I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 699

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:06:07 AM

Chapter 699: result

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Because what Lin Yi said does have some truth, if their "Huaxia Gate" really made up their minds to develop in the Western Antarctic Inland Sea, it might really be a good thing for them, because the Western Antarctic Inland Sea was originally It is something that is dispensable. They have to spend some energy to cultivate some forces to manage this West Antarctic Inland Sea. It is better to throw this West Antarctic Inland Sea to this "Hua Xia Gate" to manage, then they will have nothing. Worry, if the "Hua Xia Gate" gets an inch in the later stage and wants to enter the inland, they can unite again to resist. After all, "Hua Xia Gate" can't expand several times in a short period of time no matter how it develops. There is no essential difference in the response now, because the development of the lower-level forces cannot threaten them at all, and they only care about the highest level of "Huaxia Gate" combat power in the fairyland.

This time, Lin Yi knew that the outcome of the negotiation was very successful, and he also got some news about the West Antarctica, which also made him feel good, so Lin Yi also waved his hand, and directly nine objects of different shapes appeared. In the middle of the air, they entered the hands of nine cultivators who climbed into the fairyland, and then Lin Yi also introduced, "I have also said that before, I can provide me with some news about the West Antarctica, and I will give some exchange compensation below. Yes, and on behalf of "Hua Xia Gate", I would like to thank all fellow daoists for giving us the opportunity to develop in this Western Antarctic Inland Sea. These things are just a small thank you. I hope that fellow daoists can accept it!"

Lin Yi also understands that it is impossible to achieve long-term tacit understanding by relying on his own strength. The final form of achieving such a goal still depends on the combination and ties of interests, and it has always been Lin Hang's best to provide benefits. The things he was good at, he believed that the things he provided would never be rejected by these nine monks, because they were indeed rare materials and treasures that were extremely cherished and even extinct.

The nine cultivators who climbed into the fairyland such as Carlo were shocked when they saw the gifts given by Lin Yi in their hands. It was not that they had never seen these materials, and some of them could even be found in their respective treasure houses. What they care about is Lin Yi's attitude, that kind of indifferent attitude is definitely not disguised, it is simply to the point where these materials can be discarded at will like garbage. This situation also makes them unable to calm down anymore. Although they all have a big power behind them, they can't do what Lin Yi is now. They are really too rich. They just met for the first time and reached some simple exchanges. Just gifting such precious things, I have to say that Lin Yi’s hand is very effective, and the local tyrant’s style directly shocked the three major inland forces. This conveyed a deep message to the three major forces. If you can cooperate with Lin Yi or "Huaxia Gate" in a deeper level in the future, you will definitely get even greater benefits, right?

And because of this, they also thought of a problem, that is, what Lin Yi said before only occupying the West Antarctic inland water development, could it be because they didn’t have to worry about resources at all, so that they could not care slightly. The barren West Antarctic Inland Sea? Thinking about it carefully, there is indeed such a possibility, which makes their hearts more at ease. As long as they don’t compete with them for inland resources, they are actually very willing that the Western Antarctic Inland Sea can become a more harmonious piece. Place instead of the scattered scenes like before.

Regarding the gifts Lin Yi gave, these nine cultivators who climbed into the fairyland did not mean to refuse, and they accepted it directly, showing the powerful face of the cultivator in the virtual fairyland, and Carlo said with a smile, "Lin Yidao Friends, we are not acquainted with each other. I hope that in the follow-up development, you can do what you say and not enter our inland development. If you can really do this, our Wanzu League welcomes you. As a guest on our northern icefield, I also want to discuss with you some follow-up cooperation matters!"

To say that this time of negotiation, the most sensory change for Lin Yi and the "Huaxia Gate" is the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races in which Carlo belongs. You must know that they were arrested before the negotiation. Yes, so Xiantian is in a weak position, but what Khaluo didn’t expect was that Lin Yi would return Kong Qing to them so easily without asking for any benefits. This also made Kha Luo had a lot of affection for Lin Yi and "Hua Xia Gate", coupled with these powerful cherished materials provided by Lin Yi in the follow-up, also made Carlo's heart active. In his opinion, Lin Yi also has "Hua Xia "Gate" seems to be a very good partner for cooperation. It is not only powerful but also has sufficient resources to support it. If we have an in-depth exchange, it may be a very good thing for the development of both parties.

It’s just a pity that Lin Hang’s perception of the Ten Thousand Races Alliance is not particularly good, so now this situation is just a pretense. In his heart, the three inland forces that are most worthy of cooperation are only Zhao Kangping. What Lin Hang needs now is to stand firm on this Purple Emperor Star, and in the later stage, he can consider his plan to contact the human forces. Lin Hang has always been curious, I don’t know. What kind of role did Zhao Kangping play on the Earth and the stars? Does Zhao Kangping know the message about the disappearance of his parents?

However, Lin Yi didn’t show any unusual behavior towards Karo, who exuded kindness at this time. He also smiled and said, "Friend Karo, there is no problem. The development of "Hua Xia Gate" in the West Antarctic Inland Sea is on the right track, and I will definitely visit it!"

Now that after negotiations, "Hua Xia Gate" will take root in the Western Antarctic Inland Sea next is a foregone conclusion, so the representatives of the human forces present and the representatives of "Ziwei Palace" also expressed their kindness to Lin Yi like Carlos. It was also an invitation to Lin Yi to be a guest of their forces, and implicitly expressed the meaning of cooperation afterwards. There was nothing unusual about Lin Yi, and they all responded with a smile. At this time, it was he and the three major inland forces that reached it During the critical period of cooperation, he naturally won't have any other actions. In the follow-up, he can consider cooperating well with the three major forces, which can be considered as making some preparations for the next catastrophe.

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