I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 706

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:06:00 AM

Chapter 706: clue

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Lin Hang took Liu Ruyan into his arms with some pity, and then said softly, "Yan'er, no matter what problems you encounter, I think you should tell me as soon as possible! You have to know, although these At that time, I was busy with China affairs, but your position in my heart is irreplaceable. I don’t want you to fall into this entanglement because of me! So, what happened to you, tell me. ?"

Liu Ruyan buried her head in Lin Hang's chest. She felt an unprecedented tranquility at this time, and then after a while, after a hum, she finally chose to speak, "Xiao Hang, actually here After coming to Ziwei Emperor Star for the second time, I already had a special feeling, that is, in the outer sea area of ​​the West Pole, there may be something I need! You know, the last time I arrived At the time here, my cultivation base did not reach the peak of the tribulation period, so there is no strange performance. Now I am at the extreme of the tribulation period. The next step is to break through and enter the fairyland. The conditions for me to climb into the fairyland are all right in the sea outside the West Pole!"

Speaking of this, Lin Hang also roughly understood what Liu Ruyan meant. When Liu Ruyan entered Ziwei Emperor Star this time, he had already sensed a clue to the conditions of his climbing in the fairyland, but because the clue pointed to that. The area outside the West Pole made Liu Ruyan entangled at the very beginning. She also understood that when Lin Hang first came to Ziwei Emperor Star, there were still several important things to do, so she kept silently. Accompanied by Lin Hang, pressing his own affairs to the present, and now that Lin Hang is about to set off to explore the outer waters of the West Pole, Liu Ruyan has been stuck in entanglement, so he also told his own affairs at this time. She didn’t want Lin Hang to accommodate her, but this matter had always been held in her heart, and it had already affected her daily life. So at this time, regardless of Lin Hang’s considerations and thoughts, Liu Ruyan finally It was decided to tell Lin Hang about this matter, so at least she would feel much better in her heart.

Lin Hang gently rubbed Liu Ruyan’s hair. Of course he knew that Liu Ruyan didn’t want to cause him trouble, so he would keep this matter in his heart until Lin Hang’s everything was resolved. This incident was just to make my heart feel better, and there was no intention of interfering with Lin Hang’s next plan. At this time, Lin Hang felt a little more distressed and guilty about Liu Ruyan, which he couldn’t see. In the corner, Liu Ruyan really paid a lot for him.

Lin Hang had already made a direct decision in his heart at this time, and said, "Yan'er, there are clues to your next breakthrough into the fairyland in the outer seas of the West Antarctica, and we can't ignore such things and treat them lightly. , Don’t worry, I will do my best to help you achieve such a thing! However, my idea is that we have never experienced the dangers of the West Antarctic sea area, which can make the three major inland forces fear like a snake, we Of course you have to really take it to heart!"

As he said, Lin Hang held Liu Ruyan on Liu Ruyan’s shoulders with both hands, held Liu Ruyan in his arms from behind, and then said, “So, this time, I don’t approve of you and me entering this western polar ocean together. Yes, you know that this time I am only going to enter the West Antarctica as a clone to explore the sea. After all, we don’t know anything about it. If you and I enter rashly, if something goes wrong, I Will regret to death!"

Liu Ruyan also knows what Lin Hang meant, and the dangers in the area outside the West Pole. After she said this time that she had been entangled in the recent period, her mood had improved a lot, and she didn't have to bear with herself. It’s a difficult stage alone. She actually didn’t mean to join Lin Hang’s team in this first exploratory exploration. Looking at Lin Hang’s meaning now, it is clear that there is a way to use other special methods. Do such a thing for her.

Lin Hang already had a plan in his heart, and at this time he returned to his smile, and then said, "Yan'er, do you still remember that the Witch Clan has a traditional technique called "The Art of Common Mind and Soul"?"

Liu Ruyan nodded. She still heard of this Wu Clan’s "The Art of Harmony Between Mind and Mind". It is a special technique for high-level magic and insight inheritance. The caster can use this Relying on "The Art of Common Communicating Between Mind and Mind", and then use my own mind to link the consciousness of any number of other people together. In this way, part of my own insight can be passed to other minds through this "Art of Common Mind and Mind". Among human souls, it is undoubtedly able to greatly increase the speed of other people's learning spells, but the drawbacks of such spells are also very obvious, that is, the loss of innovation and creativity, after all, the monks also emphasized more in the later stages. The development of one’s own path, but the experience and insights passed on by people using this "Common Skill of Mind and Mind" belong to other people, which imposes a lot of restrictions on the subject invisibly, although It is possible to obtain a powerful magical practice progress and experience in a short period of time, but this is something that belongs to other people. If you can’t get out of your own path, your future achievements will still not be very high, so this is the reason. Although the effect of the magic technique is very powerful, it is not used very frequently among the witches. The main reason is that it is in a position that conflicts with the orthodox training path of the monk, which is very embarrassing. This is also the case. The reason for the sorcery is very unpopular.

It’s just that in addition to inheriting the technique, Liu Ruyan also has the function of sharing feelings and experiences. Liu Ruyan is also an intelligent person, and he immediately understood Lin Hang’s meaning in Liu Ruyan’s soul. It is full of feelings about the West Pole sea. If he can pass his feelings to Lin Hang through such a spell, then Lin Hang will also have feelings about the conditions of Liu Ruyan ascending the Immortal Gate. It’s certainly not as strong as Liu Ruyan’s feelings, but it’s already the best way that Liu Ruyan can do it without entering this western polar sea area, as long as Lin Hang’s clone can sense some If anything, then after exploring here again, you can have a more targeted arrangement. That's where Lin Hang's real plan lies.

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