I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 7

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:29:11 AM

Chapter 7: Lin Hang's life experience

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As soon as he got up the next day, Lin Hang found Liu Ruyan.

After listening to Lin Hang's description, Liu Ruyan fell into deep thought after learning that Lin Hang was not in any serious trouble.

"You mean that after the other party was killed by you, the body disappeared?" Liu Ruyan asked.

Lin Hang nodded.

"Then I probably know what it is. The killer last night should come from the second largest killer organization in the world-[Black Nest]"

"[Black Nest] is very mysterious, no one knows where their headquarters is, and the leader of their organization is also a very mysterious lone strongman. The ability is also called "Black Nest". No one sees the specific effects. All over, it's just that the killers of their organization will be used by the leader. Once they miss, they will never be caught and disappear. According to their words, this is returning to the warm [Black Nest]. So no one has been right yet. How much does this organization know."

Lin Hang couldn't help but envied Liu Ruyan's knowledge and knowledge. He felt that in the same situation, Liu Ruyan could definitely do better than him, because his vision was not on the same level.

He asked, "Then why would they attack me?"

Liu Ruyan hesitated, she didn't know if she should tell Lin Hang. Tell Lin Hang, I am afraid that the days after that will not be calm. If you don't tell him, Lin Hang will be at a loss in such a situation afterwards. When Liu Ruyan was struggling, Lin Hang said,

"Sister Yan, do you know the situation of my parents?"

When Liu Ruyan heard Lin Hang's words, she realized that he still regarded Lin Hang as a child, and didn't realize that he had actually grown up and could be alone.

Liu Ruyan nodded and said, "Xiao Hang, you used to live with your parents. You didn't come to Huicheng until you were fourteen. Do you know the identity of your parents?"

Lin Hang shook his head, "No, they never told me."

"Then listen well, your father is one of the four major families in Beijing, the eldest son of the Lin family head—Lin Jingtian! Mother is the four major families in Beijing, and the youngest daughter of the Liu family head, Liu Jingxiu, is my sister-in-law."

Although there have been speculations before, when Liu Ruyan really heard it, he was still a little shocked. I didn't expect my parents to have such a big background.

"But why didn't they tell me, and never returned to the capital?" Lin Hang was very puzzled.

Liu Ruyan replied, "At that time, your father and my sister-in-law were both the most outstanding geniuses of this generation. Both of them had cultivated to the pinnacle of the acquired world before the age of 30. They were only one step away from the strength of the two Patriarchs. Two People also cherish each other, appreciate each other, and come together. Originally, this pair should be the envy and blessing of the gods, but an event that happened later changed completely."

Liu Ruyan sneered. "It is ridiculous that after that incident, the two big families behind them did not come forward to protect them. Instead, they broke off relations with them and chose Mingzhe to protect themselves. Your parents have no choice, so they left the capital and wandered outside."

When Lin Hang heard this, he realized that it was not easy for his parents for so many years. They did not tell themselves, but they also protected themselves. Lin Hang also secretly vowed in his heart that when he became stronger, he would give his parents a sigh of relief!

"What happened to them?"

It must be an earth-shattering event to allow the two big families in the capital to make the choice to abandon their children!

"I don't know exactly what it is, maybe Grandpa and the others know it. But it is said that they got something, something that can change the world! Of course, this is also a rumor. No one knows the real situation."

Lin Hang felt that the Dark King must know what happened, so he decided to ask the Dark King next time.

"So there will be a lot of people coming to deal with me to force my parents out? Then why didn't anyone come to me before?" This is what Lin Hang didn't understand very much, because if he came to him before, he didn't Any possible fight back.

"Because there is a convention in the world of the abilities, the abilities are not allowed to take action against ordinary people, if they violate it, others will punish them together. The abilities also need a relatively stable world environment, so this convention is implemented. The force is still very strong."

Lin Hang knew that Liu Ruyan knew almost everything he told him. He solemnly said to Liu Ruyan, "Sister Yan, thank you! From now on, I will pay more attention to my own safety, because now it is not just me. It’s my own business."

Liu Ruyan said with a smile, "It's okay, Xiao Hang, my aunt has spoiled me since I saw you as my brother. Besides, it's not all my own idea to come out this time. My father is your father. Uncle, he is the only person in the Liu family who supports sister-in-law and them behind. So, Xiao Hang, you have to remember that you are not alone, you still have us!"

Liu Ruyan's words also warmed Lin Hang's heart. He smiled and said, "Sister Yan, I have to ask you to teach me many things about the world of supernatural powers."

In the next month, Lin Hang was learning some common sense and experience in the supernatural world with Liu Ruyan, except for the time he spent practicing. After this month Liu Ruyan's teaching and influence, Lin Hang's temperament has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

The whole person has become more calm and restrained. This is also related to the gradually deepening of his cultivation. Lin Hang's dantian has three psionic **** unknowingly, and his consciousness space has expanded to 10 cubic meters. Officially entered the first level.

