". His space Ability is indeed very difficult to be restricted. If we hadn’t happened to meet both of us, we wouldn’t be able to stop him if the number of people was several times higher. When we were dealing with him just now, although I had used the space to block him first, it was Later, when you attacked him, I also felt a very strong resistance. I almost couldn't restrain him. Fortunately, Hang'er moved faster and completed the action in the first time. Otherwise, it is very likely to be He forcibly broke free, you must know that in such a realm, as long as he loses consciousness for a moment, he can return to the inland, and then it will be difficult to solve!

I don’t know if Kong Qing is more unlucky, or if Lin Hang and Wang Lao are lucky, they just ran into the virtual fairy cultivator of this space system. Otherwise, if you change the conditions tonight, it may be a different result, but it’s just arrived. In the current situation, it is meaningless to say anything. The first wave of temptations sent by the inland forces has been quietly captured, and he is still the least likely to be captured. This is the point. It will inevitably make the inland forces very vigilant, and it also bought Lin Hang a lot of time.

Lin Hang also nodded, and then said with a smile, "But teacher, we must not forget our purpose. We are not going to fight the three inland forces. The reason we have to buy time is to enable us to have With equal rights to dialogue, as long as I can win an opportunity to negotiate with the inland forces, I will use my strength and actions to make them understand what we mean. We will not compete with them for resources in the Ziwei Emperor Star inland, but To develop within the West Polar Sea, in the recent period, I can also feel that this inland force is indeed not interested in this West Polar Sea at all. I believe that after knowing our intention, I will realize our After strength, our follow-up action plan should be easier to implement!"

Lao Wang knew what Lin Hang meant, and he knew it from Lin Hang's mouth. After returning to Earth Star, the high priest told Lin Hang that there might be great risks and hidden dangers in the western seas, and he would be affected by the inland forces. Ignore it, otherwise, in such a large area, how could the abundant resources not make them tempted? Therefore, although their current goal has not changed, they still want to develop in the outer waters of the West, but they also have a lot of vigilance in their hearts, and they will no longer proceed as simply as before.

And it’s worth mentioning that that group of Huaxia’s disciples, a team of hundreds of people, was brought from Earth Star to Ziwei Emperor Star by Lin Hang’s clone within this half-month waiting time. In the time they just arrived, they didn't participate in the affairs of "Hua Xia Gate", they were just adapting to the environment of the Ziwei Emperor, and after adapting, it was the beginning of their subsequent experience.

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