I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 702

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:06:05 AM

Chapter 702: problem

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And this is the effect that Lin Yi wants to see. It seems that although Yao Xing’an’s on-site robbery situation was unexpected this time, the final result was unexpectedly good. Yao Xing’an is equivalent to showing up and saying that there is still something for these casual practitioners. Small and medium-sized forces directly took a lesson to let them understand what important role maintaining a good relationship with their "Huaxia Gate" can play in the future development. After all, the future West Antarctic Inland Sea is already certain. This "Hua Xia Gate" occupies an absolute dominant position, and under this, it becomes very important. If you want to make yourself or your own power to be better developed, then you have to watch this "Hua Xia Gate". What is the relationship between the Gates, Lin Yi can imagine, in the future, the "Hua Xia Gate" should be able to establish its own position based on this, and finally form a very large community of interests that covers the entire West Antarctic Inland Sea. At that time, "Hua Xia Gate" The status of "Gate" will never be shaken.

Yao Xing'an didn't stay in this absorption process for long. After opening his eyes and getting up, Lin Yi also came to Yao Xing'an again, and by this time Yao Xing'an had already taken control of the two West Polar Islands. At this time, between the golden light in Yao Xing'an's hand, he could feel that there was some inseparable connection between Yao Xing'an and the two western islands, and this was where the authority was in control.

Yao Xing'an paid a heavy salute to Lin Yi and didn't say anything more. If he could return to the three West Pole islands, it would be considered what Yao Xing'an and the whole "Western Gate" were thinking about day and night. Originally thought that as the'Three Western Overlords' became more and more prosperous, such thoughts could only be buried in dreams, but now it is because of his previous decision that he has directly achieved his wish. Yao Xing'an also has a trace of emotion in his heart. I secretly made a decision in my heart. In the days to come, I will be grateful for "Hua Xia Gate", not for the strength of "Hua Xia Gate", but just because "Hua Xia Gate" is the most confused and most confused in their "Western Gate". I helped them in times of difficulty.

Lin Yi also knew what Yao Xingan meant, but he didn't care much in his heart. In fact, he didn't particularly care about such a thing. The reason why he would help Yao Xingan was even now that he gave the West Pole Two Islands directly to "Ji Men" is not for the support and friendship of "Western Ji Men", but Lin Hang once promised Yao Xing'an to help them achieve their goals. It is as simple as that. After all, from the bottom of my heart, Lin Hang’s The goal is not to fight for hegemony. The roots of establishing power and developing power are for the disciples of China on his side to get better experience. Lin Hang doesn't really care about other things.

After completing this matter, Lin Yi left the Second West Pole Island to Yao Xing'an and others in "Western Gate", and he returned to sit on the First West Pole Island. This West Pole First Island will be in the days to come. It is the main base headquarters of "Hua Xia Gate" to the outside world, so Lin Yi, as a clone of the virtual fairyland displayed by Lin Hang, will stay here all year round. As for the development strategy after "Hua Xia Gate", Lin Hang still had other arrangements in his heart.

After the matter in the West Antarctic Inland Sea is basically resolved, Lin Hang's deity is also preparing to discuss the development of the follow-up "Hua Xia Gate" in the West Antarctic Inland Sea with Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan, as well as many disciples of China. How should they carry out their experience plan.

On Fenglei Island, in the conference room, Lin Hang, Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan sat together. At this time, Lin Hang took the lead and said, "Teacher, after reaching a consensus with the three major inland forces, the current development The situation is considered to be more in line with our development expectations. Now the'Three Western Overlords' have left the area of ​​the Western Antarctic Inland Sea directly in accordance with the instructions of the three major inland forces, and we have taken control with the "Western Gate". After the West Pole Three Islands, plus some islands that were once under the control of the'West Pole Three Overlords', are now under our management. Now the West Pole Inland Sea is basically under our control. So, now And in the following days, our "Hua Xia Gate" power in this West Antarctic inland sea has reached a situation where it cannot go further, almost equivalent to the point of life and death at a glance. Now the external conditions are enough, We need to determine the future development policy!"

Lao Wang nodded. The rapid development of "Hua Xia Gate" has also occurred in the eyes of Lao Wang these days. After listening to Lin Hang's words, Lao Wang also said, "Yes, the speed of development this time is somewhat Exceeded our expectations. We also directly controlled a very large site within a short period of time. We did not expect this situation, so the current situation is a bit embarrassing, that is, we do not have enough manpower to manage this. There's a place. Regarding this problem, Hanger, I think we need to solve it first!"

Lin Hang knows what Wang Lao is talking about. You need to know that in the West Antarctic Inland Sea, when the'Three Western Overlords' still existed, most of the Western Antarctic Inland Sea was under the control of the'Three Western Overlords'. That is to say, many of the small and medium-sized islands in the West Antarctic Inland Sea are directly under the banner of the West Pole Sanba. Although the West Pole Sanba has already withdrawn from the West Pole The scope of the inland sea, but the management of these small islands, that is, the island owner, cannot follow them to withdraw, which is directly retained, but now Lin Hang’s "Hua Xia Gate" has become the most powerful in the West Antarctic Inland Sea The power of these islands also expressed the meaning of city government and attachment in the first time, but Lin Hang naturally cannot fully trust these people. Of course, he will send his own personnel to take over these islands, but now it seems that his personnel , Is indeed far from enough.

The only people that Lin Hang can send are those recruited from the Western Antarctic Inland Sea, who originally belonged to the Western Antarctic Inland Sea, but there are only more than 30 of these people, and some of them are still unable to manage their cultivation. The standard of an island, so Lin Hang's heart already has the meaning of recruiting people on a large scale.

Lin Hang nodded and replied, "Teacher, in fact, we could have our former disciples of China do this, but doing so is contrary to our original intention. These disciples of our China are indeed more trustworthy. , But our purpose for bringing them to this Ziwei Emperor is to enable them to experience here, so it is not suitable to manage these islands."

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