I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 697

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:06:08 AM

Chapter 697: negotiation

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This monk who is waiting here is the result of Lin Hang's work within this month. It is the clone of the virtual fairy realm he has worked so hard to create. Lin Hang has not stopped in this month. I developed my clone ability to a level suitable for my current realm, and through my continuous fusion of clones, I finally created a clone that truly reached the realm of virtual immortality, and after having this first successful experience Although it is not particularly easy to create a clone of such a realm again, it will no longer cause any trouble to Lin Hang, so after this situation is achieved, Lin Hang directly let Wang Lao enter silently. In the inland, the three major forces in the inland left their own letters to negotiate, and this is what happened today.

Lin Hang’s clone can be regarded as hiding his true appearance at this time. When making it, he used the supernatural power of the change of virtual reality. Lin Hang's idea is that every time he appears in the virtual fairyland clone, there should be one With his own independent identity, Lin Hang meant that he did not want the three major inland forces to know the means of making clones, but to make them think that they really have so many cultivators in the virtual fairyland on the side of "China Gate". Only then will they have greater fear and more rights for equal dialogue.

Lin Hang’s first clone of the realm of imaginary immortality was renamed Lin Yi. At this time, looking at the nine imaginary realm of imaginary immortal realm from the three major inland forces, Lin Yi just kept his face. He smiled, and then said, "Welcome everyone to come to our "Hua Xia Gate". Your presence really makes me feel brilliant, everyone, please inside!"

With that said, Lin Yi stepped into this half-virtual and half-real hall. This hall was also temporarily built by Lin Yi using the supernatural powers of the transformation of virtual and real. Therefore, he was in a situation of alternating between virtual and real. At the invitation of Yi, the cultivators of the Void Fairy Realm of the three inland forces looked at each other and followed Lin Yi's footsteps directly into the hall. They were all scanned by the divine sense, although this hall The composition is rather strange, between the real and the false, but they did not find anything ambush in this hall, and they also believe that the current situation is the best decision to be able to negotiate, as long as this "China Gate" does not want to When things have developed to an endless state of death, there will never be an ambush in such a scene, which is definitely a thankless thing for them.

Walking into the hall, there was only a long table inside the relatively empty hall, but there were no chairs on the four sides. Lin Yi looked at the number of people coming and flicked his right hand. Seeing nine chairs appeared on both sides of the table, the main position of the table was naturally reserved for Lin Yi himself.

Under Lin Yi’s arrangement, the nine cultivators in the realm of virtual immortality also took their seats separately. The scene is still relatively peaceful up to now, but everyone understands that the key point of the negotiation this time is It was about the conversation to be held later, and before the conversation, they didn't want to lose their demeanor, so they let Lin Yi arrange it.

Lin Yi didn't delay anything, but directly said, "Everyone, in the next Lin Yi, I believe you come to me today, you should all have a common purpose? Actually, we don't want to be your enemy. , Our "Huaxia Gate" will not go inland to compete for your resources. Isn't it good for everyone to develop peacefully like this?"

If it was the beginning, Lin Hang and the three major forces directly stated their true plans. Not only would they not be valued by the three major forces, but they might also be ignored and expelled by the three major forces, because at that time Lin Hang In addition, his "Hua Xia Gate" did not show the necessary strength and good trump cards, but now it is different, not only because Kong Qing was captured by this "Hua Xia Gate", plus the subsequent silent transmission. The news, as well as the real cultivator in the realm of virtual immortality in front of him, made these three forces understand that the "Huaxia Gate" at this time is definitely not an easy existence. What they have to do now is to adjust themselves. With a mentality, try to treat this "Hua Xia Gate" as an opponent of the same class as one's own side, and should not be underestimated. This is what Lin Hang has been looking forward to seeing.

However, what Lin Yi said today has not been believed by the major forces in the interior, because they have formed an inherent impression of the Ziwei Emperor star in their hearts, that is, apart from the area where the interior is located. In addition, other places have no future for development. Lin Yi just said that their "Hua Xia Gate" will not compete with them for inland resources. They don't believe this. You must know if "Hua Xia Gate" wants to If you want to develop, you will inevitably need resources, but the resources of the West Antarctic Inner Sea cannot supply such a huge power. Unless it is the extremely dangerous West Antarctic Sea, there are precious resources that may exist, but Carlos and others Thinking of what they had seen in the seas outside the West Pole years ago, there was still a chill in their hearts, which was definitely not a place they could touch.

Carlo looked around, then coughed slightly, and then said first, "Daoist Lin Yi, since you showed an attitude to negotiate, we will not lose courtesy, just for what you just said, In fact, we don’t believe that much. I also understand from the previous understanding that your "Huaxia Gate" has a strong strength, but if you want to develop on this Ziwei Emperor star, you must not ignore the necessary resources. Yes, I think this West Antarctic Inland Sea is completely unable to meet your needs. Later, for the development of "Hua Xia Gate", you will inevitably set your sights on the inland. I think this is irreconcilable, whether you like it or not. Yes, conflict is inevitable at that time!"

Kahlo's words also caused other cultivators in the virtual fairy realm to nod their heads. Kahlo's words are normal. After all, they have reached the point where they are now. The cultivation of the disciples under the clergy must be arranged by them. Naturally, they also understand that the development of a power How much resources are needed, so it is almost impossible for Lin Yi to say that there is no conflict. They are also worried that Lin Yi’s remarks are a strategy for delaying time. After the "Huaxia Gate" really takes root, At that time, they cannot simply be removed.

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