I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 703

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:06:04 AM

Chapter 703: select

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When talking about this, Lin Hang also expressed his own thoughts, “In view of this situation, the disciples have an idea in their hearts. Since we don’t want the management of these islands to occupy the energy and time of our Huaxia disciples, so we are here. After recruiting some casual practitioners from the Western Antarctic Inland Sea, after screening and training, I believe that they can also perform such duties, teacher, what do you think of this approach?

After Lin Hang finished talking about his thoughts, Wang Lao also fell into silence for a short time. During this time, he also contacted with Jing Zhi and other Lin Hang's first batch of casual practitioners, and found that these casual practitioners were actually As Lin Hang said, there are some unique features, but because of being a casual cultivator, he can’t attack to a higher level, but the fundamental talent is not bad at all. Now Lin Hang means Even they can rely on the power of these casual cultivators to help them maintain the rule of the Western Antarctic Inland Sea.

After a while, Wang Lao also said directly, "Well, this method is still feasible. I believe that as long as we send a message, there should be a large number of loose repairs and the small and medium forces in the West Antarctica will respond. , After all, our name is here. They will not fail to think of the benefits of joining us, but there is one thing we should pay attention to. That is, in this kind of selection, we must make a good selection. I can I don’t want some worms to enter our "Huaxia Gate"!"

After Lin Hang and Wang Lao nod their heads, this kind of thing was basically determined. In the next situation, as long as they spend some time to recruit for casual repairs in the West Antarctic Inland Sea, and then select a batch of excellent casual repairs to help them manage In this huge Western Antarctic inland sea area, they only need to pay some resources and benefits, they can let go of their hands and feet, and have more minds to do other things.

As for other things at this stage, what worries Lin Hang and Wang Lao the most is that after standing firm, Huaxia’s disciples’ experience matters. In fact, according to Lin Hang’s original idea, they want Huaxia’s disciples. I have experienced it in the Western Antarctic Inland Sea, but the development of the situation today is completely different from what Lin Hang had originally expected. Their "Hua Xia Gate" developed too quickly, which caused many of China's disciples to be unable to I have been practicing well in the West Antarctic Inland Sea, and now I can only look at the outer seas of the West Antarctica, but according to the warnings of the three major inland forces, the West Antarctic Sea must have something unknown. The danger exists, and Lin Hang and Wang Lao are also hesitating now whether they should carry out such an experience plan.

However, the current situation is not particularly urgent. After all, these disciples of China have not been to this Ziwei Emperor Star for a long time, and it takes a little time to adapt to the environment and the rules of the world, so Lin Hang and Wang Lao still have Time to study the next actions and plans.

Lin Hang said in a deep voice, "Teacher, do you have any good ideas about our next arrangements for the many disciples of Huaxia? You know, this is what we have worked so hard to get through Earth Star and Ziwei Emperor Star. The key to the path of the United States, if the current plan cannot be implemented, it really makes us a little sad!"

Lao Wang also nodded, and then said, "Well, we all understand this very well. According to the analysis of our teachers, we have two roads to choose from. One is to go to the unknown area outside the West Pole. This area is very dangerous, and there must be an extremely difficult experience environment, but the risk factor is too high. I am afraid that these Chinese disciples cannot bear such a danger in a short time. In my opinion, this route requires us to advance. The route is opened for them. After we are familiar with the situation, we can choose some areas that are most suitable for them to start their experience. In this way, we can rest assured and they can also get better exercise. But all of this The premise is based on our first investigation, so for now, we still have a second option to choose!"

Lin Hang also thinks what Wang Lao said is very reasonable, but what he didn't expect is that he only thought of the first route. As for what Wang Lao said and the second option, Lin Hang is also very curious. I don’t know what it is now. What kind of path is suitable for Huaxia's disciples to go?

Mr. Wang continued, "Hang'er, before I talk about this route, I have one thing to ask you, what kind of place was this West Inner Sea originally?"

Wang Lao’s sudden question reminded Lin Hang of the origin of the situation in the Western Antarctic Inland Sea. It is important to know that in the ancient times, the Ziwei Emperor Star was not only broken for some reason, but this continent is also called Ziwei. Emperor Star, but only a small fragment of Ziwei Emperor Star. At the beginning, Ziwei Emperor's inheritance power "Ziwei Palace" occupied the eastern plain area, and human forces occupied the southern mountain area. This was also the beginning The pattern, knowing that the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races came to Ziwei Emperor Star soon and occupied the northern icefield area, forming the current situation of hard work. At that time, the Western Antarctic Inland Sea was not occupied by their three major forces, and it was only used as the three of them. It is just a place where big forces exiled sinners and evildoers. So the West Antarctic Inland Sea was a gathering place for evildoers and criminals at the beginning. As for the later development, it evolved slowly.

Old Wang knew that Lin Hang had already guessed and thought, so he smiled and said, "Hang'er, I believe you have already guessed something, right? That's right, the West Antarctic Inland Sea was full of criminals and The villains can be called “heaven” without order! This is why the three major inland forces hate this place so much. It is because the first batch of candidates who existed in the West Antarctic Inland Sea were too unbearable, although they followed The evolution and development of the Inland Sea itself has become what it is today, and it is impossible to get rid of the inherent impression before. As far as I know, "Xijimen" was not so glorious at the beginning. This is also the three major forces of the inland. The reason for secretly dealing with the monks during the catastrophe period in the "Western Gate", although the current situation in the West Antarctic Inland Sea is different from before, we can also feel that there are still many thugs in the West Antarctic Inland Sea. Yes, if our disciples in China have nothing to do, why not just find these thugs directly? If these thugs can be wiped out, the future will be a good thing for the development of the entire West Antarctica Inland Sea!"

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