I Can Copy Everything - Chapter 71

Published at 10th of June 2024 08:27:08 AM

Chapter 71: Intelligence at hand

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After more than an hour, Ronal in the cave woke up leisurely.

Because of Lin Hang's orders, only Lin Hang and Ronal were left in the cave. Ronal shook his head and tried to open his confused eyes. Seeing the scene in front of him, Ronal was a little suspicious of his eyes.

What caught Ronal’s eyes was his bedroom, as if the attack on him was just a dream, but Ronal is not so easy to be fooled, he said in a deep voice, "Your Excellency has caught me here. , There is no need to play this kind of trick! If you have anything, just ask directly, don’t let me underestimate you!"

As Ronal's voice fell, the original ‘Ronald’s bedroom’ instantly returned to its original shape, and the bare cave looked extremely gloomy.

Lin Hang also showed his body shape and said while applauding, "Mr. Ronal deserves to be Oakley's capable man! With the psychic energy sealed, he can see through my illusion so easily, not bad. ,not bad!"

Ronal looked at the unfamiliar black man in front of him, and thought about it carefully. There is no such person among the strong men he has an impression of. He asked in a deep voice, "Who are you? A character like you shouldn't have been in obscurity for so many years, but how could I have never heard of you?"

Lin Hang smiled and said, "Mr. Ronal, don't forget your current situation! You are my prisoner, how can you ask me? I advise you to answer my questions obediently. Otherwise you will regret it!"

After talking about this, Lin Hang did not talk nonsense with Ronal anymore, and activated the "Fantasy" ability. With the spread of Lin Hang's psychic energy, Ronal's eyes gradually became confused, and Lin Hang obviously broke through his mental defense. , Next, Lin Hang made Ronal feel a kind of absolute darkness and loneliness. In such an environment, over time, he would fall into despair. Therefore, after five seconds, Lin Hang brought Ronal's consciousness back to reality.

Ronal, who replied, couldn't help supporting his hands on the ground and panting heavily. The feeling just now was really terrifying. In an absolutely dark and lonely space, there was no sound, no vision, and even other feelings were deprived. This is a feeling of despair.

Lin Hang stood beside Ronal and said with a smile, "Mr. Ronal, how do you like it?"

Ronal looked at Lin Hang with his white teeth in front of him, and shouted angrily, "You devil! If you have the ability to kill me, I will not betray my organization!"

Lin Hang didn't feel angry at all, but smiled more intensely. His right index finger lightly touched Ronal's forehead. In an instant, Ronal was pulled into the lonely space again. Ten seconds later, Lin Hang brought him back.

Looking at Ronal who was pale, Lin Hang smiled and asked, "Mr. Ronal, we still have a lot of time. You can keep silent, I'm very patient!"

Some desperate Ronal hammered his hands heavily on the ground, resentful, but couldn't vent. After a while, he even cried. It is hard to imagine that a powerful supernatural player would be forced into such a situation by Lin Hang.

Two hours later, Lin Hang walked out of the cave and looked at the long-awaited Tian Dayong and the three people. Lin Hang gave an'OK' gesture and did not go to Ronal in the cave. He took the three back. In the city of Grimbia.

In the room, Lin Hang shared the information he had obtained with the three of them.

Lin Hang took a sip of tea slowly, moisturizing the dry throat just because of interrogation. After a while, he said, "This time our decision to capture Ronaldo is really great! Ronal's position in Ultron is higher than we thought. He is following Oakley all the way. The old man who came over was basically the second-in-command of "Ultron". As Oakley slowly turned behind the scenes and became the foundation of the entire organization, the operation and management of "Ultron" was basically handled by him alone. . So, Ronal's belly is very valuable!"

Everyone nodded and was a little excited. The action was so smooth, and everyone's mood improved a lot.

Tian Dayong asked, "This Ronal is quite strong, why is he so weak in front of you, Lin Hang? I have shaken everything out for you, does he still think about his organization?"

The two Jiang Huacong were also very puzzled, because in their minds, they would rather die than sell a little bit of information about China, this is their mission as China's soldiers. Although this Ronal is not a soldier, he is the second-in-command of the organization, and it is really incredible that he would hand over the secrets of his organization so easily.

Lin Hang smiled and said, "I use the interrogation of "Fantasy" to test a person's willpower. People who are not very strong will not be able to resist it. Trust me, you will not want me to test you. This trick."

Now that Lin Hang had completed the interrogation, everyone did not delve into the process and began to inquire about the plan of "Ultron".

Lin Hang's expression became serious and said, "After my interrogation of Ronal, I found that "Ultron" had been preparing for this thing for some years. According to Ronal, I got this thing. Klee can not only break through the innate quickly, but even reach the legendary state above the innate in his lifetime! And they are not very clear about the origin of this thing, they only know the function of the legend. And their exploration It has been quite effective, and the location has probably been locked. From my point of view, no matter whether this thing is so magical or not, we cannot let Oakley get it, and we cannot allow changes in the United States that China can not control."

The three nodded. As members of the Chinese military, naturally they would not have seen this happen.

Lin Hang arranged the next plan, "According to Ronal’s intelligence, they divided a total of 20 teams and searched in the forests of eastern Grimbia. My plan is that we secretly replace one of them. Squad, get into their team so that no matter what happens next, we can also adapt to the situation. What do you think?

Tian Dayong nodded in agreement, and asked, "Then what about Ronaldo, do you want to slap him..." he stroked his neck heavily.

Lin Hang shook his head and said, "Not for the time being. We just need to make sure to keep him here. His life is preserved, and I have other uses."

Ronal was temporarily placed in this cave by them, ready to wait until their actions are over.

Looking at the current time, Ronal’s incident should have been spread to Oakley’s side, but Lin Hang guessed that Oakley would not have thought that Ronal would reveal the organization’s top secret information, so Lin Hang decided to replace it next. To speed up the pace.

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