I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 708

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:05:59 AM

Chapter 708: set off

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In Liu Ruyan’s concerned gaze, Lin Hang was also silently feeling the extra induction in his mind. After he accepted Liu Ruyan’s brand at this time, he also had an extra kind of feeling for the distant West Antarctica. Strong induction. At the beginning, this induction almost made him unable to hold himself. He had an impulse to directly rush towards the western polar sea area. It is precisely because of this that Lin Hang took another few minutes. After adapting to this feeling, Lin Hang also nodded to Liu Ruyan after he was able to control it a little bit, indicating that there was nothing wrong with him.

Lin Hang and Liu Ruyan are located on Fenglei Island at this time, and Fenglei Island is also very remote. They are at the junction of the West Antarctic Inland Sea and the West Antarctic Sea, although there are no two places. The boundary is restricted, but everyone understands that these two places are completely different places, and Lin Hang is very close to this western polar sea area at this time, so the induction in his brain is even stronger, he can't help but remember During this period of time, Liu Ruyan spent most of his time on this island of wind and thunder. He had to endure such impulse and suffering every day, and he had to show him as if nothing had happened. Lin Hang's heart A wave of guilt emerged again.

Liu Ruyan watched Lin Hang without speaking for a long time, and asked again, "Xiao Hang, how about it? There is no big problem, right?"

For the first time, Liu Ruyan thought of still caring about Lin Hang’s condition, but he did not expect that Lin Hang did not answer. He directly stretched out his hand to pull Liu Ruyan into his arms, and was in such a quiet distance by Lin Hang. Upon contact, Liu Ruyan's heart felt shame, and he whispered softly, "Xiaohang, what are you doing.."

Lin Hang still didn’t answer. He still hugged Liu Ruyan quietly without saying anything. After the silence lasted for a while, Lin Hang said, "Yan'er, don’t worry, this time you enter In the area outside the West Pole, I will find the clues for you to break the door of your fairyland!"

Liu Ruyan didn't say anything, and nodded lightly with an "um", and moved in Lin Hang's arms, looking for a more comfortable position, quietly enjoying the two of them with Lin Hang. A rare time together.

After confirming the goal of entering the outer waters of the West Pole this time, Lin Hang did not delay. On the second day, he made a strong clone with all his strength. The cultivation base of this clone was only It's only one step away from Lin Hang. Although he cannot exceed Lin Hang's cultivation base limit, with the help of his changeable abilities, he also has extremely powerful exploration and concealed escape capabilities. Lin Hang does not expect how much his clone has With powerful combat power, he only hopes that his clone can explore for him some valuable information about this western polar sea area, and Liu Ruyan's clues to break the conditions of his own fairyland.

Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan, as well as Lin Hang's deity, are all looking at this clone at this time. They all understand that due to the lack of information, this time the exploration of the western sea area is actually full of dangers. , This clone may not be able to return, and this clone also carries a lot of the power of Lin Hang himself. Once it is damaged, it may have a relatively large impact on Lin Hang himself, so Wang Both Lao and Liu Ruyan's expressions are more solemn, if possible, how are they willing to let Lin Hang do such a dangerous thing?

Lin Hang himself didn't have any thoughts. He laughed and said to Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan with a smile, "Teacher, Yan'er, don't you put on such an expression, okay? My clone is just entering here. It’s just the exploration of the West Pole off the coast, it’s not necessarily planted in it, right? I feel that my recent fortune is with me, this time the exploration of the West Pole off the coast may be very smooth, we are just outside here waiting for me Let’s tell you the good news!"

Lin Hang's clone also smiled at Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan, and then rushed directly into the sea in front of Fenglei Island. The environment here is even worse than Fenglei Island. Wind and thunder surging is just normal, and there are more. The big waves and black fog exist, and the external environment is also very dangerous. Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan looked at the forward-looking avatar of Lin Hang, and fell into silence together.

Lin Hang continued to comfort him, "Teacher, Yan'er, don’t be like this. Our impressions of the outer seas of the West Antarctica are based on the descriptions of the three major inland forces. Their goal is to conquer the outer seas of the West Antarctica. Regional, so I received a very strong resistance, and I was different this time, I would hide my figure just to explore some news, plus my abilities far stronger than them, basically There will be no danger, let's go busy with the recent experience of the Huaxia disciple!"

Lin Hang has already said this, Wang Lao and Liu Ruyan have no choice but to follow Lin Hang to the original Dengxian Island, where many of their Chinese disciples, including Ye Lao, are gathered here. And the group of disciples who were later selected by Lin Hang from China to participate in the training. In addition to the day when Lin Hang’s clone entered the offshore area of ​​the West Pole, it was also selected by Wang Lao and Lin Hang. The days when Chinese disciples experienced the road.

And when the three rushed to Dengxian Island, many of these Huaxia disciples were also prepared. They had also spent a long time in this West Antarctica inland sea, so for some auras above the Ziwei Emperor Star The distribution and the rules and regulations have all been adapted, and their own accumulation and perception have reached a certain stage, and then blindly practicing hard does not have much effect, so they urgently need some experience to improve themselves The experience and insights, maybe there will be opportunities to help them, so that they can get a greater improvement, today they also received notice in advance, they are about to be assigned an important task, so everyone is very excited, early in the morning Gathered here.

After the Lin Hang trio appeared, the noise in the field also stopped. They knew that the Lin Hang trio were going to assign tasks for them. They also looked forward to it. The vastness and richness of the West Antarctic Inland Sea are above the stars. Incomparable, after they practiced, they are also very much looking forward to the situation in the West Inner Sea. Now depending on the situation, they will soon participate in the excitement of this West Inner Sea. Everyone can't suppress their own feelings.

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