I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 704

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:06:02 AM

Chapter 704: idea

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Such remarks by Wang Lao also provided Lin Hang with a new idea. The direction provided by Wang Lao Lin Hang really did not think about it. Now that I think about it carefully, what Wang Lao said is indeed feasible for implementation. , You must know that even if it was the period when "Western Gate" or the "Three Western Overlords" ruled this Western Antarctic Inland Sea, the forces of thugs and criminals mentioned by Wang Lao have never been eliminated, even In some cases, their threat to the entire West Antarctic Inland Sea is relatively great, and their arrogance can be said to be very arrogant. Because of the special environment of the West Antarctic Inland Sea and a large number of sea areas, their whereabouts have become very elusive. Therefore, they have not been completely wiped out for so many years. They can be called the malignant tumors of the West Antarctic Inland Sea. As long as they exist for one day, they will inevitably slow down the development of the West Antarctic Inland Sea. This is also a very headache. thing.

However, although the existence of these thugs and criminals is a very difficult thing, for the inland forces, they have the existence of the monks in the virtual fairyland, so it is not a very difficult thing to solve, just like this The situation is completely in their interests. They originally regarded this inland sea of ​​the West Antarctica as a'garbage disposal site'. Naturally, they hoped that this place became as chaotic as possible. With the constant supplement of these thugs, they can ensure that the inland sea of ​​the West Antarctica cannot become An orderly whole, but what the three major forces didn’t expect was that the “Western Gate” was later established under a very powerful combination of casual cultivators, with the intention of changing the situation in the West Antarctic Inland Sea, and they almost succeeded in doing this. During the development and growth of "Western Pole Gate", it gradually has a tendency to unify the Western Antarctic Inland Sea. Several leading figures are also in a period of rapid development of cultivation and promotion. The three major inland forces seem to There is hope that I can rely on my own efforts to break through and enter the world of Dengxian! Under such circumstances, the three major inland forces also made their own actions, directly interfering with the breakthrough process of these monks, leading to the decline of the later "Western Gate", and later in order to strengthen their understanding of the West Under the control of the inland sea, the three major inland forces supported the'Three Western Hegemony' to ensure that the development of the Western Polar Inland Sea is under their control. This is the reason why these thugs can always exist. With the continuous input and partial acquiescence of the three major inland forces, the existence of thugs has become a unique landscape in the West Antarctic Inland Sea.

After thinking about it, Lin Hang nodded and said, "Well, teacher, what you said is very reasonable. Originally, I was planning to wait for my free time to clean up these mob forces in the West Antarctica. Now it seems that the existence of these thugs can just become the object of our Huaxia disciples’ experience. According to the information I have inquired about, the forces of these thugs and criminals have existed in this Western Polar Inland Sea for too long. Some of them are no smaller than some of the large forces in the Western Antarctic Inland Sea, so their strength has the opportunity to pose a partial threat to our disciples in China. Under such circumstances, As long as we prepare in advance, we can screen out the most suitable extermination actions for our disciples. After that, we only need to publish related tasks for our Huaxia disciples to carry out, plus our behind the scenes. Invisible attention, there won't be any big problems!"

Although these thugs are not small in scale and have taken root in the Western Antarctic Inland Sea for many years, they are a very troublesome existence for many people and cannot be completely eliminated in a true sense. However, for Lin Hang, such a rich means For the fairy cultivator, it just takes some time, energy and hands and feet. Lin Hang has the confidence that if he puts in all his energy, he can eliminate most of the thugs and criminals in one day. This is what he wanted to do For the peaceful development of the Western Antarctic Inland Sea, such a move is also very inevitable, but now Wang Lao’s suggestion has given a better solution to this matter, which can solve the threat of these thugs in the future. Disruption and disturbance can also find a way for the many disciples of China to find the most suitable way for them to develop. Lin Hang is also very satisfied with the current situation.

Old Wang smiled and nodded, and said, "Well, Hang'er, in fact, this matter has your avatar to pay attention to. These disciples of China basically won’t have any problems when performing tasks. It’s just this arrangement. It can only last for a while. Although the power of those thugs is relatively difficult for our disciples, it will be cleared directly by our disciples sooner or later. At that time, we should worry about the follow-up. So I think we should plan ahead, think about the plan that should be done at that time at the present time, and make preparations in advance. If this is the case, there is no need to go there again. Burnt out!"

Lin Hang nodded, then pondered for a while, and then replied, "Well, teacher, you are right. We really need to consider this issue in advance. Now that we have solved the problem of our disciples’ experience, can we Focus on the first choice we have ever considered? Although this area of ​​the West Antarctica is full of unknown dangers, if we can explore it in advance, it is not impossible that this place will become us. Controllable dangerous experience areas. In this case, as long as we can be more careful in the follow-up, these areas of the West Antarctica that we have explored can also be used as follow-up experience sites for our disciples in China. In this case, there should be no problem. There will be no faults in the stage of the Chinese disciples' experience, and the disciples' progress will be more stable, and there will be no major jams!"

The situation Lin Hang thinks is that he is now starting to explore the western polar sea area as his own clone. In this case, he only needs to be careful about Lin Hang, and nothing will happen unexpectedly. In this case Not only can we get a good understanding of the secrets and circumstances of the West Pole, but also prepare a place suitable for many of China's disciples to experience. This is also a relatively good plan that Lin Hang can think of.

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