"Xiao Hang, you are getting better and better now, my sister is no longer your opponent." Liu Ruyan smiled and joked.

"Sister Yan, don't make fun of me, you are a master of perfect forging!" Thinking of this, Lin Hang felt a bitterness in his heart. This month, Liu Ruyan was tossed hard. There are countless scars on his body every day. At night, Liu Ruyan will heal him again without leaving a trace. The next day he will start again.. The name is called to exercise Lin Hang’s combat ability and resistance ability, but Lin Hang always I think Liu Ruyan seems to enjoy this process very much.

"Okay, I think your dantian spiritual energy is sufficient now, and your state is at the peak. It's time to break through to the middle of the forging stage. I will protect you!" Liu Ruyan put away his smile and said solemnly.

Lin Hang stopped joking, nodded and sat on the ground. With his eyes closed, Lin Hang slowly moved the psionic ball in his dantian.

At the beginning of the forging stage, there is only one psionic ball. The psionic ball will gradually grow bigger when it absorbs the spiritual energy to transform the psychic energy during the practice. When it reaches a certain level, it will split into two, and then three. It is slowly advancing towards the middle of forging body. Compared with the early stage of forging, it is not just a simple psionic ball, but the structure has also changed. The psionic ball will be twice as large as the initial stage, so the total psionic energy gap between the initial and mid-stage is still relatively large. .

At this time, Lin Hang’s three psionic orbs had become twice the size of the original one. Under Lin Hang’s control, one of them slowly split and became two smaller psionic orbs. However, Lin Hang did not stop. He kept breathing and breathing, absorbing the spirit of the outside world, and constantly replenishing the energy of two small psionic balls. The scattered psychic energy in the dantian was also infused into it, after a After a few hours, the psionic energy of the two smaller ones became as great as before, and Lin Hang stopped at this time.

Lin Hang opened his eyes, but saw Liu Ruyan looking at herself with a smile, "Congratulations, Xiao Hang."

Lin Hang scratched his head and smiled, "Sister Yan has worked so hard, although she is also very happy, but this kind of results is far from satisfying me, I must work harder!"

Liu Ruyan looked at Lin Hang with a bit of pain, "Xiao Hang, don't stretch yourself too tight. Cultivation is never quick. I'm afraid you will hurt yourself if you blindly pursue speed."

"Don't worry, I have a sense of measure." Lin Hang nodded.

In the past month, Lin Hang has basically stayed with Liu Ruyan, but the killer of [Black Nest] has not appeared.

Lin Hang felt that they must be afraid of the Liu Ruyan's power behind Liu Ruyan, so they did not act under Liu Ruyan's nose.

Thinking of this, Lin Hang recalled the assassin who came to assassinate Liu Ruyan on the night of his awakening ability.

"By the way, Sister Yan, have you found any clues for the person who assassinated you before?" Lin Hang asked.

"Well, it's a bit of an eyebrow. I was also surprised before. No one knew about my arrival in Huicheng. How did this killer lock me? Only now, through family intelligence, I found some clues. It was Zhou's family. People did it." Liu Ruyan replied.

"The Zhou family? The Zhou family in Huicheng?" Lin Hang asked in surprise. These days, Liu Ruyan also introduced him to the Zhou family.

The Zhou family is a family that has only risen in Huicheng in recent years. Patriarch Zhou Mo came to Huicheng 20 years ago and developed the Zhou family into a force second only to the Ye family in Huicheng. It can be seen.

"It's the Zhou family, the Patriarch, you have also seen the man wearing gold rim glasses at the Ye family exchange meeting. The outside world thinks that he started from scratch, but they don't know that he married the daughter of the Liu family of the four major families in Beijing. Only with the support of the family can we gain a firm foothold in Huicheng and rise rapidly." Liu Ruyan was a bit disdainful.

"Does the Ye family agree?" Lin Hang was puzzled.

"At that time, Zhou Mo came to Huicheng, he must have talked to the Ye family, I believe that behind the Liu family and Ye family must have reached some agreement. In fact, as long as the Zhou family does not threaten Ye family's transcendent status, the Ye family will not interfere. The development of the Zhou family." Liu Ruyan explained to Lin Hang one by one the doorway inside.

"That said, it's not the Zhou family who wants to deal with Sister Yan, but the Liu family behind him!" Lin Hang suddenly realized.

"It is for this reason that the Liu family and our Liu family have never dealt with each other very well. Although everyone has a good face and does such things in secret, they have no mercy at all." Liu Ruyan said.

"Then what should we do now?" Lin Hang asked. In his opinion, these people wanted to deal with Liu Ruyan, and he naturally wouldn't plan to let them go.

"You wait and see, I will let them know what will happen to those who dare to provoke me Liu Ruyan!"

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