I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 705

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:06:01 AM

Chapter 705: ignore

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Lao Wang also nodded. Lin Hang's method is considered to be quite good. He knew that Lin Hang said that he wanted to explore the area off the West Pole. He must not have entered as the deity at the beginning. It is the current attitude of the three major forces of Ziwei Emperor and the secretly revealed information about the West Antarctica by the three major forces. They all make them understand that this area of ​​the West Antarctica is definitely not so easy to enter easily. At that time, the three major forces in the inland sent so many cultivators to climb the fairyland, aggressively trying to conquer the western seas, so as to expand their territory and obtain more development resources, but the team with such a strong hard power is still Retreated in a very short period of time, and also paid a lot of price for the death of the cultivators who climbed into the fairyland. According to them, there are things far beyond the realm of virtual fairy in the west pole. In this case, if If the deity of Lin Hang enters, there is a possibility of being planted in the district without being careful.

Old Wang nodded and said, "Well, Hang'er, your clone is indeed the most suitable one to do such a thing, but you must be more cautious when entering the sea outside the West Pole. When it’s difficult, you must be alert for the first time. You must know that although your clone is invincible, if you run into an opponent with a special spirit, you may be able to follow the connection between your clone and the deity directly. If the deity launches an attack, then it will be very dangerous, so even if the clone enters the western seas, you must be cautious, and you must not lose awe because the clone is not dead! What we don't know in this world There are too many methods, you must always be vigilant!"

Lin Hang looked at Wang Lao’s solemn expression, nodded heavily, and then said, "Teacher, don’t worry! I will be cautious. If I encounter invincible trouble, I will retreat as soon as possible. If I can’t retreat, I will also release my contact with the clone as soon as possible. I know that my safety is the most important thing. I will not put myself in danger because of this kind of thing. You can be considered as such for the past few years. Watching me grow, so don’t worry about this!"

Lao Wang knew about Lin Hang’s temperament. This was also the concern he naturally showed as Lin Hang’s teacher. At this time, seeing Lin Hang’s solemn attitude toward him, Wang Lao also let go. The next development is almost discussed. Wang Lao also left directly to find his other two disciples Hu Lingfeng and Huazhi. Now besides Lin Hang, Wang Lao also has two more disciples, and now After Wang broke into the realm of virtual immortality, he also completed a transformation of the law of space. Regarding this, Wang naturally wanted to bring his own insights to his disciples, so in his free time , They usually go to watch the cultivation of Hu Lingfeng and Huazhi. This is also what Wang Lao has been busy with recently.

After Mr. Wang left, Lin Hang originally wanted to plan his next trip to the West Antarctica, but when he blinked, he noticed Liu Ruyan’s expression, which made Lin Hang's brow frown. Based on Lin Hang's understanding of Liu Ruyan, Liu Ruyan's expression at this time was obviously something, but he was only in the entanglement that he didn't know whether to say or not, so he would behave like this. When Mr. Wang was still there, Liu Ruyan was not unusual. Now, after Mr. Wang left, Liu Ruyan didn't hide anything. Lin Hang knew that Liu Ruyan must have something important to tell him.

And thinking of this, Lin Hang also feels that he has been busy with the establishment of "Hua Xia Gate" for a period of time recently, as well as negotiating with the three major inland forces. Later, there was an arrangement for many of China’s disciples. All these things consumed Lin. Hang’s entire mental effort made him a little ignorant of Liu Ruyan, but Liu Ruyan has always been very sensible, knowing what Lin Hang’s focus is at each stage, and also knowing Lin Hang’s goal. So I didn't mean to bother Lin Hang, but from the current situation, Lin Hang is also very curious. What is the reason that Liu Ruyan can show such a look?

Regarding Liu Ruyan, Lin Hang is naturally not sloppy, so he asked directly with concern, "Yan'er, what's wrong with you? I can feel that when you know that I'm going to explore the western polar ocean, your My mind feels a little restless. Are you worried about the dangers I will encounter after entering the West Pole? Don’t worry, just like what I said with the teacher, I have my own considerations and measures, absolutely I won’t make jokes about my life safety. This time I entered the outer seas of the West Pole for the first time and explored only my clone. You don’t need to worry too much about this kind of thing. Although my clone might not be strong enough to exist. Something beyond the realm of virtual immortality, but the ability to detect and conceal is still very good. As long as I can pay more attention to it, there will be no danger!"

After Lin Hang's words, Liu Ruyan shook his head, but the look in his eyes was still more worried. After a period of struggle and entanglement, Liu Ruyan also said, "Xiao Hang, no Yes, I am more in favor of the fact that your clone enters the outer waters of the West Antarctica for exploration. I also know that your temperament will not go wrong, so I am not very worried. What I am worried about is It's another matter. And about this matter, I have been entangled and hesitated for a long time in my heart. I don't know whether to tell you or not, because this matter involves too much, I don't know the current situation. Will it cause some hindrance to your plan when you come out, so I have been dragging it until now, I really struggled and I don’t know what to do!

Lin Hang also showed distress when seeing Liu Ruyan, who was a little bit painful at this time. In his impression, Liu Ruyan had always been relatively calm and calm, and such behavior was rarely seen, and Liu Ru Once Yan showed such behavior, Lin Hang understood that the things Liu Ruyan encountered basically had nothing to do with Lin Hang. Otherwise, Liu Ruyan's temperament would have made a decision directly, absolutely impossible. It will be like this. Lin Hang realized that Liu Ruyan must have been in his busy time and had to bear too much for him.

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